Lost for words in Lisbon

in #steemfest7 years ago

I tried to say something sensible about what a wonderful thing Steemit and Steemfest represent. But I'm just a bit awed, really. Awed and inspired to do more


As some of this fluster comes through, with am obvious passion for the raw and eager fo Steemit platform and, more importantly, its community, the surprise you are sharing with us out here on the web resonates equally loudly in my heart and it makes me vibrate with excitement at this point. Strange and as true as your surprise to be overtaken by this feeling of awe that emanates from you throughout the vlog.

Thanks a lot for sharing it all with us, I wish I could have heard and seen more of your experience out there as well as your thoughts o it, as you just did here, after the entire procession of Stem Fest 2.0...

Well, I guess it will be for next year, where the odds are building that both you and I will attend and most probably meet in person, though it might feel more like a decade as time flies by so quickly here on this emancipating platform.

Safe travels, keep your smile and passion, take good care, thrive on and Steem on! Namaste :)

Thank you - I look forward to seeing you before too long :)

Well said. It’s a bit overwhelming but in an exciting way- think it’ll take a few weeks to mentally unarchive

I haven't even unpacked my suitcase properly, let alone my head!

better download a good zip utility wizard... get that rarlife

Yes and the feeling of being a part of it is Awesome. Plus yes the profit sharing is great, however I do enjoy the community sharing even more.
Thank you

So much more We can all do !!!
Thank you all for adding to STEEMIT !!!

"Come for the rewards. Stay for the community."

I can see a future marketing effort around those words. :-D

We are all doing this... but not everyone is being as successful as others... and yes it is true the community is cool... but let's be honest... a lot of People stay for the money. even if the community is good. :P

Thing is, the network can bear that. It's OK for people to be in it just for the money. The problem I see arising though is when someone starts to feel entitled to an income from anything that they put out there, regardless of the value. Being at SteemFest reminded me that this thing is way bigger than I perceive it.

Ohhh yeah I totally agree with you. Of course it is okay to be in it for the money. Otherwise everyone would be blogging on the mainstream platforms. But the big people need to be more open about it instead of fake it. Don't you agree?

great job... glad you enjoyed yourself so much...yes Steemit is a great way to support each other in their creativity.. 🌹

Community is definitely where it's at @lloyddavis. Meeting you didn't earn me any rewards, but my heart is fuller and I am more blessed because of your presence. That's priceless!

LIkewise, dear @everlove. I'm still feeling the warmth within, back in London even though it's about twenty degrees cooler outside :)

Happy Birthday! x

Thank you for the birthday wishes and the hugs. Was great to spend some time with you. Thanks for the song!!! So blessed!

I think you’ve nailed it there with “I came for the money and stayed for the community”

Enjoy the rest of STEEMfest2

Almost every speaker said it at least once in their presentation.

Hi @lloyddavis, it's cool vlog. Please recommend this spot as the next destination of StemFest event > https://steemit.com/steemfest/@adly.jailani/proposal-sabang-weh-island-aceh-the-next-steemfest-destination 😀😁😂

That does look amazing. I don't have much influence over locations, but yeah, an Indonesian fest would be great and very popular, I think.

Please consider to follow me, I'll make update all u need about Indonesia...;)

it was really great to meet you lloyd! I hope we get a chance to hang out at a UK meetup sometime in the next year.... I must say Im as stunned as you are..... Im very new to this platform (aug 17) and I can honestly say that steemit has dramatically changed the way I am seeing my future and the future of this world. Steemfest has absolutely blown my mind.

Dear fellow! I'm so pleased we met and got to spend time together. I'm sure there are many larks to be had in our future and i'm looking forward to seeing any of the video you shot over the last few days.

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