Types of Reply I am Unlikely to Upvote

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I was inspired by this post to say a few things about the comments I typically receive. A lot of it will just be a re-tread of what's written there, but I'd also like to expand on it in some areas.

Ever since the hard fork there's been an apparent deluge of new users into Steemit who do not speak English, or speak broken English. This is a somewhat understandable reason for replies like "Excellent post yes I love it!!!" and the occasional head scratcher like "Hello beautiful brother you are writing such wonderful post again, I am wish that you should come check out my post and blessings to you if you upvote and follow yes thank you dear friend xxoo"

I don't begrudge that sort of thing, necessarily. I guarantee they speak my language better than I speak theirs. What I have a problem with is 1. Constant begging for follows and upvotes, 2. Advertising their own content in my comments section, and 3. Obvious signs that they did not read the article.

A one sentence reply containing nothing specific to the article for example. Or when all they do is copy and paste a little bit of text from the article and comment briefly on it, almost always text from the first few sentences in the article, which tells me they did that in order to give the impression that they read it.

Why would I upvote "Pls upvote"? Why would I follow someone who says "U follow me I follow u"? It also doesn't help to try and dress it up by writing a paragraph or so of flattery when it still ultimately ends with a plea to upvote and follow. That does not work here.

I chalk it up to cultural differences mostly. I think many of the countries these commenters come from are more frank and straightforward on the internet than is typical in the US or most of Europe. If you check out /r/indianpeoplefacebook or this Indian music video about Facebook etiquette, you'll see what I mean. (Not to single out India. Arabic and Chinese posters also commonly do these things.)

That sort of thing doesn't go over well with Steemians from Western countries. It's considered obnoxious, low effort and insincere. As the other article explains, if you're getting started and desperate for upvotes, the best thing you can do is focus on churning out quality content.

There's also the post promotion section of Steemit chat where you can promote each of your posts once per day, as well as various Steemit focused Facebook groups set up specifically for sharing your posts.

That is a more appropriate place to promote your content than in the comments section of my articles. If you hope to entice me to follow you, the way to do that is by writing long, detailed comments which demonstrate that you fully read the article and have your own interesting thoughts about it. This will always at least get an upvote from me, and odds are good I'll check out your profile to see what your content is like.

Anyways I've been fairly liberal with upvotes so far and I plan to continue because I like to share my success and it costs me nothing to do so. But I'd also like it if I didn't get so many "Waooww best articel!!" type comments, and people trying to make it look like they read more than a few sentences when they didn't. That's just my plea to you though, do what you want.

Those of you who don't do this, none of what's written here applies to you. I have a few really valued commenters who routinely come up with fascinating new angles on what I've written that didn't occur to me. You know who you are, rest assured you're not the topic of this article and I treasure each of you.


My very favourite thing about your type of article is reading the comments that follow. I'm waiting for "nice photo, that looks like a great place".

The funny thing is, that also happened on the article that inspired this one.

Definitely seems to be the common issue here around steemit and what separates the small, decent, large earners here from Steemit. I even know some steemit users who ask me how I end up getting about $10 comments, and I just simply tell them, actually read a post and give thoughtful feedback. Even then, some folks can't even do that properly unfortunately. Some people don't want to take the initiative or time to read someone's post and be respectful enough to give considerate feedback. Some people want to waste your time, and devalue your voting power, etc. Anyway, good insight, I'll see ya around my friends ✊️

I totally hear you man. There are many bots that are going around commenting random shit hoping they'd get paid. They even lie about upvoting you or following you! It pisses me off, especially when I see such comments get paid! Unfortunately, many users who are generous with upvoting comments fall for their trap...

I still want to be generous because it costs me nothing and many of these people live in worse economic conditions. I just also want a better quality post to shitpost ration in the comments section than Youtube.

I hear you but technically speaking, it does cost you! You should check this post out and see how much some people have been "earning" by self-upvoting. Like @ausbitbank was saying in his post, there are some people who are raping the system through self-upvoting. And I'm not sure if the bot-makers live in third-world countries! And even if they do, they have some good programming skills so they can get a good job. Not everyone can make a commenting bot for steemit!

Oh, I didn't know. I don't self-upvote unless I want my comment to go to the top so the author sees it, because I want their take on my idea or something. And of course to boost my posts in the site listings. It looks like that's enough to put me on that list, however.

And I'm not sure if the bot-makers live in third-world countries!

The ones I'm thinking of speak broken English, often have selfies for their avatars which show they are clearly Indian or Arabic, and have names typical of those regions. But of course there are Westerners who do this too. Maybe it's just confirmation bias, and I'm only remembering the ones that were funny to me because of their mangled Engrish.

Fair enough but let's not forget that we have many refugees and/or immigrants living in the West who can't speak proper English! :P

And furthermore, you might not recognize the ones with good English, because their bots are obsequious, but more subtly so. Like, "Ha!" on a post in "funny" is probably a good bet. Sometimes I want to write that because my voting power is low, but I have nothing to add to the conversation, and I just want the author to know I liked their joke. It's rough, yo.

Wow, I guess it never occurred to me that self upvoting was even a thing. That would feel too much like patting myself on the back and buying myself a coke for making an argument that I agree with and saying "Awesome job bro! Keep it up!"

Though I can see some instances where using it as a form of 'influence' could be used for a good reason.

Also, your voting power is down below 20%! You can reward people or yourself MUCH MORE if you maintain that power above 80% at least! It takes about 24 hours for it to recharge 20%. Your upvote's value can increase 4-5 times if you let it recharge back to 100%! Just saying...

I like to be generous though. I guess I can give that a shot, but it will mean a brief upvote dry spell for my followers...

I don't think your commenters/followers would mind, man. At least the loyal ones. I'm happy to receive an upvote from you when I leave them, but that's not why I'm leaving them. I just like to interact with people on here and enjoy your works and wanna let you know.

I don't think it would be a big deal to not receive upvotes for a couple of days so you could let your voting power go back up, bro. But, that's just me.

You can try upvoting with a smaller percentage in the meantime. Overall, it will be better for everyone because your upvote's value will increase 4-5 times once your power is back above 80%! :]

I have been grateful for your generosity on this platform. It has encouraged me both as a reader and as a writer.

Cheers to better comments.


It makes a lot of sense why you would feel this way as you seem to focus more on authoring and receiving thorough feedback. I get a little annoyed as well with the plethora of 'shitty' comments to be curt. I'm not sure exactly their demographic, I haven't really delved to deep into whose writing what, but sometimes it's best to not comment at all. I do, however, feel for some people who are trying to make a name for themselves. I aslo think a lot people might be scared to be harsh on the platform cause they don't want to get down-voted or silenced.


People should stop begging for upvotes and write some quality content instead. That's just my opinion

Few contents I wish to copy paste here

"Why would I upvote "Pls upvote"? Why would I follow someone who says "U follow me I follow u"?"
Yeah that's something really weird! I have decided to remove most of following people from my account. Coz, I feel they are not worth enough to be there.

""Waooww best articel!!" type comments"
Your writings, yeah actually I can never do that! Your effort is really high and I can't imagine I can put that much of effort. So I never tried to do writings. But I think without reading what you have write there, commenting for UpVotes should not be done!
It's very easy to say ""Waooww best article", but no one know the effort of yours!

Somehow my voting power is not worth enough, and still new to STEEM so a minnows. But you made a fan and fan will do what he always do! Don't stop, we need more writing from you! And wish one day you will print books from those novels and stories!


Not to worry, even with your short replies it was always clear you weren't just a bot or spammer.


I think new people dont understand what steemit tries to be.
they think if they have a lot of followers they will get more upvotes- but in fact, they should look for people with the same interest and concentrate on solid content.

Exactly. It's like focusing on getting return customers for your business. Reliable Steemit income can result from even a single whale provided they dig your content enough to upvote it every time.


"Waooww best articel!!"

Haha, no sorry. Had to.. I think its an approach. I have seen people from western countries do it too, maybe not as often though. Some people just feel that's the way to do it. They associate followers with success. When really its quality of followers IE: people with related interests or common goals. Those are the good people to have follow you.

Its a follow or an upvote being organic, as opposed to pushed or forced.

I also commented on the post you referenced. For different reasons though haha! but yes the spammy comments have increased which is unfortunate. Anyway, thanks for the thoughts yo. You are appreciated

You too, my computer duder.


I get stupid comments too and it's usually obvious they're from machines/bots. I often reply and tell them to stop spamming people. :/

Yeah, I'm definitely on the same boat with you here, bro. I get especially annoyed with western people who just copy/paste the same 3 replies they've typed up in a specific pattern. I've never understood how they believe doing this is going to net them upvotes and help them get ahead on here.

They at least speak the fucking language well and could spend a few minutes reading through the post they're commenting on and show some respect. Some people really must think this is just a way to get a free lunch basically without putting any effort or work in.

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