Looserwin's Training Exercise

in #steemit-webcomics6 years ago (edited)

Hello! This post serves as an entry for the contest of @cobmaximus. I know you guys are expecting my usual comics, sorry but I tried something else, maybe I'll post it some other time. In the meantime please enjoy my new comics.

expanel1 colored copy.jpg

expanel2 colored copy.jpg

The drafts...



I really enjoyed making this comic since it features me, what fun it is to have your very own comic story right? It was always been my dream to make a comic about me. @cobmaximus' contests are always a good way to practice. I am a big fan of Saitama if you would see my previous comics I include his concept because it seems fun, he is a Hero for fun. Saitama has always been my Hero ever since I watched OPM and really got into his concept and want to do his training exercise someday sadly for now I can't, I have been busy but I still have time for making comics for you guys.

Please do check these people's blogs, they make good post and I know you guys will like it too:

They supported me throughout my journey here on Steemit :D

Thanks for dropping by :D


Nice one bro! That's frking Saitama! Can't wait for season 2.

Thanks bro 😀. You're the first one to comment xD yeah I've been waiting for season 2 as well 😊

Ahahahaha! I had a feeling Saitama would show up!
Nice work!
Dont worry about making continuity! So long as you got a good story to tell!

P.S. I'm also a big Saitama fan! I've been reading the manga a few years way back since chapter 1 even before it had news of an anime. Even the original webmanga by One!

Lol same here :D

Thanks bro haha... I have also read One's original manga 😀 I really like the progress of his story 😊

Hahaha it's so funny when Saitama reveals his secret training xD but if you think about it it's just that he had a dormant power

He started as a normal person then trained hard 😊

Lol i guess saitama is bald?? 😂 you and your anime jokes!! I love it tho 😂 60 kg of hair?!? Wow you have a heavy head!

hahaha thanks . I think I exaggerated there a bit haha xD I am really into anime so I combined them both to create a more fun comics xD but my hair isn't that heavy 😀

You never failed to amazed me twin! :D

you never fail to support me twin :D thanks ..I will support you back too :D

@looserwin you are a winner, wonderful comic, terrific job friend!

thanks @lildebbbiecakes 😀 your entry was terrific too 😊 I'm still getting used to the whole digital art and I'm getting a hang of it now 😊

Let's join more contest @lildebbiecakes :D to improve our skills xD

I have been joining lots of them since I joined Steemit in December, I’m all over the place here. If you want to improve skills join @deemsrshalls “Artstorm Contest”. She’s gives you a Theme to draw, but you have only 15 minutes to accomplish your entry. For me it was quite hard because I draw normally realism and I’m a perfectionist. So it actually taught me to think about breaking it down to simplicity, it’s actually helped me think more about the tools I can use On my IPad Procreate App. It’s been great help. I look at things a little different now because of joining this particular contest. And Dee is a terrific lovely host. Blessings as we grow @looserwin friend, by the way I love your user name and your gif picture ❣️

that contest sounds challenging maybe I will join that contest sometime soon. Yeah I love your username too.

@looserwin thank you. My husband has always called me little Debbie cakes. I live in Iowa and there’s a cupcake brand that they sell in stores that’s called that name. My actual name is Debbie. I looked at your blog and you and I are still considered “newbies” at Steemit. I joined at the end of last December. I’m following you now. Love your sense of humor and artwork. Have you ever tried entering @organduo’s Pinky and Spiky drawing contest? Drawing comics, perfect weekly contest for you. @organduo and his wife @laputis are great fun! Blessings friend!

Debbie sounds good :) . I joined last January 31, 2018, there's still a lot I need to learn in Steemit. My real name is Cerwin btw. Its good that you like my humor some don't find it funny. I haven't tried joining the Pinky and Spiky contest how does it work? is it weekly or daily?

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