Jesus Christ: My strong point/ SteemChurch community register

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Greetings to the community of steemchurch, at the end of this post I will leave some links for the registration in the steemchurch community!

I want to share a special theme for Christians:

"I have told you this, that in me you may have peace, in the world you will have afflictions, but be of good courage, I have overcome the world."
Words of Jesus


I think about two or three weeks ago, (I do not remember exactly), I found that verse while doing my daily reading and then immediately he awakened my attention and in the same hour the desire came to my heart (I think that from the Holy Spirit) of writing my next article based on him. At best, based on what God wants me to talk about him.

Dear ones, I believe that not only me, but we all have our "weak point". I refer to that area of ​​our life that we have more weakness, more will to sin, more will to desist. This weakness when well fed is, without a doubt, the greatest obstacle in the way of a Christian, as the Apostle Paul says in his epistle to the Romans: "For those who are of the flesh think of the things of the flesh, but the who are according to the Spirit for the things of the Spirit. " (Romans 08:05).

But we, many times, we oppose the word of God and we seek more and more to nourish our flesh, thus giving more strength to our weak point. We do not understand that being closer to him, we are more exposed to it, thus facilitating our failure. What happens is that the devil is a coward and sin blinds us. The Bible says that like a lion around its prey, so satan is to us.

Does it live half heavy that the previous one did not go? But to compensate, that paragraph will be flooded and invaded by the beautiful, sweet, light, graceful, incomparable and indescribable vibe of the Holy Spirit.

The grace of God is what we have left, my brothers of war! In the moments of affliction, of temptation, of daily stress itself, (I mean the discussion with the parents, with the husband / wife, with the boyfriend / girlfriend, with the children, with their son), in those moments that anger comes to us, remember the lion that is behind you, just waiting for a waver. And remember also your best friend, who ordered you to open a smile and move on, because He is with you until the end of time! Jesus is good.

Jesus lives! Do not waste your time making him sad; Do not summarize in spending your life as a Christian alternating the joy and disappointment of Christ. Be growing in the word of the Lord! Made a mistake? Besteira, from the moment you finish reading this article is new time, new opportunity, it's new life! Lift your head and the ball forward, warrior! Jesus loves us and is with us, it is enough to be with Him, because "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me spreads." (Matthew 12:30)

Jesus Christ is faithful and is our rock and strength. We are together in faith and in the gospel!

I suggest to review some interesting publications in the steemchurch community and the Telos expansion:
By @Sirknight




Good message @albaa, Thanks for your Support!

Resteem by: EC

If you wish, you can register in our community by opening the following link:


Acts 20:35
I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

God bless @albaa

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