My Takeaway From @merej99's July 2017 Community Engagement Challenge

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

When I joined this challenge a couple months ago, ok, only a week ago although it seems like much longer, I had only been on Steemit about 3 weeks, and was annoyed with all the follow for follow comments that I would see on every post.

I was not concerned about the posting requirement of 7 blog posts in 10 days, but I was a little concerned with the comment requirement. An average of 50 per day seemed like a lot.

IRL I'm not a big talker, mostly I ask questions and let others do the talking, although I can be a talker if you get me on a roll about something, but generally I'm a quipper. I throw punches. Either it's a quick jab to a conversation I'm following designed for maximum laughter, or an upper cut to try to make people go hmmm. Although I must confess to times of a lot of um hmms trying to keep my eyes from rolling into the back of my head.

In writing I can also be succinct. I was reminded recently of a paper I'd written for a college history class where my paper was 3-4 sentences short of the assignment required length, but I'd said all I needed to say; and the teacher commented on my paper lacking the required amount of filled white space. He gave me an A and commented that I had said everything I needed to, but also told me to fill the space in the future. I guess that way he could dock me for being wordy, lol.

So anyway, I was a little concerned about the quantity of posts, which have proved to be a challenge. My initial follow strategy was essentially to find people who had what I wanted and follow them. If they had a high reputation score, been around for a while, and had a couple thousand or more Steem Power, I followed. If they talked about topics I was interested in, even if they were new, I followed. I either could see content I wanted to learn about or I could learn what the old timers were doing to get where they got. Since starting the challenge I have followed, and been followed by a new group, those with whom I've had conversations.

By being forced to post more than I was comfortable with, I found freedom to make comments I otherwise would not have made. Normally I was trying to make comments that only added value or were encouraging in some way. But when you have to get your post count up, you start to dialog even more whether serious or silly. I found myself being funnier in some situations just being silly, and sharing more personal stories than I would have otherwise. I even sang a duet with @cryptologyx.

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I've discovered and met some great people this week and expect to meet more. @merej99 has given us the key to the kingdom. I would rather have 10 followers that actually want to see what I post and upvote and interact, than 1000 who don't care if I post or not and only followed in hopes I'd follow back.

For those who want to give up their day job and Steem full time, this is the long term how. And you do it until.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go hit my comment goal. :)

(Banner by @son-of-satire)

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I am one of the users taking part in the challenge. As you said correctly, the challenge is making the 500 comments. I just managed to achieve my goal and thought i will keep going on for good measure.

good for you, I think @merej99 20 questions post really helped a lot of us tonight, and was a lot of fun too

I am so glad that I joined in the challenge. I really pushed myself out of my comfort zone.

I have found that to be my challenge, too. I'm under 100 now, which is a lot closer than where I thought I'd be. Glad I was able to participate, too, and find a whole new group of people to be in my tribe!

You've been UpVoted via the UpVote Experiment 002 Bot. Depending on my VP & the price of STEEM you should get a $.01-$.03 for your trouble.
Read more about this experiment here.

Thank You - @blueorgy

Thanks, bot comments make me feel so special, lol

I LOVE that you two had a duet. When will the album (text only edition) be released?

hahaha the only recording of it was in this post

You mean you didn't bust out your microphones and soundboards to pick up the tapa tapa tap tap of your respective keyboards?! What kind of duet is this anyway!?!?

the vocal in your head kind hahaha

Now you did it! This morning I woke up with Xanadu in my head (No reason why) and now... Now I've got Simon & Garfunkel stuck in my head.
btw - according to my count you're only 27 comments to reach minimum. How 'bout them apples?
[edit] I'm just moving you up in the winner's circle since the night is still young and I know you're gonna hit the mark!

You're welcome, there are worse songs, like Xanadu for example, hahahahahahaha

Thank you! Happy Dance

That is great! Congrats will finish tonight with comments :) When do you last check @merej99 I am working my way there too hahaha

I did, thanks in part to some of our conversations ;)

Yes I did as well! Thank and meaningful conversations...and a new follower! :)

I hear you, this challenge is really pushed me. I never have a problem commenting, but yes with daily post. However I typically like to take one day off from writing, and this challenge has push me beyond that! Today was probably the hardest. Not because I didn't know what to write about more so because I hadn't fully finished thinking it out And didn't want to post about an incomplete thought. It was a struggle to write today but I'm glad I had the competition to push me through it.

it has definitely been a challenge, but also fun and beneficial

I agree with you!

Great post @aboutyourbiz! I think we have all taken away a lot from this challenge....But i must say I have never sang on won on that one! :)

it was a tie, we were both in the challenge

Maybe you should try a rap battle next (called a cypher!)

"I would rather have 10 followers that actually want to see what I post and upvote and interact, than 1000 who don't care if I post or not and only followed in hopes I'd follow back."

AMEN! Outstanding perspective. My sentiments, exactly.

While steem cash is good, I'm here for readers. Thanks for being one.

I knew there was some reason that I liked you... ;)



truth be told i'd rather have 1000 who read upvote and interact than 10 ;)

Good luck with that! Perhaps as Steemit continues to grow, we will find our audiences... :D

it's a stretch I know, but just using the same numbers lol

This, right here:

I would rather have 10 followers that actually want to see what I post and upvote and interact, than 1000 who don't care if I post or not

has pretty much been my personal "Law of Social Media" since day one... and it's a rule I am now applying to Steemit.

I remember getting into a.... "debate"... with a self-proclaimed twitter "expert" who insisted I needed to work much harder on building my following. I asked him how many "actions" people typically took when he tweeted an article to his 100K+ followers. When I then told him I averaged double that number from my hand picked 1500 followers... we parted ways on somewhat... cordial terms.

Quality over quantity, any day...

Wonderful @aboutyourbiz! This community challenge by @merej99 has brought upon a lot of great experiences for me these past 10 days.

thanks, and yes it has

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