The Feeling of Having 200 SP... for One Week!

in #steemit6 years ago

As I had mentioned on this post, I have found a few contests that help give newbies more exposure. At the beginning of the week, I took part in @danielsaori's Steemit comment challenge 21, in which we had to write a great comment about a selected post. The post for this time had been this one by @theuxyeti, where the author presents a visual mockup of an UI redesign for Steemit that solves a lot of problems the platform has currently, like the lack of notifications, or of information like our voting power percentage, and much more.
Honestly, I had almost given up on entering the contest because we were required to comment about a visual work, but I commented anyway. To my surprise, my comment sparked some nice discussion. As a visually impaired person, I was glad I was able to bring a different "point of view" (pun intended) to the table!

My biggest surprise, though, was that I actually won the second prize! A delegation of 200 SP for one week! I had gone to Steemnow to check my voting power, and almost did a double take when I saw the extra 200 SP. One of my biggest complaints about my journey on Steemit has been that my upvote is worth too little and that I can't properly show support for the content I find. 200 SP was all I needed, only if for just one week! A big thank you to @danielsaori for this amazing opportunity!

With the extra 200 SP, my upvote is worth 0.03. Possibly 0.035 or something like that because I had to lower the slider to 86% on Steemnow's calculator to see how much my voting power would have to lower for the value to drop to 0.02.

Now, on to make the most of the SP before the spell ends...! ;)


I was delegated 75 steempower in a contest held weekly by @abh12345 and just about fell over when I saw that I had won the delegation. Winning 200, well I can only imagine the thrill in that! I would keep your goals high @aiyumi, when I started back in December of last year steem was in the middle of a run on price, straight up, not to mention what happened when it skyrocketed after the first of the year. The reason that is significant is because the reward pool is based so that the smaller fish like us get a bigger piece of the pie so to speak when the price is down because your steempower payout is based on the average price of steem over the time of the listing. So when I started (almost 100 days ago already, lol) it was very hard to move upward and I thought the exact same thing how do these people wind up getting so much? Well, there are times that are easier to accumulate than others. Keep doing what you are doing, you will grow on here much faster than you think. By the way, it's very genius going through your and talking with the people you upvoted from the curation trail. They are all included for a reason and all excellent people to visit with!

Yes, winning the delegation was quite the surprise. I was like, "Let's see... 3 STEEM, 215 SP..." (*startles and eyes widen*) "What!? 215!? But I only had 15 before..." And I had to check again to make sure. Then I saw the post announcing the contest winners and found out I had won the second prize.

Hmm, when you say that it's easier for us smaller fish to collect SP when the STEEM price is down, I assume you're talking about the "phenomenon" discussed in this post by @davemccoy (also plucked from the curation trail upvotes :P ). Before, I had thought the STEEM price drop would be an advantage only to those who have funds to invest in the platform and buy STEEM (something I can't do at the moment). But after reading the post, I think I understand the reward conversions a bit better.

At the current situation, my immediate goal is 22 SP. Then maybe 30, and after that maybe 50... well, one step at a time. Let's see how things will be by then... Unless I start getting very big payouts on my posts, though, 500 SP like the other commenter suggested is unthinkable to me!

PS: I've just noticed that I got 0.001 STEEM in author rewards. And yesterday I had gotten 0.008 STEEM. Weren't rewards either just SP or SBD? Or did something change?

Hello, funny you won the contest first of all. I have never been looking at all the contests myself, just keep doing my thing as I did not come to steemit to blog really. It winds up however, and my first goal of 30SP came quickly. It goes a bit exponential too, once the ball is rolling and you keep tendering it adds up faster and faster.
Those 500 SP will come by in some months, no worry :)

Author rewards depend on your post reward setting, a 50/50 give both SP and SBD.

Funny indeed! I actually am not one for contests myself, but decided to participate in a few, mostly to give my posts some exposure outside of my small follower base. The prize for most of those contests was a Steem Basic Income membership, but I didn't come even close because the winners' content quality was on another level entirely. So, I hadn't expected to win this comment contest at all, especially since I'm visually impaired and we had to comment about a visual work!

Prizes aside, though, thanks to all these contests, I came in contact with great content, fun people, and awesome initiatives like @cryptkeeper17's curation trail that helps newbies (aside from the posts the leader likes and votes on, it's set to also vote on the members' posts, which means we vote on each other and grow together!). These contests have provided me some nice experiences so far!

Author rewards depend on your post reward setting, a 50/50 give both SP and SBD.

Yes, this was what I thought, and until yesterday, I had never seen rewards in STEEM. But at the moment of this writing, my Steemnow page is saying:

Latest author rewards
4h ago 0.074 SBD, 0.003 STEEM, 0.044 SP for /my-review-of-slint-a-linux-distribution-accessible-to-the-visually-impaired
14h ago 0.012 SBD, 0.001 STEEM, 0.008 SP for /re-danielsaori-steemit-comment-challenge-21-usd5-sbd-2-x-200-sp-1-weeks-delegation-comment-like-a-champ-grow-your-blog-like-a-champ-20180313t032332849z
22h ago 0.281 SBD, 0.008 STEEM, 0.160 SP for /minha-review-do-slint-uma-distribuicao-linux-acessivel-para-deficientes-visuais

Also, I have Steemauto set to claim rewards automatically, but it only gets the SP and the SBD. I have to claim rewards manually to get the STEEM. How weird...

I never got a STEEM reward until yesterday! So this is new to many I think.

(21 hours ago:Claim rewards: 0.010 STEEM, 0.335 SBD and 0.191 STEEM POWER)

We probably shouldn't get excited about this, though :( . I've just done some searching about the liquid STEEM rewards, and found this post:

And from what I understood, basically it happens because there's too much SBD in the system, and causes part of our author rewards to be converted into STEEM to sort of balance it out. But this results in smaller rewards than it's shown on our posts, which... well, isn't a good thing...

Parabéns! Use bem esse buff dos lvs altos do Steemit! Hahahaha

Now, on to make the most of the SP before the spell ends...! ;)

continue what you've started, and keep on exploring for more!
new steemians goals should at least Hoard 500 sp in their starting days,
better convert all sbd earning into steem then power up. in this way, you are earning totally free

500 SP in the starting days?! I honestly doubt I can get that in a year, if ever. I'm one month in, and only managed to earn 3 STEEM and 2 SBD, and using these to power up probably won't mean much, because my SP will only begin to increase once it goes past 15 (the amount delegated to me when my account was created), and I can't see this happening anytime soon. And if I spend all my STEEM/SBD now, I won't have STEEM/SBD for anything else. I'll probably have to depend on the delegated initial 15 SP for a long time...

unless you stop on steeming, you will surely not get the 500sp.

why not make it as your steemit goal instead to motivate you!

it's not about of you cannot get it this year but of how you work with it!

Considering how things are going, if I focus on reaching 500 SP, I'll only be discouraged instead of motivated. 500 SP is a number too far off to my current reality. My goal is to reach at least 22 SP (the minimum required to give 0.01 upvotes), and this seems to be a long road already.

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