
We do read a lot of stuff. Implementing all the suggestions listed here would take many months, or even years -- so we have to prioritize.

@theoretical. Just getting in touch like that though, to say "we hear you" - goes a really long way. Much appreciated!

I agree with what @condra said. It really means a lot that you, @dantheman, and @ned have all taken the time to review this!

I am very impressed with what you have done so far, and appreciate all the work you are doing to make the site better 😀

Hey, thanks for the reply. It's nice to know our wish list is being heard! Thanks for everything you are doing thus far!

I find that the devs incorporate multiple ideas. For instance, my store idea on my blog suggested a "promote" link for 1 hour (I really didn't think promote should run all day until payout)

...and also I made a post about "The whale feed".

...and I also suggested this might be a way to burn STEEM.

It's almost as if they took three of my ideas, and mashed them together to create the promote feed.

I have a very sneaky suspicion devs read my blog (and everyone else's with ideas), and then yank good parts out of them "without commenting and without voting up". Why they do that, I don't know, but I may guess..

So in answer to your statement, yes, devs do watch this stuff especially when multiple people come up with variations of the same ideas.:)

I'm sure I wasn't the only one to first suggest these three ideas that now became the "promotion feed that burns steem" ...probably dozens of people did in similar ways.

As long as they get built, it doesn't matter who gets credit... :)

I've found the same thing myself. I started by writing a lot of posts about improvement suggestions, and even though they didn't get much as far as upvotes, I noticed "higher ups" starting to discuss them, and a few were actually used in some way.

A lot of people think that the devs aren't doing much, but as someone with a development background I can tell it is quite the opposite. The reputation system and promote features are just two recent examples.

I am really impressed with what they are doing, and have high hopes for Steemit's future.

You may be interested - I posted a new edition of the Steemit Wish List with some new ideas added to the list.

I talked to @ned about it briefly, and he is aware. There is also the GitHub issue, which I know they check.

There is a lot to do though, so it is largely a matter of prioritization. Having this list with everything in one place should help though.

I'm also hoping more unofficial devs that have been working on various projects start to do more updates to the actual site. @jesta is one dev that I know has been doing this a lot.

You may be interested - I posted a new edition of the Steemit Wish List with some new ideas added to the list.

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