Tutorial on how to use steemit-italia trail and voting bot

Please find below the English translation of the post titled Aggiornamento: tutorial per il trail di steemit-italia e nuovi comandi del bot, originally in Italian and translated by @imcesca

Given the latest changes, it seems right to do a little update post, which will override the previous one. A while ago, we published an in depth explaination on how our trail works, how our bot handles voting power, and how this awesome tool can be used. Unfortunately, that post hasn’t been translated in English, but this post will cover all those information as well.

To take advantage of the steemit-italia trail vote, you must first join the trail through steemauto and then launch the specific bot command in the appropriate channel of the project’s Discord server. But let's proceed in a more orderly fashion.

1. Joining the steemit-italia trail
  • Go to steemauto and register your Steemit account (its quicker if you use steemconnect)

  • Click on the curation trail button, as shown. Attention: the "limit on voting power" is a very important parameter: it tells steemauto how much of your voting power it can use. We advise you to set a percentage between 75% and 90%. A percentage above 90% will make the bot work badly, a percentage lower than 75% could make you disperse too much voting power. The optimal setting is 80%.

  • Type "steemit-italia" in the trail search field

  • Press the "follow" button and then "settings". Set the vote on "scale vote weight" at 100%. Please note that 100% does not represent the real vote that will be given to posts on your behalf. Rather, it represents how accurately your vote will reflect the vote percentage set by the steemit-italia account (usually less than 50%).
    You can change the "time to wait before voting" at your discretion, i.e. the time that passes before your vote reaches the post. Voting in zero time guarantees a greater benefit for the author of the post while voting between 15 and 30 minutes maximizes the earnings for the voter. We recommend a value between 0 and 20 minutes.

2. Using the Bottarello bot

In order to use the bot you must:

  • Join our Official Discord server, making sure you set the same nickname you have on Steemit.
  • Join the trail, as explained above
  • Wait for an admin to verify your registration (we advise you to PM and admin on Discord to speed up this process)

The command that will make the bot vote your post must be given in the #richieste-voto channel and is as follows:

$upvote "post link"

In you want the bot to also leave a comment on the voted post, inviting others to join the trail, you can use the following command:

$cvote "post link"


If you forget the commands and need help you can ask for it:


Any further doubt or question can be discussed in the #help-room-bot channel.

3. Rules for using the bot
  • You can use the bot to vote your own post or a friend’s post. If your friend hasn’t joined the trail yet, we suggest you use the $cvote command so that you may advertise the project.

  • Obviously, voting the same post twice would be impossible.

  • Any attempt to vote again before 24 hours have passed will be automatically blocked.

  • The bot will always use your vote at the percentage communicated at the beginning of each week. This percentage is set to cover all voting requests within a day and to leave users with at least 90% of their voting power available each day (so the bot will consume at most 10% of your daily voting power).

  • 100% votes may only be given on special occasions, such as support for projects or initiatives that benefit the community (broad-spectrum projects, contests, etc.)

  • We apologize in advance for any disruption that might not be within our power to avoid. For transparency reasons we relied on steemauto: in this way, everyone can enter and exit the trail without giving us their precious private keys; on the other hand, failures of steemauto or the Steemit platform may temporarily block the votes.

  • Each week, the number of voting requests per day will be recalculated and the percentage of users' votes calibrated accordingly. It is not our intention to drain users’ voting power, so we put a limit to 10% per day (remember that every 24 hours 20% of your voting power gets regenerated).

  • Users in powerdown below 500 sp will be excluded from the trail. Spam posts, plagiarism, or offensive content will receive a warning that, if repeated, leads to the exclusion from the trail.

4. Advantages and earnings

We have estimated the number of daily posts that the Italian community produces. This estimate will help us to regulate the "power" of the trail vote, which will be optimized from time to time to be able to cover all posts with the maximum possible profit.

Variable parameters will therefore be:

  • The voting percentage of the steemit-italia account, which will be modified based on the number of users participating in the trail and the estimate of contents created.

  • The time of inactivity between one voting request and another. At the moment it is set at 24h, but it could decrease or increase.

This service is completely free and is based on two fundamental principles: numbers and time.

The more users participate in the trail, the greater the prizes for each trail vote will be. All active users will be able to ask for a vote, so the prizes will be spread over all users without preference.

As time goes by, the accounts connected to and powered by the trail will become bigger and stronger together. This means that the votes distributed will have a much greater impact, say a year from now. The strong point is that EVERYONE can participate, the important thing is that they in turn contribute with their own vote by following the steemit-italia trail.

We believe this system to be better, compared to one in which votes are distributed automatically to all posts or one which rewards contents based on quality. Transparency is guaranteed (since everyone can see who votes what and the voting percentage is known beforehand) and this allows users to better exercise their control over the system. Furthermore, subjectivity is eliminated with regards to the choice of contents to be rewarded, as users can vote for their own posts themselves.


Q: Are the votes that I receive completely free?
A: The votes are free, but users are asked to participate by making their voting power available to the bot, within the limits they choose. Steemauto allows you to suspend your vote when your voting power falls below a certain threshold, which is set to 75% by default.

Q: The bot will consume all my voting power!
A: Absolutely not! The voting percentage is set to consume no more than 10% of a user's voting power per day. By participating in the trail you will always have 90% of your voting power available every day!

Q: What happens if I join the trail to get access to the bot, and then I leave the trail but continue to use the bot?
A: Periodic checks of all users are made. Steemauto allows anyone to view who is part of the trail and with what percentage. Someone who uses the bot (and therefore the votes of other users) without giving their contribution will be banned and not allowed to use it anymore.

Q: I joined the trail, but I’ve notice my vote isn’t being added to the others
A: Go to steemauto and check what percentage is set for "Limit on voting power". The default setting should be 75% but if it’s set at 100% votes will not be allowed to come through! 80% should be a good compromise.

Q: The bot isn’t working, what should I do?
A: If no message is issued after you have launched the command, the post has not already been voted and the 24-hour interval between one vote and another has passed, there is likely to be a server malfunction. Contact one of the admins to report the problem!

For all further questions, don’t hesitate to get online on our official Discord server and ask an admin!

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