Esteem.Life - v1.0 - I'm still alive, and now the Beta is too! Set up a custom Steemit feed today!

in #steemdev7 years ago

Real life has been unusually rough these last couple days, so I will first apologize for my delay. I've had to since find a new place to live and begin the long, arduous struggle for child custody, so by all means I wasn't vacationing. In between bouts of spiritual and mental anguish, however, I did find some solace in overhauling Esteem.Life in preparation for the launch for beta testing!

For those who've been paying attention to my screenshots so far, just take a look at the difference as of v1.0!

Much has been improved and there is much left yet to be done, but here's just a sampler of what I got accomplished (entirely from scratch!) so far:

  • Custom, shareable feeds!!!
    • Posts from author(s)
    • Posts from tag(s)
    • Min/max post payout
    • Min/max reputation
    • Make as many feeds as you want!
    • Share your feeds page (
    • Customized pagination/load more posts
  • Custom profiles
    • Banner colors
    • Font colors
    • Background colors
    • Banner image (not fully implemented yet)
  • Steemit magic
    • Vote on posts through Esteem.Life using your Steemit account's posting key!
    • Loads more information onto feeds page faster than feed page alone
  • Security
    • SSL encryption
    • Steemit keys are never ever ever ever stored in plaintext or sent unencrypted to or from the server

Although this is just just a beta sample of some of Esteem.Life's functionality expect much more to come! I'll definitely need a few days to get my life back in order, but I figure for now this can keep my hopes alight. Of course there will still be some rough patches, but now I can use your feedback to help improve the app that much quicker!

Thank you so much for the endless support Steemit, and this one's for you!

Get started and set up an account today at Esteem.Life!


Uuugh...Where the funk is @rebelskum?

When are you gonna be back on the case McRebel?!

We got some elite pedo hunting to do, bra. Srsly...

@agentmulder has nothing to report in the last few days.


Great development my friend! Can't wait to test it out. Solid contribution and initiative!

You will come out victorious and more at peace after your personal struggle @rebelskum, I'll be praying for you.
And by the way great initiative you put up here for the steemit community. Keep on rocking! You're awesome!

Thank you so much! Steemit's been a wondrous bright spot in my life so I like to do what I can to help the community as it has done for me. It really means a lot!

Wanted to signup and test your service, but it requires a 5 character username as a minimum while my Steemit username is 4 characters. What can we do?

Excellent! Will make this a priority for the day, but thanks for the feedback! I'm getting back into the development of Esteem.Life but I needed to take a much needed hiatus to get life affairs in order. I will immediately let you know when this has been addressed!


In fact, the change should be live now! Let me know how it goes and thanks again for the feedback!

Hallelujah! Successful! :)

I like the tool although UI can be a bit better; But it filters on tags and users. Super!

Did not try to voting; But will do later this week.

Tags: I tried a couple of common tags, they work. But the tag qsounds (a relatively new tag I created) does not work.

Thanks once again and feel free to do a review! As I'm so far developing the beta on my own, albeit not for long, it's been really important to get user feedback like this. Definitely the UI is a rough draft, but it is also scalable and responsive so at least the foundation is there. This is certainly one of my favorite projects though and I hope to really make Steemit proud by full release!

BTW, I like to do a review on this tool. I think it is super cool tool. Using SteemNow for latest posts but that one is not the best for older posts than a hour or so and does not have the tag filtering. Your does. Can you tell me what the oldest post is that can be filtered on? Also, since your have more filtering options in your tool, I suppose you must have a good server running, otherwise it'll become slow when some more users are using the tool, or?


Not too bad for 5 days work so far :P

begin the long, arduous struggle for child custody,

very sorry to hear that; best of luck and courage in resolving that

I just signed up for Esteem; i will kick the tires a bit tomorrow!

Great! I'm only seeing the last 5-6 posts though. Not sure if the pagination is working. Tried different browsers.

Pagination got all wonky after copying to live, but I'm working on it right now actually. Should be pulling up more complete lists momentarily.

Signed up, now to see if I get email, I've been having notoriously bad luck with these kinds of projects XD

I did test out the signup form personally once I made it live. I noticed it takes a minute or two to receive, but you should receive a message from [email protected] about Esteem.Life. Let me know if it ends up in a spam mailbox.

Keep me posted and thanks for trying out the site!

Landed in spam for me :(

Sorry I lost track of the thread. I gave it another 5 and then checked the spam folder and found it in there (silly thing!) and then everything went swimmingly :) Could have been that my mailserver was being a bit slow as well.

Made a tag feed (yay!) now just need to figure out how to split the watch feed into posted and resteems (there's probably some documentation somewhere that I missed, either way it's a later on tonight job XD)

Thanks for making the site :D

I'll need to buff out the mailing to avoid spam filters it looks like. An option to filter re-steemed posts is also on my to do list.

For now though all posts on a feed are unique as I filter out duplicates, so at the moment it also filters out re-steemed posts by default.

Okay cool :) I still haven't figured out how to duplicate the home/feed thing (short of putting in everyone's names, ack! what blatantly obvious thing am I missing?), but did have an amusing "hey I could turn this into a conspiracy theory" moment when I was scouring teh interwebz to see if someone else had explained it.

DuckDuckGo linked to this post and a few other vaguely related ones on steemit, and so did Ecosia. Startpage and Google, no steemit results anywhere at all on the first page. Could be yet another dystopian scifi XD

S'all good I shall just squee about enjoy my tag feeds til whenever you get around to it :D

I see what you mean! I'll look into adding some way to get all the posts from people you're following without having to re-enter all the names here in the next day or so. Definitely one of the more important pages on Steemit!

You bring up a lot of good points though and I'll likely write some small tutorial posts and tips as more features get added. I really appreciate the feedback!

Any updates on the pagination bug? We really need this now!

Have you seen this offer for 500SBD from @papa-pepper? From what I see, you have everything he is looking for.

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