Poetry is an awesome thing (Restreem and get your own poem)

in #steemgig7 years ago (edited)

Poetry is an awesome thing.jpg

Poetry is an awesome thing
only there for joy to bring
to tell a story
to erase worries
if you want a gift so sweet
unique, lovely and neat
send a few word to me
and you will see
a beautiful poem will come your way
and it will say
all you want to tell
a present, very swell.

buy a poem.png

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I have some time on my hands this upcoming weekend to write individual poetry for you. You can use it as a gift or even post it here on steemit or onto your website or social media. Just leave me a comment and I will contact you.
I will write any poem you want to have for 9,99 SBD. If you restreem this, you get one free poem :)


So what your trying to say
Is that if I leave a comment today
You will write me a poem
that will blow my dome
With such talent
That I will think you valiant
Such love in every word
That my mind with think it absurd
To not invest 9.99 sbd
And have you create a poem for me?
A poem with such creativity
That there's a strong possibility
That I might be tempted you see
To be envious of the skilled bestowed in thee
Though honestly I appreciate your ability
And I thank you for sharing with the community. :)
May God Bless
You with tons of success.

That's what I say
If you restreem today
You will get a poem unique
and maybe even chique :)
And letzten might get
A set
Or more readers for my poetry
That's what in it for me :)

hi @sumsum, resteemed. Please may I have a Christmas poem verse that I can include in my home made Christmas cards I plan to make. :) You can post it here.

So awesome of you to be a part of this.

Christmas is here
and love all around
from far and near
people hear the sound
of fun, love and laughter
and even weeks after
the remember with joy
how they wrapped this precious toy
or gifted it to a child
seeing them running wild
in thankful happiness
and even in the biggest mess
of wrpping paper and cooking dinner
everybody is a winner
Be a winner all year round
don´t forget this lovely sound
Christmas brings
for we are always kings and queens!

Let me know if this is what you had in mind. :)

That's lovely, thank you so much

YAY! Happy you like it!

YESS! What do you need from me?
I would like something about Abundance :)

You got your poem in steemit.chat - let me know how you like it!

Get a Free resteem from me!

Do you want a poem? It´s your birthday week!

No, I just want to resteem your great service.

You are awesome, my friend!

yes please I'd love a poem, resteemed

Great! what shall it be about and where shall I send it? :)

it can be about loving life and you can post it here in response, thank you!

here is your poem:

Can you see the blooming flower,
taking it´s sun shower?
Just look at the blue blue sky
and those wonderful birds that fly
breath in the air so fresh and clear
be free of fear
just love life and live it fully
It´s ment for enjoyment, silly!

Congrats on your first sumsum poem :)

if you wanted to make a little money from these poems you write for people you could make a post with a few and i'm sure that each of us recipients would resteem - I know I would in any case!

morning shines like peace
nights like dream got pieces

i dun know why i see this
a downvote can defeat this

working hard on steemit
enjoying my only day dreamit

own words own love own feelings
your love your care your dealings

Awesome! I wil do so! I wrote a poem a day for about two moth strait but I might not have advertised it enought. :) But I will just contunue trying new things to make my steemit blog grow. :)

thank you so much @sumsum, I love it!!

Nice poetry thanks for shairing @fkofficials

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