What Is Steem Engine And Why Am I On Cloud 9?

in #steemengine5 years ago

December 2017...The month I joined the STEEM blockchain...

When I joined, I did something a lot of people may not have....I downloaded the White Paper and Bluepaper from Steemit.com And discovered another 'paper' while I was poking around...

The SMT White Paper!

This concept intrigued me! The idea that an entrepreneur like myself, could set up his or her own token and have it work within the STEEM blockchain was...Too good to be true!

I was gonna stick SMT's everywhere....

- On my membership site!
- In my marketing forum!
- Give them away in contests!

It was going to be great...

I don't think I would have been so hooked on STEEM if it wasn't for the SMT concept and excitement surrounding them.

Fast forward to February 2019 and SMT's are still a pipe dream it seems. No word of any development from Steemit Inc on that front and it left so many Steemians with a bitter taste in our mouth.

And then I see this post from @exyle last week!

He is raving about something co-created by the @SteemMonsters team and a Steemian named @harpagon that brought me back to December 2017...


Say what!!!!????

O.k. now here is where I ATTEMPT to explain what's going on...

Instead of waiting for Steemit Inc to come up with SMT's...A few entrepreneurs decided to by-pass the waiting game and develop their own version of SMT's.

This is Steem Engine! A smart contract on the STEEM blockchain.

And this is where I bow out to the more experienced and smarter Steemians...They will be able to explain to you all that smart contract stuff and Ethereum ideas...

For the rest of us...We can now create our own tokens via Steem Engine (the smart contract) and have them interact within the Steem blockchain.

Yes, there are concerned Steemians still wanting the official SMT from Steemit Inc, but right now I'm on cloud 9 because....


HUGE congrats and bravo goes out to @yabapmatt @aggroed (The Steem Monsters team) and @harpagon

This is HUGE for the blockchain!

So big in fact, with the 7th token created via Steem Engine, I'd like to introduce you to:

savvy token

The Steem Savvy Token :)

Yup, SteemSavvy will have it's own token and reward it's members for going through the training, completing modules and being an active member of the site!

This is what I wanted to do with SMT's when I first thought up Steem Savvy and understood what could be done on this blockchain...And now that's a reality!

So what...Unless there is value there no one will care about these tokens...

That's what a lot of people will be saying about this project...There is already plans to make an in-house market paired to STEEM which will determine the value and if that wasn't enough....The FreedomEx exchange will be launching very soon as well.

What's that???

An exchange based on selling and trading STEEM based tokens...Originally designed for SMT's but pretty sure, they will be on board with Steem Engine!

Folks....It's about to get a LOT more exciting here on the blockchain!

If you thought I loved Steem last week...Oh boy!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://plus1daily.com/what-is-steem-engine-and-why-am-i-on-cloud-9/


I was wondering how many hours it would take you to have SteemSavvy tokens.

It is a great addition to the blockchain and some of these tokens are going to be well worth getting your hands on.

It will be interesting to how the apps Will come with different uses for there tokens.

Should be fun times on Steem.

Posted using Partiko iOS

dude i created the steem savvy tokens last week lol

7th token on steem engine :)

can’t wait to integrate them with everything we’re doing at savvy!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

That was pretty cool to look at Steem Engine yesterday and see you and Exyle already created your own tokens! I think you guys were the first, apart for some test tokens and the ones from Steem Monsters.

I'm still processing after so many amazing things happened in a short time span for or on Steem!

it’s exciting man. it’s what drew me to steem in the first place. the potential for these tokens is unlimited.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well that sounds really great. Congrats on getting your own Token for Steem Savvy :)

thank you sir :) if you join steem engine let me know your username. i’ll send ya some savvy ;)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey @jongolson, I like exciting and this looks very positive. I hope it pans out for everyone.

for sure. this could be exactly what we’ve all been waiting for.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is fucking banging! Woohoo

Posted using Partiko Android


Posted using Partiko iOS

Congratulations on your steemsavvy @jongolson 😉 I've been here for a year and I have no ideas when I saw many steem I received from steemengine and how did I get it😊 I know nothing about steemit and SMT .. just being around for blogging, when people said to power up.. i did it too with everything I got from steemit, because I pay nothing (except my phone bill😂) to be on steemit.

English also not my native tongue, and it's hard to understand everything about the blockchain 😊 and what about this steemsavvy then? Is that something similar to steemmonsters? I mean not the game.. but how it's own website connected to steemit😊

Thank you and Happy second steemitversary!

english sounds pretty good to me :) you did great.

steemsavvy is a training platform to help new steemians learn about steem.

developed to help bring awareness to steem as well :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oohh IC.. i think I need to try it later, I really want to learn about this ecosystem, as long as I can have fun on steemit. Thank you for the reply😊

for sure. if you have any questions please feel free to drop me a line anytime.

Posted using Partiko iOS

There are lots of good news in this articles steem engine amd STEEMSAVVY token thats cool. Hope for the best.

Posted using Partiko Android

yessir. can’t wait to send these out and see people earning them.

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This is a good example on how a decentralized environment is more powerful. Steemit is wrong when they think they are the kings of this blockchain. With initiatives like this nobody will miss Ned

Posted using Partiko Android

Excellent comment and the absolute truth. This isnt a spammy.comment, theres just nothing more I could add!

lol not to worry. thanks for the comment tho!

Posted using Partiko iOS

smt’s are the game, set and match for any blockchain. i have no idea why they didn’t make this the focus when they were worth a few hundred million.

oh well. Steem Engine is here :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's great News! :-) Salud!

huge news. hope it’s just the beginning too

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is great and awesome to see more are jumping on the bandwagon to get tokens issued. Everyone needs to really watch this new feature as it could bring demand back to the blockchain! Congrats on lucky #7!

Posted using Partiko iOS

lol hope so. lucky number 7!!!

yeah for sure. this could bring the right attention back to steem.

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