Mining STEEM For Dummies

in #steemhelp8 years ago (edited)

Setup STEEM wallet and start mining step by step guide

Mining STEEM for Dummies

It is recomended that you have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or a later version.

Open a terminal window and enter these lines one by one, give each one time to finish:

sudo apt-get update

click enter button

sudo apt-get install git cmake g++ python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev build-essential libbz2-dev libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libncurses5-dev doxygen libreadline-dev dh-autoreconf

click enter button

wget -O boost_1_60_0.tar.gz

click enter button

tar xzvf boost_1_60_0.tar.gz

click enter button

cd boost_1_60_0

click enter button

./ --prefix=/usr/local

click enter button

./b2 install

click enter button


click enter button

git clone

click enter button

cd secp256k1

click enter button


click enter button


click enter button


click enter button


click enter button


click enter button

git clone

click enter button

cd steem

click enter button

git submodule update --init --recursive

click enter button


click enter button


click enter button

cd programs/steemd

click enter button

./steemd --rpc-endpoint --seed-node="" --seed-node=""

click enter button

start a new terminal window and type:

cd steem/programs/cli_wallet

click enter button


click enter button

set_password "PASSWORD"

click enter button

unlock "PASSWORD"

click enter button


  • copy the output and save it in a secure location:
  • you should never give your wif private key to anyone.


"wif_priv_key": "5JsPmgU1dfKu8SHWAWkBKw1XGz97Kwz4DLwgm2bSz99qtFqTAkp",

"pub_key": "STM73jgNRFLTKSTaGWv8QfXzSopUZBsQGmrECWPvpnemjyAcBfzAc"

  • you will need your wif private key for the config.ini file in a minute,

  • this is a good time to load YOUR key in your cli_wallet terminal window like this:

import_key 5JsPmgU1dfKu8SHWAWkBKw1XGz97Kwz4DLwgm2bSz99qtFqTAkp

click enter button

now exit your cli_wallet terminal:

ctrl + c

click enter button

This is a good time to pick your account/miner name

** Account names must be all lower case, less than 15 characters, and start with a letter

lets say you pick account name george1234

you must check if the account already exists, go to:

if you get an error like this:

Server error (500) 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception itr != accounts_by_name.end(): Unable to find account 'george1234'. Did you forget to add a record for it? {"acct":"george1234"} th_a database.cpp:313 get_account

then you are in luck and the account name is available to claim, if not try another until you get this error.

now you have what you need to edit your config.ini file and start mining.

with your favorite text editor open the file steem/programs/steemd/witness_node_data_dir/config.ini

replace george1234 with your account name and this wif key 5JsPmgU1dfKu8SHWAWkBKw1XGz97Kwz4DLwgm2bSz99qtFqTAkp with yours.

# P2P nodes to connect to on startup (may specify multiple times)

seed-node =    
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =

# name of witness controlled by this node (e.g. initwitness )

witness = "george1234"

# name of miner and its private key (e.g. ["account","WIF PRIVATE KEY"] )

miner = ["george1234","5JsPmgU1dfKu8SHWAWkBKw1XGz97Kwz4DLwgm2bSz99qtFqTAkp"]

# Number of threads to use for proof of work mining

mining-threads = 2 

these are the parts you change, leave the rest as is and save your config file

go back to the steemd terminal window (hopefully it synced by now):


click enter button

to stop steemd and restart it with the following line:

./steemd --rpc-endpoint

it should start mining as soon as it catches up to the latest block.

  • after mining your first block, you set claim to your account name

when that happens here is a few things you can do in your CLI_wallet (change george1234 to your account name):

unlocked >>> get_account "george1234"  

unlocked >>> list_my_accounts  

unlocked >>> vote_for_witness george1234 joseph true true 

unlocked >>> vote george1234 "joseph" "mining-steem-for-dummies" 100 true 
  • if you get an error while following this guide please stop, and go to for assistance
  • if you assist someone with this step by step guide, please reply with FAQ's and answers.
    Thank you.

Thanks @joseph, it works. But my rate is 1 hps and estimated time to produce about 17 mln minutes.
My CPU is i7-6700K Skylake. So I doubt that 1 hps is normal. What do I do wrong?

you did not do anything wrong, 1hps means you are syncing, once synced your real hps will show.

Mine is up and running but my estimated time to produce is anywhere from 400 to 3000 minutes it seems like.... Hashrate around 13k. It keeps telling me I am getting 3, 5, etc. transactions. Sorry if this is totally ignorant but this is my first time attempting anything like this. Is this working properly? I have an i7 920 desktop, 12gb ram devoted, created 8 accounts - was that too much?

syncing! wait..

How long would it take to sync ?
Do syncing and mining processes need to be separated (when i try to mine before syncing is done, nothing happens)

thanks you,help me back

Runnint the first the the ./cli_wallet fail on:

Logging RPC to file: logs/rpc/rpc.log Starting a new wallet 2318539ms th_a main.cpp:154 main ] wdata.ws_server: ws://localhost:8090 2318550ms th_a main.cpp:159 main ] wdata.ws_user: wdata.ws_password: 2318675ms th_a websocket_api.cpp:88 on_message ] message: {"id":1,"result":true} 2318676ms th_a websocket_api.cpp:88 on_message ] message: {"id":2,"result":2} 2318677ms th_a websocket_api.cpp:88 on_message ] message: {"id":3,"result":3} 2318677ms th_a websocket_api.cpp:88 on_message ] message: {"id":4,"error":{"code":1,"message":"10 assert_exception: Assert Exception\nit->second != nullptr: \n {}\n th_a api.hpp:189 get_api_by_name","data":{"code":10,"name":"assert_exception","message":"Assert Exception","stack":[{"context":{"level":"error","file":"api.hpp","line":189,"method":"get_api_by_name","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2016-05-14T07:38:38"},"format":"it->second != nullptr: ","data":{}}]}}} 0 exception: unspecified 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception it->second != nullptr: {} th_a api.hpp:189 get_api_by_name {"error":"10 assert_exception: Assert Exception\nit->second != nullptr: \n {}\n th_a api.hpp:189 get_api_by_name","data":{"id":4,"error":{"code":1,"message":"10 assert_exception: Assert Exception\nit->second != nullptr: \n {}\n th_a api.hpp:189 get_api_by_name","data":{"code":10,"name":"assert_exception","message":"Assert Exception","stack":[{"context":{"level":"error","file":"api.hpp","line":189,"method":"get_api_by_name","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2016-05-14T07:38:38"},"format":"it->second != nullptr: ","data":{}}]}}}} th_a state.cpp:38 handle_reply

Version 0.4.3?

I upgrade and it OK now :-)

Note for anyone who found this guide on Google:

PoW Mining was removed from Steemit with hard fork 18. Any guides for mining Steem are thus out of date.

Does this mean there is no way to mine steem now? Or just that these instructions won't work?

There's no way to PoW mine now, it's all PoS witnessing

How do I pos witness? I'm still fairly new just so you know! :)

I have to correct myself, PoDS - Proof of Delegated Stake. That means your "rank" in the witness list is dependent on witness votes from other users. These votes are stake weighted, and stake here is Steem Power. You can find more about these concepts in the FAQs and various links on help area.

Here's two good witness guides that will get you most of the way

You should also join channel #witness and seek advice there.

In terms of server hosting, @someguy123 apparently has a service specifically aimed at witnesses that several use, check out his post on Privex. @l0k1 always says don't use your private keys on a server which you don't control - I agree. Be careful with them.

Good luck!

A good beginner guide!

A few comments:

  1. Perhaps you can mention what are the hardware needed for mining and how much disk space needed.

  2. How do know or check if the blockchain is synced.

the steem blockchain is already at 8xx Mb in size. So best bet is get a 32 or bigger SD card for your RPI or 2 TB hard disks.

If this is supposed to be for dummies, I'd fatten it up with a bit more explanation?

Well there is dumb and dumber, any dumber than this and I would suggest the facebook approach.
Register a steemit account and make some posts, Steemit by design pays a lot more for content than mining.

You might want to add a sudo to the front of all your install options for those who aren't logged in as root while performing the install. Great guide.

Yes. At least here

sudo ./b2 install

I got my miner finally running. I'm using Qubes OS, which doesn't have Ubuntu templates, so I made it in Debian 8.

Had to do a few tricks in addition to this guide:

For Boost:

sudo ./b2 install

Otherwise it doesn't have rights to copy the files.

Before Steem cmake install package pkgconf sudo apt-get install pkgconf then run pkgconf openssl in the terminal. Otherwise cmake doesn't find openssl.

I need to uninstall Boost, because I keep getting this:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::logic_error> >'

I tried both sudo ./b2 uninstall and sudo ./b2 remove
should I be doing some kind of unmake

wish the site had a way to bookmark or favorite a post so that I can refer to it later when I have time to follow the instructions

will not work, they limit free trial to 1 core, which is pretty much a waste of time.

WARNING! This guide doesn't work anymore.
Mining is removed from HF 18.
As @jensm85 commented, please take a look at

I'm leaving this comment because I also spent 3 days to setup a mining machine with this guide and figured out that doesn't work anymore.

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