in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

It gives me great pleasure to make a review of the activities of the @Steemchurch for the month of December 2018.

The aim of this review is to enable us look back to evaluate the operations and the level of interaction in our community for effective management decisions and planning. Evaluation is an important tool in community development and must be utilized effectively.

This review presents the posts made by the community handle - @steemchurch and the number of upvotes, number of comments. It further shows in graphical representation, the trend of interactions in the community as per upvotes and comments.


Analysis Chart on @Steemchurch community for December 2018

@Steemchurch Information as at December 31, 2018

Effective SP13, 395
Cumulative No. of Posts60
Cumulative no. of comments4,617
Cumulative Number of upvote7385
Cummulative Upvoted by other users13,344

It is important to not that as at today, @Steemchurch has 1502 followers, 369 Discord members.

Post IDPostUpvotesCommentsImage
D18-01STEEMCHURCH/ Announcing the winners of the contest!6125
D18-02The perfect harmony of the orchestra of God / Let's celebrate the first anniversary of SteemChurch4921
D18-03MEETUP -Celebrating the first Anniversary of SteemChurch7039
D18-04Remember we are also at www.steemchurch.net298
D18-05Update of the SteemChurch Agriculture Program / Why today @reliquary?7029
D18-06What will you do with the Beatitudes when you are blessed with them?4023
D18-07Remembering the great sense of the most beautiful time of the year: Christmas3727
D18-08Cultivating Hope for the Year 2019!4516

**The Statistics are as at the time of making this post (3rd January 2019, 11:45 GMT+1)

Below is a plot of Interaction on @Steemchurch account


Chart created by @Uyobong using Microsoft Excel 2010 software

Taking a look at the analysis on Steemchurch for November, 2018, we see the table below presenting the comparison and consequent growth rate of the account in terms of interaction by the Steemchurch community.

steemchurch-Nov-Dec 2018.png

Table created by @Uyobong using Microsoft Excel 2010 software

Summary and Description of Results

  • Within 31 days, @steemchurch parishioners were only able to give (on the average) 50 upvotes and 23 comments on each of @Steemchurch post. This was quite low comparing to the fact that we have four (4) viable sub-communities - @Sc-n @sc-g @sc-v @farms. Assuming that each sub-community has 20 committed parishioners, then @steemchurch post should boast of atleast 80 upvotes and 80 comments per post. The sub-community leaders should look into this statistics and do something about the interaction on our community account.
  • There has been a minute 4.4% increase on @Steemchurch SP. @Sirknight had made a call for delegation with a target of 100,000 SP, December only recorded an additional 570 SP. I believe that the SP should have at least grown to 50% of the previous effective. I therefore call on Steemchurch leadership to call for monthly increase in SP delegation by members so we can achieve our expected target. This consequently led to a 0.6% increase in @Steemchurch reputation.
  • We still have much work to do to strengthen our community membership. Membership roll should be drawn at the end of each month. This will help our parishioners to sit up and give in their best to @Steemchurch.

I hope my suggestions would be given a critical look by the @Steemchurch leadership.

Cc: @Sirknight @Emiliocabrera @Darlenys01 @Fatherfaith @Adedoyin-wealth @Bigssam @Odsam2 @Abiye

Contact Steemchurch:



If you like what am doing, support and engage this post. Thank you!

I am your analyst - @Uyobong


Hi @uyobong,
you have tagged your post with #utopian-io and #analysis, which made it appear in the Utopian review feed. Unfortunately, your post does not fall into the scope of Utopian. Utopian is rewarding contributions to open source projects. @steemchurch, while a reputable Steem community, is unfortunately not an open source project. As an analysis of Steem as a whole, the @steemchurch project is only a very small aspect and "Analyses of social and behavioural changes of a specific group involved in the project" are not in the scope of Utopian.

Nevertheless, a conclusive overview of the @steemchurch community for December! All the best for your community!
(btw.: Accessing the steemchurch website gives a 404 error.)

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Thank you for your kind words. our website is in maintenance.
You are doing a great job at Steemit. They have revolutionized the scope of open source. In Steemchurch we also have some engineers in the field.

Thank you for your review, @crokkon! Keep up the good work!

We mice are most impressed with the ongoing quality of your work Uyobong.

We expect that the SteemChurch executive will be calling upon you for future projects in the near future.

Sniff n Scurry.

I'm honoured to have your word on this blog. Thank you for all the supports. It encourages me the more to invest more effort to the growth of our love-community @Steemchurch. As the LORD engraces me, I'll keep doing more.

excellent work teacher. worthy of a good teacher. We are happy that you are part of our community. God has great blessings for you this year. just wait.

Thanks DM for your encouraging words. It's always a great pleasure to serve God and humanity through @Steemchurch

Excellent brother Uyobong, your work is impeccable, thank you for showing solidarity with the Church and with me in this moment that I need it so much. Soon we announce his well-deserved honor.


Thanks our strategic CEO for the encouraging words. I keep praying for you. God will calm every storm you going through.

Good job brother Uyobong, and I have even observed that you support the Church unconditionally, although it is not bad to be for the reward ... the great whales are almost without comments and interactions due to the loss of Steem and RC. But steemchurch and its parishes must be different.

Yeah, our supply is not of this world. As such, our commitment to service should be independent of the Steem price.

Thank you @uyobong for this analysis done on our community. I believe it takes ample time for gathering and coming out with such pertinent analysis , thanks once again for your precious time spent for all these.

Thanks brotherly. Always glad to serve @Steemchurch in any God engraces me.

Very good analysis Lord Uyobong, I am almost sure that statistics vary according to the price of steem, in a commercial community this is acceptable, but it should not be so in matters of the Kingdom of God.

Dear @Josealex1, whatever we do here are for accountability sake. It is all for the growth of our community. Thanks for coming around

Well done man!

Thanks brotherly

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