The dirty secrets of internet marketing and how it all pushed me to Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

So I've been writing on my blog for little over five years now.

By default, as I have to manage the blog, I'm an entrepreneur, in which I studied and learnt internet marketing in order to make money online.

And there's a bunch of dirty secrets you probably don't know about.

Call this a rant from an unhappy blogger, but it is what it is.

I am always keen to learn, but if there was one regret it's that I spent too much time chasing the money and not having enough confidence in myself as a writer; artist.

The folly was mine for sure, but yo, you'd be surprised with the shit entrepreneurs everywhere get away with as they twist their words to manipulate you, the consumer.

Check it!

1) Many entrepreneurs "steal" and are never original

Time and time again, I'd hear about how some entrepreneur proudly talk about their hot, new product which they willingly "reverse engineered."

Those are the safe words used when it comes to stealing.

This is legit though. This is perfectly legal. 

But personally, I find it extremely hypocritical.

They're always so many entrepreneurs who blatantly talk about how they're super passionate about what they do, want to help others and even change the world...

... yet they simply borrow ideas from others and never put in the effort to create their own products.

If you really are passionate about what you do, then have some PRIDE in yourself and create your own shit. This is your heart and soul, and you don't need others' permission to do so. If you think you do, then maybe you aren't really all that.

2) A friendly image is only put up to endear the customer, but it is a lie

I've read so many "About me" and bios about of entrepreneurs who seem so damn positive all the time and they just love life no matter what for some reason.

But they're really not that friendly.

They'd only come to talk to you for the sake of "touching base" or making a "connection", ala networking style. Once they know that they can't get anything from you, they wouldn't give a crap about you.

I've encountered so many of them, even those from around here in person. They're complete fucking assholes. They'd literally talk down to you.

I understand that in business, you'd want something out of a connection based on real results like money, but to put up such a pretentious front on your mission statement or whatever? How about try to be human a little?

3) They don't do their own work

Because they OUTSOURCE or buy some PLR (private label rights) shit.

You can easily do it from some freelance site like Fiverr by hiring some dude in India. 

Again, originality be damned. Do you really think that popular new product you're using is made with love? Think again.

And no, I am not talking about outsourcing in the sense that they need workers to mass-produce their products. I am talking outright LIES about how they claim to create their own products when in reality, they don't at all.

4) They'd exploit the idea that the onus is on YOU, the customer just so you'd fork out the cash

This is what my "mentor" of eons ago taught me. He wasn't really a mentor. I was just dumb enough to buy into his bullshit of making money. He's nowhere to be found now.

"Nobody ever asks for a refund dude"

Apparently, refunds don't usually happen. That is why on sales pages, the refund policies, what with your 2-3 months double-your-money-back guarantees are there. But it's never usually taken seriously. 

No questions asked? They will ask questions. Or they may just ignore you.

That said, if there were refunds, it will never be revealed to you. You just have to ask around and you'd be surprised how many there actually are.

"Nobody ever completes the course dude"

I was selling a 30-day email course once. That guy taught me that nobody would ever finish such a course because... people being people I guess. He was telling me this so I'd stop being so hard up on my product.

Apparently, this is how entrepreneurs start hashing out crappy products that are broken or unfinished. Yes. A lot of products online are not complete.

"If you know that your product will help one person, it's your duty to sell it no matter what!"

This is the mentality a lot of entrepreneurs follow.

The end justifies the means. They'd go all out to sell, then comfort themselves knowing that they made a single person happy despite pissing off a hundred people.

Now you know why they like to talk about ignoring haters and avoid negative people? It's pretty easy to do that when you're making money (through deception.)

5) Most elements are contrived and specifically constructed for the sole purpose of making money

I was once asked to give a testimonial to a fellow marketer. I gave it.

He simply replied, "How about you say this, '[specific testimonial he made up on the spot]' instead?"

Yes. It works that way. Almost everything in business is taught, then used to construct something just so it can be used to make you, the consumer pay.

If you don't believe me, google how writers make up Amazon reviews of their own books.

6) The most common type of business is the type where they teach you how to do the exact same shit, but they would never reveal everything of course

Just look around the internet these days...

What is the most common form of business? I am sure you see it a lot.

"Learn how to create a business online based on your passion!"

"Learn how to create a product that sells easily!"

"Learn how to gain traffic, subscribers and profits!"

This is rampant.

There're many entrepreneurs out there who simply make money by teaching others how to make money.

There're business owners out there whose entire business is based on teaching others how to create a business.

Do you not see the fucking paradox? Do you not see the scheme at play?

They're not selling anything real. They're only selling a system.

It begs to be asked, "If it works so well, why the hell would you teach?"

Because it's super easy. You just need to prey on people's insecurities and unmet desires in life.

Why do you think they'd ALWAYS  bank on the idea of you hating your job, wanting to make more money just so you can travel the world?

I know a friend who has friends in this field by giving seminars. He told me it’s mostly bullshit. The speakers lie outright.

I hate this.

Although this is a sexy niche and a legitimate business, it really grinds my gears whenever I see some blogger who claims to be super passionate about whatever and has some special message for the world.

And after you look deeper, they make money simply by teaching you how to make money or create a business. Go fucking figure.

Also, as a caveat, they'd mostly say that you have to work hard to get results. When you don't get results then, they'd just say that you didn't work hard enough. That's their answer to everything. They'd never reveal their real breadmaker (a lot of advertising money for example.)

7) Money makes it all alright

And that is why they call themselves successful.

A special vision, passion or a genuine will to help others be damned. 

As long as they're making money, they'd always feel that they can get away with it. And because you're suckered into thinking that they're successful (through the factor that is money only), they'd always be lifted up.

Now, add in social media numbers. Do you think anyone would dare challenge their so-called authenticity?

I am a friggin artist. Thanks Steemit

I cringe every damn time I see one of these factors at work. It's like, why should I even bother being genuine or sincere? 

All I ever wanted was to write and be paid for it.

Learning business and marketing is essential, but it's so disillusioning sometimes.

Thanks, Steemit for letting me write on a network for free people who aren't stupid.

Thank you, for definitely not allowing typical, internet marketers game the system here so they can get away with their bullshit.

I shall be sticking around. 


You are so right about incomplete products from many online marketers or would-be mentors. And they do tend to Justify things to themselves, by just regurgitating back to buyers, "Oh, you didn't really work hard enough".

The other thing I love (read "Hate") about many of these gurus is the bullshit they spew - false claims about their passion, or the way they "zero in" on Hot niches .. saying 'oh, you've got to jump on this fast, or Be left behind!'

And scaring a person about Security - i.e, how secure their Wordpress blog is or isn't - while it may be so, I still do not appreciate the 'Scare tactic'.

They manage to leave out certain details, such as the fact if you're not generating much traffic yet to your WP blog, you're not likely to be targeted by these hackers !

Anyhow, thanks for this thought-provoking post . Definitely a winner


Yeah that's what they do.

Those who can't do, teach. No wait, those who can't even do or teach, sell about how they sell.

And it's packed with lies.

Well written and even making money... mission accomplished. But beyond that the ending words ring so true "Thanks, Steemit for letting me write on a network for free people who aren't stupid." Amen to that one.

Happy to have you aboard. Steem is the community of great people all with the same goals. Its away to give the internet back to the people and reward them for what we are able to accomplish. Good read I shall be giving you a follow please follow back and see my articles I think youll find them on interest!

Thank you man. Will check you out!

Hi @aldentan, stopping back to let you know that this post was one of my favourite posts yesterday. You can read my comments about the post here.

Thanks! I just saw this. Sorry for not replying earlier. Reading yours now.

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