Achievement Unlocked: 1,500 Followers!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

How can it be that I passed the 1,000 mark only two months ago? I spent a full year getting to 1,000 but then only two months to add another 500? Holy moly.

I would like to think it's because of the quality of my content, but I put most of that down to Steemit's accelerating growth. So many new people with new perspectives can only be a good thing for this platform.

In case you noticed I've been upvoting less generously as of late, it's to let my voting power regenerate:

Once it's at 100% I'll resume my usual voting patterns albeit perhaps not 100% voting power every time. This will ultimately maximize the amount of STEEM I'm able to distribute to the widest set of people by voting.

Also I am indeed powering down to buy that electric motorcycle, and I hate dipping below 20,000 STEEM but it has to be done. I absolutely must have that bike. However after that I won't power down again probably for many years. I want to keep a minimum of 15,000 STEEM and ideally more like 20,000 in my account at all times so I will benefit from STEEM's continued growth.

I also hope to one day buy a used Tesla Model 3 with Steemit earnings. >:D


Congrats Alex for achieving this milestone! Keep moving bro...


The road to success is not a straight line, so there might be some hard times, I wrote a post in this regard. I hope it keeps you and everyone else motivated:

My Second Introduction and Success Story!

And in the next 5 months, your followers have doubled to the 3k+ it is right now:)

Damn man you are growing so fast, Teslas are so epic. I love the idea of a electric car. You will be at 2k soon enough

Excellent man, you create great content

Congratulations. The reward for good work and good writings

great job alex, keep up the good work with the novels, i just hit the 800 follower mark today, it is very exciting reaching milestones :)

Congrats! Man, I remember 800. It's weird to feel nostalgia for numbers on a website, haha.

I remember when neither of us had more than a few hundred followers. And now look at you. Keep on rocking and rolling, man. You're doing a fantastic job and I'm proud to be one of your followers :D

(´・ω・`) Likewise duder

Now if I can just get my witness node to break even. XD

tbh I don't even know what that is.

Witnesses are the people that solve transaction blocks on the blockchain. They also confirm each new version of Steem when a new hardfork comes out. Basically witnesses do what miners do for Bitcoin, except witness don't get paid for how many transactions they solve. They earn Steem for each block they solve, and the number of blocks they receive to solve is based on their ranking. The more votes a witness has, the more blocks they receive.

Unfortunately, to run a node you need a reliable internet connection and a system with enough RAM to do the calculations within the span of time you're given to solve and enough storage to store the entire blockchain. You can rent a server, which is what I'm doing, but it's not free lol. Right now I'm outside of the top 100, so I've yet to get a block to solve in nearly three weeks. Not exactly a feasible proposition, but I'm going to keep funding it from my posting rewards here and hope I can get a few more votes to bump myself up. If you haven't voted for witnesses before, you can vote at .

Voted for you, hope it helps you out.

Tremendously, thank you!

I am Cornholio! (Whoa! Hm heh... that was cool) I need T.P. for my bunghole! Come out with your pants down!

Yo, that's great, man! Congrats, buddy! I just hit 400 yesterday, really happy about it and I'm looking forward to hitting 500 at some point, haha. Keep up the quality content and you'll hit 2000 in another month or two I'm sure :)

Also, I'm glad that you're getting that bike, man. It looked sick as fuck, and I'm sure you'll be happy with it. Make sure we get some more pictures once it's in your garage :P

You know it.

That's a really big accomplishment , you have made it so far and written some outstanding work for the community and I enjoy your bike stories , short stories and chapter stories . I hope you get 1000s and 1000s more to come .

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