Is Second Winter Coming? Make Steem! Not War!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

To be honest I have started here to earn money. But some time ago I noticed it was not only money. Some posts make me think. Some posts make me laugh. It is amazing when you have a connection with people you have even never met. Like some time ago it happened between me and @everlove when I made a "piece of art" with the tatto on the base of her photo . Later it turned out that her daughter had just made tatto at the same place I had made on my picture. Or isn't it nice when you always find a comment to your post from your friend @ace108 . There are many more people who make my days here. The list can be long...

Of course I worry about money. As due to some circumstances I can't work and I was happy to combine pleasant and useful things here. I made ok money some time ago. But not last time. So, I stopped to spend so much time on making posts as I had to look for another sources to earn money.

As for the experiment it is nice to see that there is impact on your rewards from all voters and from your vote to other posts. But you need to be a star here to make good money. And actually it is not bad. Great challenge. Be a star or die! I think I like the trending page more now. At least for now I have less questions to it. May be I need to come back to the beginning of "my career" here and start to work harder again.

On the other hand why are we complaining about rewards. Did anybody promise us anything?

But I kinda miss whales. It was so sweet feeling what if....Like Christmas gift.)))

Pie 50%-50%

I have an idea how to return whales to game.))) I am very far from technologies and methodology. But what if to cut the reward pie into two parts : 50% - 50%. 50% - whales - 50% - others.

And I am calling for stopping wars! Please see my third entry to@papa-pepper's memechallenge.

@papa-pepper is trying to boost morale and increase community fun and interaction Wild and strange contest. Everybody is welcome!

Here is my third entry:

enter image description here

No to the second winter! Let the spring comes!

enter image description here
Image Source


Who knows. Maybe in near future you would earn really good money from steemit :-)

may be))) good luck to you too!

Great post and I agree with you. I love that people are communicating from the very top to the bottom. Before it was not like that. If minnows had said anything about what they were experiencing there was no discussion. The walls were so high it was impossible to see over and now it's different. I hope you continue to see more for you great posts.
giphy (2).gif

Thank you so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Buy steem, no sell?

aha)))) and thank you for your constant support!)))

You're welcome

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