If You Want To Push Steem Dollar Down To Parity With The US-Dollar, You Need Helicopter SBDs!

in #steemdollar7 years ago (edited)

The design of the Steem Dollar (SBD) looks to me like a huge and deadly accident in the making. The currency must be removed or it should at least be reformed and modified to make sure that all users, investors and speculators know what it is and what they can expect from it. Not changing the way SBD are handled on the other hand will eventually harm both Steemit and the cryptocurrency market.

In this article, I will argue that SBD are a major liability and its removal should be treated as a priority matter by the witnesses.

1. SBD Has No Proper Function

According to the Whitepaper, SBDs were supposed to be a simple exchange intermediate between US-Dollar and Steem. I don't know if the author of the document outlined why he wanted a pegged artificial currency named SBD to represent the exchange ratio to the US-Dollar on Steemit. But there is absolutely nothing that could convince me of the rationality not to use the US-Dollar directly. Imaginable are only security or legal concerns. It's probably simpler to use a make-belief currency instead of the real thing.

But even if there were concerns in the beginning that made it a good idea to invent SBD, now is a different time with very different variables and a very different environment. Steemit is established, the blockchain works reliably (most of the time) and Steem has a value of more than zero in US-Dollar and it doesn't look like it was going down soon and users increasingly learn how to handle cryptos and exchange them freely.

Some witnesses seem to see new or additional functions for SBD, but I haven't read anything what they could be - except maybe that SBDs are ideal for market manipulation. That again is nothing Steemit should allow or even embrace. All other possible functions for SBD can be filled by the official currency Steem or by the US-Dollar if necessary.

I conclude: There is no more reason for SBD to exist except. The only reason why it is still there is that someone introduced it and it costs time and effort to remove it again. If SBD was gone though, nothing would change. Nothing on system level in the world of Steemit and Steem would need any change.

2. Users Don't Know The Difference And They Are Confused About The Distinction Between Steem And SBD

Almost all users are confused about Steem and Steem Dollar. Steemit is quite a complex environment and reading the Whitepaper is something I have only heard @timcliff bragging about. The rest - including experienced users - usually have only a vague image about the inner functionality of the site. But it is not just the deeper and complex elements. One major ill-understood aspect is also the distinction between Steem/Steem Power and Steem Dollar which affects everyone. Even the way the wallet is designed implies that Steem Dollar is the official currency and not Steem (if you don't know the difference between Steem and Steem Dollar, try this) .

It took me personally several months to realize what the difference is! I bet the majority of users here still believes, it's SBD and not Steem that plays the crucial role for the platform.

Add to that the fact that users don't really know what a blockchain is, what "crypto" specifically means and how the concept works on Steemit. The reason for that is that they don't care and because it isn't important for their blogging, commenting and networking activities. They simply like the idea of being part of this latest and coolest of all concepts and they blindly trust the developers. But effectively, almost nobody has any clue and most users just see the happy side with the Dollar signs.

Of course, there are these rules like "buyer beware", "your return - your risk", "a system for dummies attracts dummies" and so on. But should it really be a characteristic of Steemit that its users take part in a comprehensive computer and business education course before they can start having fun here? The sad and scary truth is that not even all witnesses seem to understand the underlying system.

I conclude: Why does Steemit have to be more complex than it has to be? At least remove the most confusing and unnecessary parts of it and that is more than anything else the SBD.

3. Stupid, It's A Fiat Currency!

The by far biggest surprise to me was when I learned that SBD is a textbook fiat currency. Imagine: The currency of the first big blockchain blogging platform situated in the center of the crypto universe is being created out of thin air. Let that sink in! Wow!

But that insult is not even the biggest problem. Fiat currencies can be made working. There are several examples in real life showing the proof-of-work pretty impressively. And after all, isn't SBD traded higher than Steem? Looks like the market even prefers an asset which is made out of thin air to an asset made of blog posts. (If that is not another insult, I don't know what is..).

I conclude: Running a fiat currency while pretending to be a crypto enterprise reminds me of that hedge fond that put the word blockchain into its name and tripled its value on the stock market. But do we really want that?

4. Unethical Business Practices - Do You Want Your Name To Be Connected With That?

The points 2 and 3 can be summarized as "unethical business practices". It just isn't a good thing to confuse users (and developers!) more than necessary, even if it's something "new" and a "work in progress" and then do the opposite of what you are implying to represent. (Hell, it's almost like what Socialists do!)

This all may be legal, but it leaves a very strange taste and you must never forget that what goes around that comes around. In the case of Steemit this counts especially for the witnesses. You have a lot of responsibility for which you receive a lot of money. But if you aren't willing to reform a highly volatile and complex element that you don't have any real control over - and not to speak about understanding it - and that very thing is now pumping itself up more and more every day, you will at one point wake up and see how somebody or something blew up the entire platform. And you will have the responsibility for burning >44 Million US-$ and this for no real reason.

I conclude: Keeping SBD as a part of the Steemit system and even more keeping it in circulation outside of it will at one point come back to you. There is already way to much money involved and even if the entire market is very risky and experimental, SBD is like a balloon with a built in needle and there won't be excuses for you when this becomes relevant.

5. Uncontrollable And Already Out Of Control

SBD were planned as being pegged 1:1 to the US-Dollar. Well, that worked pretty well so far and in case you found sarcasm in that statement, you found the right ingredient. If you can believe @timcliff in this interview (min28-32) SBD by design only has a dampener for dropping below 1 US-Dollar but none when it goes in the other direction. That is like asking for trouble and obviously that trouble is already relevant.

If you design a currency - no matter if its a fiat one or of any other sort - and you build in such a flaw, you must remove the flaw as soon as it becomes apparent or you have pull the currency out of circulation as soon as possible. Because if you don't do this, it is very, very likely that it will happen again and it will happen worse and it will happen until something breaks.

In the case of SBD, this means that the price for this fiat currency will go up again and more than before and maybe even more rapid. And users, speculators and investors still think of it as the official Steemit currency and they also believe that it is a cryptocurrency - although it isn't.

I conclude: SBD in the current shape is a ticking and self-replicating time bomb. It already blew up before and it will blow up until it breaks. Breaking in this case means until Steemit is gone.

6. A Liability And A Point Of Attack For Very Big Players

In a post in which I defended @haejin I stated that the only thing about him that frightens me is the (small but bigger than zero) chance that he isn't some talented analyst but the North Korean government trying to play the crypto market. The same can be said about @berniesanders. Are you really sure he's just some fatty loser living in his moms basement - or is he maybe Jamie Dimons other daughter who does what daddy tells her to do?

Cryptocurrencies are a major threat to classic banks. They are growing at a lightning pace and the outlook is non othr than the take-over of the entire classic banking market. You all know that. The banks and the players behind it plus others who have to lose a lot as well (=governments) surely don't just sit put and wait for the inevitable to happen. And just as there could be users on Steemit causing unnecessary trouble in the interest of hidden third parties, I find it at least equally likely that JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and all the other banks gave some of their well paid interns the task to read the Whitepapers of all well running crypto projects and look for weaknesses that can be exploited for profit and for the destruction of the respective project.

Or do you think the whole Bicoin theater with the blocksize, the hardforks and some Bilderberg guy taking over the whole thing at the end was just another coincidence?

They know exactly what is going on. Only fools see this as coincidence and thinking the prices went up because "Christmas" or whatever is dangerously naive, as I think. And accordingly, I don't think it is a coincidence or a funny confusion that SBD is trading higher than Steem. It is there to keep the possibility open to use SBD as means to disrupt the market and possibly destroy Steemit as a whole. Or at least to kill off the trust, Steemit and the market enjoy right now.

I conclude: Banks have Billions and they have Billions to lose and that is why it is absolutely dominant for them to penetrate the crypto market where they can. If you think, Steemit and its biggest and by far most expensive weakness SBD are protected is a false hope. SBD is an open door for hostile market activities and therefore it must be removed.

Bottom Line

I am convinced that the design of SBD is an imminent threat for Steemit. Therefore, the removal of SBD or a comprehensive modification must be treated as a priority by the witnesses. As soon as possible, there should be a hard fork to retire this strange currency in its current shape. SBD doesn't fit to Steemit, it doesn't fit on the crypto market, there is no relevant reason to keep it around - but there is at least half a dozen reasons to get rid of it.

That's why: SBD must go!

...or, to address the title of this post: Print SBD. Give every user 1,000 SBD at once and the market will know.

What do you think about SBD, did you know, SBD were a fiat currency and what possible sense could it make to keep them on the platform?


I have read your post as you asked me to. I am not sure if what you say it a truth or not. It it simply hard to know. I myself is surpriced that SBD is so fare from the original peg at 1 US-dollar and I guess it will go back to that peg at one point, sooner then later.

Right now, all bloggers is benefiting from the high SBD value, so it is only helping the bloggers and the platform.

I dont think that banksters can speculate in SBD and thereby crash Steem, they would end up making the currency more popular in that attempt.

I am only happy for the SBD, so I do not share your skepticism. I think that the current situation, is due to some market speculation, but as it is benefiting the bloggers, its not really a problem.

On the other hand SBD is a good way to store dollars outside the banking system (when it is actually pegged to the dollar) and making that easily accessible via the Steemit.com website, is only helping people unfamiliar with cryptos.

I do agree that people can get confused about SBD and STEEM at these prices.

Keep it up.


The main point I agree with is that it causes confusion, although it currently is benefiting most users - even if they don’t understand it. Anyone who receives an author payout right now is getting about 5x the amount of rewards that they would receive if we just eliminated SBD and paid authors in STEEM instead of SBD.

SBD is not a fiat currency. I disagree with this interpretation. STEEM tokens are created out of thin air too, as are BTC, ETH, and most other crypto currencies.

I do not see the argument for the actual harm that is being caused by keeping SBD. I am not entirely opposed to removing it, but someone will need to make a compelling case for the actual harm that is being caused by keeping it around. So far, I don’t see it.

although it currently is benefiting most users - even if they don’t understand it.

I strongly disagree. If you also count all users of Steem and SBD outside of Steemit, you harm them a lot. For them it's a fools game they cannot win.

Anyone who receives an author payout right now is getting about 5x the amount of rewards that they would receive if we just eliminated SBD and paid authors in STEEM instead of SBD.

That is only true nominally.

SBD is not a fiat currency. I disagree with this interpretation. STEEM tokens are created out of thin air too, as are BTC, ETH, and most other crypto currencies.

That is splitting hairs. It's about how something is handled and by which rules new money is created and how out of the ordinary events are handled. By these standards, SBD is a bit like the Venezuelan Peso and Steem is like paper gold. Both not perfect, but one very much closer to fiat than the other.

I do not see the argument for the actual harm that is being caused by keeping SBD.

Well, trust is the main argument against it. There is no security, no system and no competence behind the behavior of SBD. You won't be able to keep your promises if there is an exogenous shock.

Question: Who made the decision to trade SBD outside of Steemit? When was this decision made and why? Would be great if you had a link for that.

If you also count all users of Steem and SBD outside of Steemit, you harm them a lot. For them it's a fools game they cannot win.

It is a speculative asset, which goes up and down based on supply and demand. It still functions according to the rules of the blockchain that are defined in the whitepaper.

That is splitting hairs. It's about how something is handled and by which rules new money is created and how out of the ordinary events are handled. By these standards, SBD is a bit like the Venezuelan Peso and Steem is like paper gold. Both not perfect, but one very much closer to fiat than the other.

The amount of new tokens that are generated (inflation) is working 100% according to the blockchain rules. The value associated with those tokens is what is fluctuating - which again is in line with other crypto currency tokens.

Well, trust is the main argument against it. There is no security, no system and no competence behind the behavior of SBD. You won't be able to keep your promises if there is an exogenous shock.

What promises? How does it compare to a coin like Litecoin (LTC)? In my mind they are very similar in the context we are discussing.

Question: Who made the decision to trade SBD outside of Steemit? When was this decision made and why? Would be great if you had a link for that.

AFAIK, it has been that way since day 1 when both STEEM and SBD were listed on exchanges.


@doodlebear, I am not arguing with what you say. But in basics, every crypto currency is also a Fiat-currency. The only difference with USD, EUR, GBP... etc... is the decentralisation. That is the difference, and as far as I know SBD is created by blogging, just like Steem. It is just more liquid. But it is decentralised.
Fiat is Latin for "let it be as it is" which is old talk for "Trust" so without trust in Bitcoin, there is no value, just as any other cryptocurrency or paper money...
I just don't see your reasoning.

I am aware that Steem too is a sort of fiat currency. After all there are hardforks/updates all the time and everytime they seem inflate it a little. I don't see a problem with that because it is part of the system and it is still young and expanding without causing inflation, so there is no real reason for hard restrictions or a stricter limitation of the bandwidth per user (which is equivalent to the interest of the central bank).

as far as I know SBD is created by blogging, just like Steem.

That is wrong. I haven't read all the details, but as far as my understanding goes, SBD can be created almost limitless by whales with their activity. Steem is limited by the blogging capacity but SBD is not. There is no blockchain that SBD is binded to, no general rules, just the expectation that nobody does anything stupid with a big stash of it and that the witnesses increase the interest in case it drops below the 1:1 peg.

The interview with Tim Cliff that I have linked in the post contains some information about it.

I thought that SBD is also creating by blogging...

You get 50% of your payout in SBD, so the more Steem is worth, the more SBD is created. How would that work if whales could create SBD? Or where?

Nope, the amount SBD is not fixed to the blockchain and I haven't figured out yet completely the system myself. I'm still on the surface.

At least I get much more SBD than Steem for my articles. The last one was "Claim rewards: 8.582 SBD and 1.356 STEEM POWER". It's 5:1 right now.

Yes, that's because Steem is worth much more. Let's say (Steem is worth 5$) and you receive 10$ after curation, for that you would get 5 SBD (10/2) and 1 Steem (Power) (10/2/5).

This ratio ( 5:1) is determined by the price of Steem in Dollars

Edit: I already wrote this at my other comment, but here again:

For the Steem blockchain it doesn't matter how much SBD is actually worth, it is treated as one USD.

Yes, that's because Steem is worth much more.

Agreed, but why is the market ignoring that?

Ignoring what exactly?
PS: I edited my other comment with an addition.

That SBD is treated as one US-$ and that Steem is much more scarce than SBD. Both should indicate a higher price of Steem in US-$ than SBD in US-$.

Rationally, the price for one Steem is about 14 US-$ and one SBD is 1 US-$. But looking at the market you will find 8 US-$ for SBD and 6 US-$ for Steem.

That is totally counter-intuitive. There is absolutely no reason why this should be that way.

Well, with SBD you can always be sure that you get AT LEAST one USD. So technically it's like a assurance: You can always be sure that you have a certain number of Dollars or more.

How is that guaranteed? I mean, in an extreme scenario they'd have to use up their currency reserves (=Steem as interest payment) and shut down the activity on the platform (=no more SBD &Steem) to reduce the supply enough for the stabilization of th SBD. I find that a bit crazy and definitively not worth the effort for a currency that has no function.

No, it's more easy: If you use the 'Convert to Steem' function, you receive 1$ worth of Steem, independent of the SBD price.

But I actually don't know where the Steem for that is coming from... maybe from the reward pool?

If you use the 'Convert to Steem' function,

They've removed that in the last(?) hardfork. If I recall it correctly from reading the witness channel protocols, @elear converted utopian SBD and lost ~20k US-$, because the Steem at that time had only 1/5 of the value of SBD and when you converted via that automatic system it changed it 1:1. (I did that wrong too, but on a bit of a smaller scale..^^)

You see, not even important users (utopian even has witness status!) really get the system and can work it. Although he screwed up terribly there, it's not necessarily elears fault. He simply trusted the system and it just catastrophically failed him.

But I actually don't know where the Steem for that is coming from... maybe from the reward pool?

I'm not sure either. They have all sorts of mechanisms at their disposal to control the flow. The biggest instruments are hardfork with a faster block production, more nodes (there are 19 ran by witnesses plus 1 automatically and I think the cash for the system comes from the last one) and the reduction of the bandwidth per user which reduces the number of posts you can make and you have to buy Steem to fill that up again. And yes, they surely can also manipulate the functionality of the reward pool.

I guess, they do what seems convenient in the situation. The downside of that: They make the system more complex and it might become uncontrollably wobbly at one point.

3 months ago Fill convert request: 15.000 SBD for 14.409 STEEM

This is the last time I used the function, unfortunately I don't remember the prices etc.

I think we already had HF19 back then or not?
This is really confusing right now...

3 months ago the function was still there. It got removed in December 2017. The ratio was about 1.2 Stem to 1 SBD and 1 SBD was worth 1 US-$. This went out of hand at the end of November when SBD suddenly jumped up.

Now I see that they removed it...

But I believe that this is only an UI change so that people stop loosing money, if you look at this post there is still SBD converted to Steem.

The ratio also isn't fixed. If you received 1.2 Steem for one SBD that just means that Steem was worth around 80 Cents. For the Steem blockchain it doesn't matter how much SBD is actually worth, it is treated as one USD.

Yes, I think it's just a surface thing, but that's all it needed.

I had no idea that SBD was technically a fiat currency. I'm basically in the same boat as what you said when it comes to SBD that I don't really know the real ramifications or ideas behind it. I mean I understand a little more after reading your post but it is still tough.

Its especially confusing for me because I started using Steemit when 1 SBD could get you something like 2.5 Steem!

The price ratio between Steem and SBD can be 1:2.5 but what is more important is their relative weight towards the US-$ and you started when the market went "crazy". Not sure what happened. The best explanation I found was a "korean exhange" which drove up the price. But who knows what was behind that.

Given the nature and original purpose of SBD I also wonder why it has been marketed on the exchanges at all..

Not a big fan of the confusion that SBD causes especially now it has become untethered. That is the real source of confusion. How is it a Steem Dollar of it is worth more than a dollar? What I'd really like to know if it will ever go below $1 now, or if that really is a guaranteed minium. I would say that sometime really should fix the pegging and drop more fiat into deposit and print more SBD so that SBD can return to $1. Last time I heard anything they said there was only 3M SBD and that is a ridiculously low amount IMO.

I'd love to know how you think SBD is a threat to the platform? How does that work?

How is it a Steem Dollar of it is worth more than a dollar?

And more importantly: How can it be more worth than Steem? SBD is just a tool for Steem and without Steem there is no SBD.

What I'd really like to know if it will ever go below $1 now, or if that really is a guaranteed minium.

Technically, there is a guaranteed minimum. It is stated in th whitepaper that witnesses can pay a positive interest if users hold SBD in their wallet (see "savings"). Since quite some time the interest is zero, but if necessary it can be increased again. Here is a table with the rates witnesses are suggesting.

I would say that sometime really should fix the pegging and drop more fiat into deposit and print more SBD so that SBD can return to $1.

That would be one fix, yes. But I'm not sure if it's the best one. It could undermine the trust massively since the confusion between Steem and SBD still is prevalent.

they said there was only 3M SBD and that is a ridiculously low amount IMO.

According to Coinmarketcap there are currently ~5 million SBD in circulation. Multiply that with the price per SBD and you get out a really nice yacht. Or bring trouble to Steemit.

I'd love to know how you think SBD is a threat to the platform? How does that work?

  • at least some witnesses don't understand the economics, they don't know what they are doing
  • if a whale suddenly drops enough SBD on the market and the price drops below 1 US-$ they have to give out interest, which only works for a certain time. If there is more dropped they have to limit the Steem supply and at the end limit the bandwidth per user
  • but first and foremost, it's a trust and confusion issue. After all SBD and Steem are currencies and the rule with money is: You need absolute trust! You don't give your money to an untrustworthy bank, or ask someone untrustworthy to look for your wallet. You want clarity and you want signs that you can trust the bank. If now Steemit is pretending to be a blockchain/crypto place but runs a poorly managed fiat currency, then this is to me the opposite of trust. Right now, Steemit and its currencies are nothing more than hype and pure speculation and as an investor I wouldn't see a reason why I should keep Steem or SBD in my wallet when the first big crash comes.

If you having Steem Dollars you can always make sure that you get some USD because Steam Dollar calculations are higher than USD. So technically if you have Steem Dollars you can be sure that you have a number of USD or more. If the price of Steem Dolars decreases, it must be 😁

Is it really worth risking the proper functionality of the entire environment just to save a useless and confusing currency with no real value? Also: see what I replied to @okean123

I really agree with what you say to @okean123 and I still think what if everyone shut down steem powernya then steemit was no longer be mean it's definitely ..

Well, that worked pretty well so far and in case you found sarcasm in that statement, you found the right ingredient.

Lol. Off with you, needless, confusing SBD!

Well, I guess SBD has a proper function, it´s just a useless - or better: misused - one at the moment. I guess the idea of Dan was simply to introduce a stable token inside the Steem blockchain - similar to what he is doing with Bitshares and bitUSD. A less volatile token, that you can fall back to, when the market is going crazy. So the idea is stability. Now that this didn´t work out as we see, is another thing. The whole SBD idea took on a dynamic, that no one could predict at the moment of its conception. Since this is simply the way the community went, which is for sure not why the SBD was invented, the whole issue can and will only be cleared up through an adjustment of the community. I guess, there will never be a central agent - like lets say Dan - who will shut the SBD down - which would, by the way, be against all rules of the decentralized idea.
So yeah, it´s totally correct to speak up and be concerned about some developments, but the solution is the same as the cause of the problem: us.

I guess the idea of Dan was simply to introduce a stable token inside the Steem blockchain - similar to what he is doing with Bitshares and bitUSD.

Yes, that was the intention, but it obviously got out of hand. I'm particularly wondering why SBD is traded outside of Steemit. It should be exclusively be a thing on Steemit and not on Bitrex and whatever their names are. Also strange is that it is listed on cryptocurrency market sites. You don't do that with a mere exchange token. If anything needs to be done then to take SBD out of the circulation outside of Steemit. That is for sure.

I guess, there will never be a central agent - like lets say Dan - who will shut the SBD down - which would, by the way, be against all rules of the decentralized idea.

That's the job of the witnesses. But it seems most of them are just happy with the way it is: 1000 Steem per day is not bad even for the digital startup business and if it goes bust, they can simply walk away.

I'm particularly wondering why SBD is traded outside of Steemit.

Well, they try to sell bitUSD and other bitshares coins also on other exchanges - Tether is also traded on different exchanges...

if it goes bust, they can simply walk away

Sure, this can happen, but I see no higher probability as with other coins - and yes, I agree, that this imbalance should be corrected, but I trust in the market and the wisdom of the crowd to do so.
In my view, the witnesses also feel a bit helpless about the situation and simply have lesser control over the SBD value as they thought...

Well, they try to sell bitUSD and other bitshares coins also on other exchanges - Tether is also traded on different exchanges...

yeah, I think I read that somewhere else. I understand it when they do it with crypto derivatives, because you can burn them into the blockchain and basically take over that coin. But doing that with fiat currency that you have no control over seems very strange. The only viable way to do this is imo with a vault full of cash somewhere. But that wouldn't be "decentralized".

but I trust in the market and the wisdom of the crowd to do so.

The market will fix the problem at one point, that is sure. My concern is that it might hurt a lot and end Steemit.

I think, I have still not completely understood the bitshares concept regarding bitUSD etc., but what I understood is, that each bitUSD is backed several times in real fiat by different issuers, making it decentralized in the end - again, when I first heard this, I could only sense, that Dan is some kind of genius and it sounded valid, but I didn´t take the time to research it in full detail. It may be similar with SBD...
Anyway, I share your concern and of course there is the danger, that some people get hurt, which, as sad as it is, is also part of this whole crypto game. I think, that Steemit is just in its infancy and won´t end anytime soon - but it will end sometime and this will happen, when no new money is flowing into the system - which would also happen to Facebook etc., when advertisers would stop investing, in which case also quite a lot of people and businesses would get hurt. In a way this hurt is immanent in every system - may it be regular "advertisement based" or "decentralized".

what I understood is, that each bitUSD is backed several times in real fiat by different issuers... It may be similar with SBD...

That sounds like it should be and if it's the same with SBD then there is no problem, but just a lot of strangeness that someone sees it a good investment to pay 8 Dollar for one decentralized Dollar.

But I doubt they do that with SBD.

I think, that Steemit is just in its infancy and won´t end anytime soon

That's my opinion too but I believe it has to eliminate potential weaknesses, because at one point there will be a big crypto carnage in which all the weak concepts are washed away. In its present shape I don't think Steemit would make it and two of the biggest questionmarks are the confusion for users in combination with this cretin of a currency SBD.

This post has received gratitude of 2.40 % from @appreciator thanks to: @doodlebear.

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