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RE: The dirty secrets of internet marketing and how it all pushed me to Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

You are so right about incomplete products from many online marketers or would-be mentors. And they do tend to Justify things to themselves, by just regurgitating back to buyers, "Oh, you didn't really work hard enough".

The other thing I love (read "Hate") about many of these gurus is the bullshit they spew - false claims about their passion, or the way they "zero in" on Hot niches .. saying 'oh, you've got to jump on this fast, or Be left behind!'

And scaring a person about Security - i.e, how secure their Wordpress blog is or isn't - while it may be so, I still do not appreciate the 'Scare tactic'.

They manage to leave out certain details, such as the fact if you're not generating much traffic yet to your WP blog, you're not likely to be targeted by these hackers !

Anyhow, thanks for this thought-provoking post . Definitely a winner



Yeah that's what they do.

Those who can't do, teach. No wait, those who can't even do or teach, sell about how they sell.

And it's packed with lies.

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