SteemFest Conference Day 1 Room 1. Deep Coverage of Livestream. [PART 1][Fear and Loathing in Lisbon, Portugal]

in #steemfest27 years ago (edited)

28 hours of video is too much for everyone to watch. So I'm doing it for YOU! So you can easily read, get a recap and I'll even give you important times in the video, so if you want more information about a particular section, just go to that time in the video :)

This is a continuation of:

That post was much like this one, fairly detailed reporting of what's in the videos, along with a bit of my story there (except a lot shorter videos). At the end of that post I was leaving the Costello Area Opening Drinks Party around 4am, with no sleep the night before. I knew, that if I didn't want another delirious day for the beginning of the conference, I'd have to get some sleep.

As I lay in bed, fear... self loathing... Thinking of how shot I was that day. I knew I'd have to re-vamp tomorrow to fully appreciate this chance of a lifetime to get to know my Steem Heros, and Heros I didn't know I had, yet. Get it together, Daniel!!! I woke up too late to make the first shuttle, and I didn't want to wait for the next shuttle from Hotel Fenix, because the second bus was scheduled to arrive just before the conference started. So I quickly got dressed, and hailed a cab. Armed with my trusty notebook and pen (to save my hands from using a phone that didn't have a charge anyways), I got out of the cab right as everyone was entering the building.

(from: @shogo - SteemFest Day 2. Centro Cultural de Belem)

I had enough time to drink some coffee, chat a bit with some people, and try to shake the strange vibes from overthinking everything. As I walked around, I realized that there were two conference rooms that would be going at the same time! How could I possibly choose?

(from: @shogo - Steemfest Day 2. Centro Cultural de Belem)

I had enough time to settle into a solid state of disorientation, but with less fear, and less loathing, more snacks, and more coffee. Next thing you know, we were listening to @roelandp's opening words as he ushered us into SteemFest Proper!

Roeland's Opening Words [8:50]

@roelandp opens up Conference Day 1, accompanied by a huge applause. Everyone is very much enthusiastic about how amazing everything is, and we've only just begun. He starts off by introducing me to a new word Jugati(sp?), which he says means: "to make it work somehow". This is exactly what he's been managing with grace and poise. I'm sure it helps that he had a wonderful team surrounding him, but it was easy for it to seem effortless because of how smoothly everything worked from my perspective. If anyone can clarify the spelling of that word, I'll appreciate it.

He relates how the ticket sales went up from 200 to 300 in the last week before the conference! Of course, an introduction to SteemFest (Creamy and Delicious) wouldn't be complete without a reference to Pastel de Nata:

(from: @shogo - SteemFest Day 2. Centro Cultural de Belem)

38 countries were represented at SteemFest2, including:


I'm not going to pretend to know what all of those country codes stand for, but Roeland takes a shot at a bunch of them [10:45] with help from the crowd. Next he relates a funny story about how he was working on designs for SteemFest, and then was told we were getting a new logo. Theeen, the new Steemit Logo ended up on the SteemFest app, before it was actually released to the public by Steemit. Apparently, @ned and company were not too pleased about this. :)

Thanks are offered to Decent, BitShares, BlockTrades, and the PBSA(Peerplay Blockchain Standards Association) for being major sponsors, as well as Generous Donations by: @abit, @arhag, @pharesim, @riverhead, @smooth, @wackou, and @wmougayar. Because of these people and organizations we were able have a much more affordable ticket to SteemFest. And a big thank you to @anyx, @everlove, @firepower, @foxxycat, @good-karma, @juanmiguelsalas, @mynewlife, @ned, @poezio, @prc, @razvanelulmarin, @sjennon, @sneak, @terrybrock, and @things, for all the help. Lets not forget the Platnum Support Tickets purchased by @blocktrades, @exyle, @gandalf, @good-karma, @grumlin, @jerrybanfield, @lafona, @nanzo-scoop, @phelix, @vandeberg, and @vi1son.

Venue FOMO

Roeland explained that last year having the conference only in one place was a bit static, and having the conference all over the city would allow us to experience more of Lisbon (while making a boat load more work for Roeland, and Co). Since we had so many people, he decided we should have two equally sized rooms, having separate tracks going on at the same time. This allows for the diversity of interests to be represented, and people could check out which talks they are most interested in. For me, the FOMO was strong. Impossible to catch it all, except here with the live-streams. Roeland thanks us all for coming out, and then invites @Ned up to the stage to give his opening words.

(from: @steemitblog - SteemFest2 Talks featuring Steemit CEO Ned Scott [Video])

Ned Scott from Steemit Inc. [21:00]

[edit. Thanks to @steemitblog, we now have video of @ned isolated from the huge livestream. Doesn't include the questions afterwards, so you'll need to catch the livestream if you want that]

First things first, @ned breaks up the applause by thanking @roelandp. Seems everyone is in agreement about this one fact. Roeland is AMAAAAAAAZING. Next up, @ned goes over some thoughts, looking back over the last year, and what's happened to get us to this place.

Where We've Been, and Where we Are.

  • Almost doubled from last years SteemFest, while still retaining the special, heartwarming feeling.
  • 400,000 registered accounts on Steem compared with 100,000, last year.
  • 450,000 comments per day, compared with 115,000 per day.
  • The value of Steem is about 10x compared to last year.
  • More than $20,000,000 distributed among all of the users of the last year.
  • Gives props to, and @elear
  • Tons of blockchain apps coming out on Steem, compared with other crypto projects.
  • Props to DSound, DTube, and DLive
  • Steemit, Busy, Zappl, there are an infinite amount of ways to connect with the blockchain, and we have a foundation of killer apps being developed on our blockchain.

Now he introduces us to the SteemIt Team, and lets us know that they are here for us, to serve the community, and learn what we have to share with them. We've got a Steemit official Mobile app coming, Communities, and it's moving really fast behind the scenes, Ned says. Other block-chain ecosystems haven't reached this level of infrastructure.

There are many Big reasons that Steem is going to Grow and Grow and Grow

SMT's are going to multiply the investment of the devs and the community.

More important than SMT is............


Ned wraps up by thanking the community for our efforts, and invites us to enjoy the festivities.

Questions for @Ned 36:00

I'm going to briefly touch on these questions. To start Ned answers that Yes, there will be more videos featuring him answering questions about SMT and other stuff. They just moved Steemit Inc headquarters to Austin Texas, and once that's wrapped up there will be more video sessions of Ned to come. Early next year we should see the SMT's out on the market, basically as soon as they are ready. The last question was "what are SMTs?" SMT is a way for websites to have the curation features for comments and upvotes the same way Steemit does, where it can be pluged into any website. This enables businesses across the web to incentivise interactions with their content.

That was the last question Ned got and Roeland came back out to try and keep us on schedule. He explains that Room 1 will be sort of Technical and Digital, and that Room 2 would be more Analog, and Animal.

Now both rooms are getting set up for each track of Speakers, and we all have some very difficult decisions to make. What are the most important on each list?

Well, luckily for us, now. This has all been recorded, so you, my dear friends, do not have to make that decision. In the next post I will cover most if not all of the Room 1 lectures, and you can get it in a simple to digest form, but have the videos, so you can go as deep as you want. What you don't get, is the magic of the room, and the conversations with the dev team, and all of the amazing Festeemians, live and in colour.

At this point during the fest I wandered back and forth from Room 1 to Room 2, mingling with the snacks and people. I even found a bar, where for some reason they started giving me free drinks! Which was nice, because I was still waiting for a transfer to go through to my Credit Union. When I come back, it will be a little less of my personal story (I think) and a little more "just the facts, mam". We'll see... I don't really know what's going to happen... because this post is already huge, and we've barely gotten started.


Next post in Series:


Brought to you by @NewsTeem

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got this one @inquirimgtimes?

Yup. Voted because I support your project

I just watched the @ned's video put up by @steemitblog, your summary of it is SPOT ON. Thank you.

thank you! I'll be adding a link to that here... make it a little easier on folks :)

You are most welcome.

That's very lovely.

Excellent reporting. Wow, that video really is over 7 hours long, huh? Very well done. I love reliving these moments.

Obviously, I won't be able to cover everything, and every conversation we had.. however... I'll do my best :bow:

Thank you for doing this... because you're quite right, all those hours of video can be a bit much to digest, and these summaries might serve as a nice pointer to which vids I might actually want to sit and watch fully!

well, I want to make sure, when it's all said and done, that @firepower and the rest of the community made a good investment in sending me to steemfest!

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