Joining our forces and getting to know each other: The 6th Meetup of Steemit-Austria was a big success!

in #steemit-austria7 years ago (edited)

Today, I attended the 6th Meetup of Steemit Austria.

(shot taken from the official post here).

It was my first time but I immediately felt connected! It was an awesome chance for Steemians to come together in real life, connecting with like-minded people, and talking about a lot of very different topics.

Thank you @nicoletta and @flurgx for organizing this great event!
It was done very professionally, we even got some name stickers. Here is a photo of mine:

It also showed how rapidly the Steemit-Community is growing. I was told that there were about seven people at the first meeting in September. In today's meetup, there were more than 30 people. WOW! We filled more than the half of the space at restaurant Marks.

Meeting such a lot of people is quite a bit overwhelming. I did my best to remember all your names, but I certainly will also look up your comments at the invitation-post in order to find you.

Here are some people I got to know during the four hours I attended the meeting: We shared one of the tables and had a very nice time talking to each other about yoga, workouts, nutrition, Japanese specialities and so on. It was very nice - thank you for your advice!

@nicoletta and @flurgx: Thanks for joining and me for some time. I will certainly look into SteepShot and try it out.

@martinamartini: It was nice talking to you! Thank you for your presents! I really like the card you gave me! :)

@mammasitta: Martina said: If you have not met Mammasitta, you certainly have to talk to her, grabbed us and we went to Mammasitta. :D It was nice seeing you, but unfortunately, I didn't really have a lot of time talking to you. Maybe next time. You are the first real-world Steemian I met that is actually a dolphin (one of the new categories I learnt at the meeting. I also learned that I am plankton. :D ).

@bella-volen-art: Thanks for your postcard and your business card! Your art is very impressive.

@sciencevienna: We only had a little time to talk about your company, but it was very impressive. I am looking forward to hearing more from you the next time. :)

@gexi: Thanks for all your advice concerning the introduceyourself post, and also various Steemit apps and homepages (Steemify, Steemworld, Discors, etc.) It was really helpful!

@artpoet: I really liked how you instantly knew that I was heading to the Steemit meetup when I arrived at Marks. :) Thanks for chatting with me and for your postcard!

@reiseamateur: Thanks for your chocolate coin and the magnitic pins! Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to talk to you more than a "thank you". :)

@komischername, @leoplaw, @adversarius, @melange, @brickster, @theodora.austria, @stayoutoftherz, @thermoplastic, @shlomit and all the others: I hope to have more time the next time we meet! :)

In order to make it easier for the others to remember my Steemit username, I printed out some little name cards and distributed them. :D I hope it wasn't too annoying. ;)


Last but not least, the food at Marks was really delicious. They even regularly have a lot of vegan options:
I took the glass noodles made out of mung beans with bean salsa, steamed Wan buns, algae, herbs in sesame dressing. :)


I am certainly looking forward to the next meeting!
Thanks for all the advice and information about Steemit. It was very helpful!

Also, I was convinced that it is important to write an introduceyourself post. This will be my next project! I will keep you updated. :)

Best wishes,


Super nett zusammengefasst @smallstepchange! Es freut mich sehr, wenn es dir gefallen hat und du so viele Dinge für dich mitnehmen konntest.

Nice talking to you too today, lets keep this party going😂 And the fermented soy we couldn’t remember the name of was tempeh.

Tempeh, right! :) I am looking forward to buy some Aburaage. And I will certainly take a look at the menu from the restaurant Sakai.

Sadly the vegetarian kaiseki is not on the menu anymore :( Maybe the stil have it if you call.

That's a pity! But maybe they are willing to personalize it on demand.

Hey, ich hab eine Email ans Restaurant Kaiseki geschickt, und folgende Antwort bekommen:
"ja, Sie können bei uns ein veganes Kaiseki essen!
Das Menü besteht aus fünf Gängen (inkl. Dessert) und kostet 43€.
Falls Sie sich dafür interessieren, wären wir Ihnen sehr dankbar, wenn Sie bei der Reservierung das vegane Kaiseki gleich erwähnen würden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Restaurant Sakai"

Also: erfreuliche Nachrichten! Der Preis ist halt ein bisschen gesalzen...

Geil, ich hatte ja damals vegetarisch aber Vegan ist der Hammer! Preis find ich ok, wenn man bedenkt das die üblichen Varianten 59-69€ kosten. Billig ist es nicht, Meister Sakai war aber früher Küchenchef im Unkai im Wiener Grand Hotel, ein 5 Sterne Hotel, bevor er sein eigenes Lokal aufgemacht hat, Qualität ist also vom feinsten und hat seinen Preis.

Ok, also der hats wohl wirklich drauf! :)

freut mich sehr das du auch hier warst :)
leider sind wir nicht zum plaudern gekommen, hoffentlich beim nächsten mal dann ;)

Jaa! :)

no problem you are welcome :D

haha, I remember when I read "sexi" instead of gexi. :D Was nice meeting you! :)

trying to hook up with all the peeps that were at the Stammtisch! Already looking forward to next time!
👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 👨‍👦 👨‍👦‍👦 👨‍👧 👨‍👧‍👦 👨‍👧‍👧 👩‍👦 👩‍👦‍👦 👩‍👧 👩‍👧‍👦 👩‍👧‍👧

CU the next time! Thanks for your business card!

haha, blatant self promotion (I checked at home and find I am almost out of business cards, but I have tons of post cards - which I should have brought with me, maybe next time) - kidding aside, it was really a surprise to meet you on Steemit, because I recognized your work right away, having been at the Old Post a couple of years back. Maybe the reason I remember so well is that your painting on the postcard looks very much like Leo Plaw!

Hey, I am afraid you are mistaking me with someone else. I would like to be an artist, but - unfortunately - I am not. :)

OK, my bad -I was a bit confused (you posted the @artpoet postcard - I should direct my comment to him) . But never say never about artist. Get some paints and have fun! It is therapeutic!
And if Damien Hirst can cover a canvas with bingo markers and get millions for it, you never know, lol

you are right, I should never say never. :)

Ich sehe, du hast dir die Münze auch schon schmecken lassen 😀 ... Gute Idee, das Foto so zu machen. Hab mich über mich geärgert, weil ich vor dem Naschen kein Foto gemacht hatte. Sehr schlau von dir! 😀
Und deine Visitenkarte war auch eine sehr nette Idee, liegt gerade vor mir auf dem Schreibtisch. Da hast du jetzt leider eine Nachahmerin gefunden ... aber so ist das: Kopie ist die höchste Form der Anerkennung 😀

Hi wunderland! :) Ich hab meine Münze gleich vor Ort verschenkt. Ich war überwältigt von all den Geschenken und Giveaways, dass ich mir gedacht habe, ich muss Fotos davon machen. :) Da war die Münze aber bereits verschenkt. :)
Schön, dass meine Visitenkarte es bis zu dir nach Hause geschafft hat! :) Ich dachte mir, dass es bei über 30 Personen schwer sein wird, sich die Namen zu merken. So ein Kärtchen ist da schon hilfreich. Find ich gut, dass du es auch machen wirst! LG :)

Vorbildlich ... ich habe meine Münze selber gegessen ...
Ja, so viele Geschenke, das war wirklich einmalig ... 👌

Direkt wie Weihnachten! :D Ich hab sie weiterverschenkt, weil die Schoki Milchprodukte enthält, ich mich aber vegan ernähre. :)

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