Build me up buttercup

in #steemcommunity6 years ago

Good day everyone! I am once again participating in @legendchew's weekly contest and for this week the topic is...

How Do You Build Your Followers In Steemit?

Honestly, if one would like to have a lot of followers I think the best way is to get into the trending page. One can easily catch a whole lot of plankton trying to gain favor out there and they will latch onto people that looks promising.



Take note that I used the term "a lot" because all you will get is sheer volume increase and if we are going to answer this week's topic: "How Do You Build Your Followers In Steemit?", then I believe that it won't be a fitting answer since majority of those people (including bots) are really not there for your contents but are only there to earn your favor. However I won't deny that having a large follower base is in itself a good way of attracting other people to follow you (not to mention that it is pleasing to look at bigger numbers) but I will stand by my idea of what followers are.

Take my case for instance, I have 400+ "followers" but that means nothing because if you will take a look at the average number of upvotes I am getting for every post I publish here, then you will see that it is just a highly inflated number, that is to say that it is basically just there for display. What I am trying to get at is that I don't consider the number displayed in the followers' section a true gauge of ones follower base, after all that number includes inactive accounts (a lot of them) and bots (a LOT of them). So who do I consider followers? Those that actually try to add value to the discussion, because if they are able to come up with a decent comment then that means that they at least took the time to read or browse through the article and for me it means that they are there for what you're offering and not just to enter into a mutual upvote agreement.

If you will take a look at my posts from a month ago to date, I can at least proudly declare that majority of them have active interactions now as compared to my initial months here. That may not sound convincing coming from a guy with payout of < $ 1 per post but I think the fact that I am getting at least a value that doesn't turn to dust by the end of the 7th day means that I have at least made progress and established, though little, real follower base.

So what did I do to build my followers in steemit? This might sound repetitive now but as how the popular saying goes, respect begets respect, the same could be said here. No, not follow begets follow or upvote begets upvote (though they magically work at times) for me it is interaction begets interaction. This was my first move.

My second course of action was to do what I really want to do. There's a saying that goes like this "Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life" or something along those lines. So if we are gonna apply it here then if you are writing about stuff that you are truly passionate about then the rewards you get at the end of the 7-day period will just be an incentive. Don't stress out about finding topics that doesn't suit you because it will show in your output, just be yourself and treasure those that appreciated what you've done here.



I had to start from scratch since the anime community in steemit is virtually non-existent, though there used to be a lot of great people out there but most of them are gone now. The fact that the anime community here is small doesn't necessarily mean that it is a disadvantage, I saw it as an opportunity to be a pioneer and since there are only few of us here then it means that the bond will be stronger not to mention that it is easier to get into the trending/ hot page and get visibility since there are fewer people to compete against.

TL;DR if you want followers you must first experience to be one, go and find people that interest you or share things that you can relate to and make meaningful conversations. Don't talk like a bot, we have plenty of them as is. After that go and do things your own way, I know how disappointing it is for efforts to go in vain, I've been there after all, but if you are having fun then that at least eases up the pain a little.

That's it for my entry this week. Thank you for reading it!

Special thanks to @curie community for the support and to all of the people who has been constantly dropping by my posts and my anime comrades. You guys are making my days here fulfilling despite the plunge in the price lol. See you again on my next post!



"Respect breeds respect" Yeah man, of course. I LOVE the anime and the unique stories they offer. Now as a bot I will say "nice post!" (google translation) Sorry xD I feel the need to say it, I heard that Google translator translates with errors.
And my English is poor :'v

Good to see another fan here :)

Don't worry as long as I can get the gist of it, it is fine.

Well said my friend. I believe you are on the right track to add more and more followers by following your heart and passions. I know I don't always comment often on your post but I do read them even the ones about anime.

I wish you continued success in your Steemit journey!

Thank you for being one of the first person that I became friend here in steemit and I also wish you success here :)

Let's aim for the sky!

Posted using Partiko Android

Your welcome, To quote Buzz Lightyear, to infinite and beyond!

Posted using Partiko Android

What a coincidence, I was actually thinking of that quote but I can't seem to recall it earlier when I was making my reply lol

Posted using Partiko Android

LOL, once again we are on the same wavelenght in our thinking. That was was way we became friends in the first place!

Posted using Partiko Android

I joined in December to write about anime stuff too. Wrote a few posts but I always felt the platform lacked readers for this type of content, so I promptly left for more than half a year.

Seeing that you managed to get curated by a proper group gives me a bit of hope showing that people still care about high quality content.

Now I'm back and I intend to make this work, but the anime tag in my opinion has even worsened with too many low quality posts. It wasn't even that great back then, but at least you had a lot more writers trying to make a difference.

By the way, I have 400+ followers too, but most of them are bots. There are only like 2 persons who auto votes my posts, so I rely on them. Even though it isn't much, it's still better than having 0 votes and 0 dollars for a post you spend quite some time on.

The curators are going to be our biggest ally in this platform because as you've said the anime tag is full of posts that I don't think people even put effort into making, which means it is up to people who actually cares about it to make things work. I am saddened by the fact that most of the great guys I met when I was starting already bailed out though.

Glad to see you came back here, hope you get the support from people here too and let's spread the word about anime XD

Yes, ultimately, human curators if they're given the chance will save the platform. I am guilty of using bots, and I tried joining a community that relied on people upvoting my posts and others, thinking that everyone else is doing it, but it felt ultimately pointless. I wanted human readers, not bots, or people who will only upvote my content if I upvote theirs.

A platform can't survive if everyone is just writing and not reading each other's posts.

By the way, what do you think of a discord channel dedicated to anime writing? I'm thinking of starting one, because I just hate shifting through tons and tons of meaningless posts in the anime tag.

That is one of my realization here, I need more people to interact with than people just upvoting each other. It feels good to actually be able to talk about anime with someone because I have few friends that are into it lol.

I like the idea, though I would be more of a supporting member since I am not really good at initiating stuff, but if you ever made one then I will gladly join :)

Ok nice. I just created one here. I'll browse the anime tag for other potential recruits. You don't have to do anything. I will take care of building the community up although you can suggest stuff if you want.

EDIT: Removed bad link

It says it is invalid. May I request a new one?

Here you go. I had to re-generate it.

Let me know if it still doesn't work. It's probably better if you send me your friend tag.

Hi @ascheriit, thank you for your participation in the "Exclusive Blogging Course Giveaway Contest".

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