Achievement Unlocked: 1,000 Followers!

in #steemit7 years ago

This charming caricature of me courtesy of the talented Laura Lemons

What a wild ride it's been. One year on Steemit, and a thousand followers. Four digits! Where does the time go? Where did all those profits go? I really need to save more, which I've begun to. What a distant dream this seemed when I first started out.

I remember the long, slow grind up to 100 followers when I started last July. I remember how excited I was when I first managed to withdraw a paltry $30 and spent some of it on a burrito. What an incredible thing it was (and still is) to have generated real money that I could spend on real things, just by writing the sort of stuff I would anyway.

I would like to say I earned it all, but that's a cognitive bias. There's a tendency to selectively ignore the role luck played in success, especially once you've made it. The truth is, you can be the most talented content producer on Steemit but still get nowhere if nobody notices you. I languished in obscurity for long enough that I know what I'm talking about.

I have nice things I didn't before, and I'm not just keeping my head above water. I am surviving comfortably now, my goal at this point is to start saving. I should've started much sooner, but better late than never. Ideally I want to get to a steady $200 per day since I can only freely access half of it. $100 per day is about what I used to make doing Xbox tech support.

I haven't forgotten what it was like to be a minnow, however. I'm generous with my upvotes and always on the lookout for detailed, well researched, high effort content so I can follow those who produce it. I've helped my friends first, but I make no apologies for that because many were in desperate situations.

I'll now focus on helping others out of that pit of obscurity that I was trapped in early on. I'm the type to send down the ladder so more can climb it, not cut off the bottom rungs to prevent anybody else from joining me up top. My own success is not enough to satisfy me. I want everybody to succeed.

There will be some changes, now that I've reached 1,000 followers. Because my audience is now more than double what it was when I last posted my short fiction, I plan to repost it, but properly divided into parts like my last few stories. Besides stretching it out over more posts for obvious reasons, it's more readable, as most do not have the time to sit down and read fiction for several hours per day.

Don't imagine it'll all be rehashed content, though! Those of you who have already read through my oeuvre, not to worry. I will also be posting two original articles per day, and if my earnings continue to increase as they have been over the past week, possibly three (for a total of four articles per day).

That's the same level of output I was managing last Summer. It's a larger workload but writing is the easiest thing in the world for me, and given how handsomely Steemit rewards my efforts, I find it difficult to restrain myself. My deep thanks to all of you, my beauties, my dedicated fans, for putting me where I am today. I will not forget that help, and will continue adding my upvotes to the rising tide which is said to lift all boats.


Great stuff. Like your posts. Always filled with quality post. Following in your footsteps. Hard work , I know, but worth it. Just grind it out. Put blinders on and see results down the line. Congtratulations on your achievement. Well earned. Go Steemit.

Congratulations on the 1000 followers @alexbeyman! Your hard work over the last year has paid off, both figuratively and literally :) It's inspiring to hear how far you've come and how've you transitioned from not being noticed to having a voice and feeling like you're being valued. Keep up the great writing, I can tell by following you and browsing your blog that you are focused on quality content.

I look forward to getting to where you are at one of these days, cheers!

Congratulations @alexbeyman ...I hope one day I'll too have 1000 followers...Bless me... :) :) Happy for you:)

Congrates mate@ alexbeyman !!

I see you also have a one year anniversary with Steem. Congratulation on your achievement.

Yo, that's an awesome milestone, man! You're not too far off from 2k posts either! Keep up the good work, hopefully you can get to where you can do 3 or 4 articles a day sometime soon!

congrats :)

Congrats on the 1000 followers!

Let's celebrate it with champaign! :]]]


MAKE THAT 1001 :) Keep up the good work, mate!

Well done bud! Now it is 1001 ;)

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