Smell the Roses-Week 1

in #steemfam6 years ago (edited)

Walking Meditation

Crestone Creek

After perusing the contest feed for what is currently going on in Steemit I came across this very interesting contest hosted by @ground2feet. Unfortunately, I have not seen @moneyinfant's list for a couple of days, he must be on vacation or taking some time for himself. I do not blame him at all, but I just wanted to give a shout-out because I miss him!

Anyhoo, back to the contest. So, the guidelines are interesting in that @ground2feet loves meditation and is starting an initiative that looks to be backed by @jerrybanfield. I'm thinking to myself that this could be a positive experience ... especially because I meditate on a regular basis.

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The subject is to Smell The Roses and it is so very important that we appreciate each moment that we are here on earth and most definitely appreciate what we have and/or what is in front of us.

Fortunately, I was taught how to meditate in a variety of ways and walking was one of them. Initially, it is not an easy task but once the technique is mastered it becomes second nature.

The photo I took above was on a walk I took at a creek in Crestone, Colorado. The creek is said to be taken care of by a water goddess and this is her home. There is a small shrine where people come to give small mementos or objects of affection.

I'm not sure how many pieces of jewelry, prayer flags, stones, coins, and small statues were left at that site but there were many.

The feeling I had while I sat here on the rocks and dipped my feet into the water was complete peace. The fresh spring water was rejuvenating and I felt A-L-I-V-E. Of course, I was asked not to stay too long by the water protector but I stayed as long as I could, as well as leaving a small gift in appreciation.

Spring is certainly a time for reflection, renewal, regeneration, and rebirth. These are the moments I cherish in my life and I thank you @ground2feet for holding such a cool contest. Peace.

If you would like to join this contest, click here.

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Photo is the property of @eaglespirit, do not use without persmission.




Congrats @eaglespirit you have just won the contest! I loved your post especially your mention of the water goddess! She runs strong with me and I blow to her power and grace! Thank-you​ for participating!

yay! thank you so much! have you metbir heard her too? :)
i appreciate you and the contest. thank you for the wonderful experience of sharing and learning from others on the subject.


Hi @eaglespirit 💗🌸💗 good to see you! Here's a fun contest.

This one looks fun that you did too. Blessed water. Thankful for her protectors. And, the fish and life in the waters 🙏

hi there jill!! i just got it in, thank you for the alert! i hope you join this one too re: meditation. :)
i left you a message over there on the other contest. LOL

Thanks for this Eagle. What a lovely place.

It's good to be reminded to unhinge from the rampant thoughts and just BE in the moment.

I'm not good at meditation but I find that I reach a sort of peace when I'm grooming or massaging my dog Nelly. Don't get it with the other two for some reason, but Nelly really calms my mind.



O M G i love Nelly!! Is this the funny lip girl? I think she is talking to me. I wrote that to you in DM! LOL
She is so gorgeous and healthy. I love her coat and her eye are so clear. Many times you see BDs and they do not look so good. Its obvious she is loved and well cared for and TALKS! WTHeck? LOL
She has a total british accent too ... wow! What a doll. is that a heart shaped mark on her forehead? hey she might be a spiritual teacher ... hee heeeee love her! thank you for sharing such a sweet photo. can you tell i love pups?

Yes lol. You said about her having a Brit accent. I reckon with a bit of a speech impediment too, with her cleft. aww :P

Mark on her head: it looks like a warped heart in the pic but it's actually an almost perfect circle, like a big cigar burn :D

Yes, you can tell you loves the dogs awww



wow the poor dog from your eyes sounds Fd up! buahaahah i'm sure there is a proper english word for it that makes speech impediment and burnt cigar circle lovely! eheheheheh
yeah she kind of grumbles and has a deep sound to her voice and talks really fast in a thick accent. haahah no impediment! kinda classy and very loving. her eyes say it all. love love love
thank you for sharing her lovely photo, it really made my week! Snap!! hee heeeee


Haha Snap! Love how you've characterised her XD

Yeah, she's pure love with a side order of werido. Love my Nellybelly :P



yes she is truly a beauty. :)
what part is she weirdo? have you had her since a baby?
yeah she looks loved, truly loved.
tho she has that typical bulldoggy air about her ahahahahah

Aw thank you Eagle <3

She's an ex-breeder. I got her when she was 3. She's 5 now. I love her to bits.

She's weird sometimes. When Trev walks past her she does a weird grizzle with her face near his ankle (not actually biting) and she tries to hump his head when he's asleep :P


ahahhahahah OMG she is a genius! ahahhaha
wow 3 was she always so “interesting?”
i wonder what the grizzle is well we know the humping part. shes getting hers ahhaahha dang
do you have to put her on lockdown at bedtime so she wokt smother the poor boy? eeekkkkk

Thanks for this post and I will check out the contest....I started a new little experiment....I now wake up every morning and think or say aloud the following: "I am happy.......I am grateful for everything I have and everything I am about to receive"...This forces me to start my day with positive energy. I also bring myself back to these affirmations when I start worrying and thinking about negative things. It works!!

hi there! yay regarding joining the contest and i LOVE LOVE LOVE your daily affirmation they totally work and make one feel so much better. Some people aren't for feeling good but I definitely am. thank you for sharing and i have used this as well, i think i need to start again just because i am in a city again and overall a lot of people in a city can get one down. too much energy and w/e anyone else is going through can permeate the good intentions. thank you for this great reminder and boo on negativity! LOL

I never tried meditating while walking. It's even hard for me to do it while not doing anything! Must be pretty amazing!

yeah, at first its really strange and if you do meditate it is easier to catch on. try it!:)

Will research that. I'd love to learn.

yes please do, and if you need any pointers let me know. its good to do at lunchtime too if you get to go out and walk around al ittle bit? you don't need much time either just about 10-15 really helps the day.

Okies. I'll pm you on that. That's a nice pratice. Its been a while that I did some meditation.

sure thing! anytime :)

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