Who Do I Follow on Steem & Why?

in #steemimpact4 years ago

Grateful to @theycallmedan for the opportunity it gives us Steemit platform users to create content and leave traces of our stay in this virtual community

There are answers for all questions

Has anyone on Steem left an impact on you?
Changed your life for the better?
Made you laugh or cry, smile and cheer? Are they still around?
Are they active?
Have you tried to contact them?

@jimhutch's picture


One of the people with whom I interacted in my beginnings on the Steemit platform was @jimhutch. We share together in the @reveur community. With him I achieved an excellent working relationship on the platform and my learning in relation to the use of discord is part of the added value of our interaction. Another contribution of our interaction was its support in the use of HTLM language and use of Markdown. It is currently away from the Steemit platform. However, we are in touch through social networks.

It was a pleasure for me to interact with @jimhutch

@jimhutch's picture


In the @reveur community I was able to meet @yaibak who at that time had a training proposal, together with @nairesc, on the Steemit platform. I talk about #fotogra-fritos. I entered that training proposal at the end of May 2018.

To summarize what #fotogra-fritos was for me

Started my classes in #fotogra-fritos at the end of May. From that moment I have been able to interact with some colleagues that I have called them “my fotogra-fritos people” and with the two teachers who carry out the training work, @yaibak and @nairesc, who besides being professional photographers put the soul in each class and make both the amateur and the enthusiast feel comfortable in the co-creation of knowledge, by the way knowledge that they impart with a lot of professionalism and technical mastery which makes the photography specialist also feel very good for the high level of each class.

In truth they were days of much learning and enjoyment

I share with you a photograph that gave me

I also share a phrase I left sitting in one of my publications related to the subject of photography

"There is not the best place or the best location for the best photography ... the best photography corresponds to the greatest passion, willingness and love on the part of the photographer"

At this moment, @yaibak is away from the Steemit platform. We have not had any interaction in the last moons. However, every day I have to take a photographic shot and locate the horizon of a photograph I can remember his words.

Grateful for all the learning

@yaibak's picture

@crisangel photography


Also met @crisangel in the @reveur community. However, our greatest interaction has been based on the passion that unites us: photography. I am his follower on the Steemit platform and it is from photography that we have joined ties. It is extraordinary for me that there is a person who shows the world the beauty of nature. I love photography by @crisangel. It has a special magic to capture the wonderfulness of each moment in any space of the Pachamama. I love your detail photography. We have had from technical discussions in the area of photography as hours of approach in the subject of writing and spelling. We have shared in many spaces and I can say that I am grateful to the Universe for all the knowledge we have been able to co-create.

Below I share a @crisangel photograph

Clavellino de Jardín - Editada de @crisangel

The architect of the photograph says the following:

"I love this bright color of this flower ... "

I subscribe these words because I have been able to see these beautiful flowers in the field and when I saw the picture I could somehow see the similarity of the live scene and that image.

Currently @crisangel and I are in constant contact because in addition to being part of our family; he is also one of the people with whom I consult, on a daily basis, technical issues regarding the Steemit platform, cryptocurrencies, telecommunications and of course photography.

@crisangel's picture

For me
the Steemit platform is a lifelong learning space

Until a next post

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comments


Un top 3 muy apasionado ...
un punto muy fuerte en común, Reveur;
lugar de soñadores.
Eres una de mi más completa seguidora
esa que aporta valor agregado a los comentarios
que dejas en las publicaciones que visitas ...
agradecido por tu mención
cada día me enorgullece tener
una seguidora como vos ...
criss angel

Pareces una transfor con el pelo así, ahajahajsjaga, esa pijama verde te queda ridicula jajajsjshshs

Deja la envidia ... :P lol jajajaja

Agradecida por tus palabras

Somos dos personas que amamos la naturaleza ... y desde nuestra esencia lo compartimos

¡Éxito @crisangel!

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