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RE: Acused of spam by steemit cleaners

Thank you. I thought adm was actually the administrators of the site, leading me to see no way to fix it if this is how the admins WANT it. Even if that is just a bot, the actual admins have never bothered to tell them to stop with their spam... so... I am pulling my earnings out. I am not posting any more content, why risk having a whalebot undo all I work for? I will stick around long enough to finish powering down, and comment here and there. If there is some EFFORT toward fixing this before I am powered down, I may hang around. What I see is a LONG track record of these bots trashing the actual ORIGINAL CONTENT of ACTUAL HUMANS and Ned and Dan off on another money making scheme, can't be bothered to fix this one. They got their fortune out of this platform and moved on... left it to be run by bots. They whales do not curate, they use bots to upvote their buddies without ever reading the content. Then they set up "whales" that ARE bots to go downvote the posts of real people. Unless and until the WHALES decide this is a problem there will be no changes... and the whales are making bank. The bot was in a twist over posts that made TEN CENTS. Yep, that is me just raping the rewards pool... Meanwhile, they go vote each other's hate speech up, making more for their bot-driven circle jerk posts than I have ever made for a fully original post.


What can I say? You have many, many valid points.

Did they actually downvote any of your posts though? I can't find any.

Well, you may be right. I saw that some 75 rep whate and the adinnistrators of the site had called my posts "spam" and pretty much freaked out. I suffer anziety issues, have not had an attack oin over a year but that send me into one INTSTANTLY.
You know, the Lauralemons thing happened right after I joined. I am NOT sticking around to let BOTS beat me down, and I am stunnned that everyone thinks it is just OK to let AI shit on humans.
I have many valid points you say... DId I hear an apology for wrongfully acusing me? Nope... that would require you admitting in your mind that your precious bot made a mistake... and if a bot made one mistake, it might make many mistakes.... and there is no human taking responsbility for those mistakes...
And you can justify this and rationalize it all you like, it is NOT RIGHT.
Turn off your fucking bots and be a human tallking to humans, THAT is "social media." What you all are running is a bot-driven cult of personality. The whales are too lazy to even read posts any more, just upvote by bot for their favorite people.
Have a great time, I am not going to let your fucking AI ruin my self esteem every again. I thought they were real people...

Um, with all due respect and my empathy for what you've been through, but it sounds as if you're directing this at me as if I am a part of it, and that's just not the case.

If I have misunderstood, please forgive my mistake.

I agree with you...hence me saying you have many valid points. I actually commented on your post because I resonated with the things you were doing...such as your curation post.

I felt that, like me, you were trying to find a way outside of Minnow Support (I have my own story with them!), Curie, and the many other mutually beneficial systems in place, to do your own thing on your own level to help others here on Steemit.

I have created a half-baked idea along those same lines in Project Uplift.

Anyway, like I said, I agree with what you are saying, but I'm not ready to bail just yet. I'd rather see it through and perhaps be part of a possible solution than do that.

You gotta do what you gotta do though, so I wish you the best.

My apologies, I thought you were somehow "representing" the damn bots. I don't even know what "curie" is. I was "sold" on the site as a "meritocracy" where people decide what content is good and what users are being trolls. Then I get bots with reputations higher than most of the real people calling my posts "spam" and the humans are all OK with it. It is NOT ok... not by me. But I am still "out of sorts." That is the thing, I have given up MANY activities that I loved because I cannot function for days after one of those damned attacks. I am still in "fight or flight" at a certain level, you showed up and I was ready to fight... My apologies.

No worries, my friend. I hope a change might occur during the weeks that you are powering down, and you can stay.

I have no desire to stay unless the bots are booted, but thank you.

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