Starting a FREE Digital Artwork/Photography/Services project for STEEMIT #steemcreations

in #steemgigs7 years ago (edited)

Hey steemians!

I would like to start a a project that lets all steemians access free digital artwork/photography/services...

The tag to use is #steemcreations

If you have any digital artwork or photography that you would like to contribute make a post using the #steemcreations tag and in that way you are giving away your rights to the steemit community making it free to use for all steemians!

You can also offer your skills or knowledge to the community. It could be anything from banner design to retouching pictures for a post. Anything can happen. It just depends on the willingness of the people. The willingness to help others and grow the community.

NOTE: If you use someone's work for a post give the author some credit by linking the post and/or name so you in some way return the favor for the free artwork you are getting. Also upvote or resteem the post.

I would like to start by giving away my latest work I made with Adobe Illustrator. It represents my hopes and dreams for Steemit.

If anyone is interested I can send them original AI files so they can have fun with the image and maybe make it in a banner for their posts.

The second thing I would like to offer is a SERVICE of creating custom artwork that look something like this but can be anything depending on the image you give me and what kind of geometric design you want.

If wanted some text could be added to the image to make it look even better.

Also the image can be made to look like it is vintage like it is in this example.

That is all for now but I will try to add as much valuable content to the #steemcreations project as I can.

If you want to help the community grow and this project to succeed you can do it by:

  • Offering your work or skills by posting with #steemcreations tag
  • When posting using #steemcreations say something about the project and link this post so that people can know the content you posted is free to use and what this project is about
  • Re-steeming this post to get the word out

NOTE: Please don't abuse this tag because I don't want to spend my VP on down voting.

**There will be prizes for best works posted in this category in the future**

If this post doesn't get the needed attention to start the project I will do everything I can to get it out there. May it be by buying resteem services or spending money on boosts and bots. I'll do my best. Rest is up to the community.

Lets make this happen! See you in a week guys.

Until then have a great day and contribute to the community by using #steemcreations tag.

With love,


We started doing something like this in the #steem-art discord server. I would like to see our efforts joined somehow!

Thank you! I'll be keeping up with this tag

That is a great idea. Let's talk in discord! Thanks for the support!

indeed, I have same name discord and steemitchat. better to work together than seperately

Yes bro !! this is exactly what I was looking for !! I'm definitely gonna join in that category, i just added 3 post . were i gave away some gifs :)

I like your steemit rocket desing hahah,I did something similar


A panda riding a dolphin coming from a black hole and going to the moon ! (steemit moon)

Thanks for the support! I just checked out your work and it's some great stuff. Upvoted all of it and resteemed one. What do you use to make this gifs? I just picked this up as a hobby a two months ago and am still learning.

i use after effects bro

This is a fine idea. I've met many talented digital artist here, and a tag like #steemcreations will help the community in many ways. Best of luck, and hope it works out. I am resteeming this for my few followers to see.

Thanks for the support. Every resteem helps. (:

This is a really great idea, and something I will use myself as I pocess zero artistic ability. Thanks for starting this and I made sure the resteem to 200 more people!

Thank you (:

Positive idea.
I support it.

resteemed. Good initiative, giving away free art is one of the best ways to star making friends on the platform.

Thank you! Means a lot. Hopefully this catches on and we can have a great place where people can share their work with the community for free, adding value and positive vibes and receiving support and gratitude.

hey there, myself and @dayleeo have a website - where we give away photos that existed only in the camera roll, we decided to push them out free of charge on the web for anyone to use. check it out!

You guys made all this photos? They are amazing! Love your work. You should definetely post in #steemcreations and help the project grow!

yeppers. well @dayleeo took the pics, i made the site. we wanna add MUCH MUCH more to it. i also have a free stock video site we are working on. i'll post about it for #steemcreations then ;)

The site is great and the idea behind it is even better. Thanks for the support! Can't wait to see your post.

cheers, how many times do we keep photos in our camera roll we never use? the next step is to build an api search tool so you can easily copy and paste the pictures into a steemit blog post, gonna need to find some devs for that but yeah, on it! :)

Exactly! Good luck with that.

Thanks for the loves @runicar ! Love your idea, and dig your design style, keep up the great work!

Thans (: I just picked this up as a hobby a month ago with no prior knowledge or artistic background and I'm exploring what you can do while giving it away for steemians. I would also like to get into photography but the price tags of dslr's scare me. And the lenses also... :(

Start with your smartphone! Almost all the photos on were taken on an iPhone. You'll get there with the funds for gear, but a smartphone is a great way to practice lighting, composition and post processing. If there's anything I can do please don't hesitate to reach out!

Excited for you!

I did some photos with my HTC One M8 but the camera seems to be too low resolution to make anything decent. Can't get the details in. I would love to get a entry level dslr kit that can make some good shots. What do you suggest?

Thanks @runicar !! One day I will contribute in #steemcreations tag.

Cant wait to see what you post! Thanks for the support!

This post has been resteemed by @minnowsupport courtesy of @Kubby from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

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