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RE: Testing out For Best Voting Bot Results

in #steembottracker6 years ago (edited)

If he can prove that he lost money by showing us some history of his trades/Bitconnect account, tell him to join Steem. I will try and help anyone who got hurt out as much as I can. All I require is a video testimony and as much evidence as they can provide regarding their losses. There is now a reward bounty open, available for evidence regarding the Bitconnect team and people who lost money. Any evidence posted to Steem will be reviewed and rewarded accordingly. Tell them to post it to Steem and tell their story along with it. In the end of the day @trevonjb you and @craig-grant should have been promoting a real blockchain project like Steem since day one. I used to watch your channel and had respect for you. I have been in crypt0 for a long time and I remember when I saw your channel when you were first getting into it. I thought you would do big things brother you are smart. Instead you used that knowledge to promote useless technology and showed that you are only here for quick profit, not the tech. You invested in Steem early on then disappear and dumped your stake while pumping Bitconnect. Now you come back and expect us to continue supporting you. There are people here trying to do positive things and help others. The potential is huge to really change the world here and make a positive impact. Take a look at @tojukaka. I was trying to remain as neutral as possible with this entire situation but to be honest you are no longer worth my voting power. There are too many others who need my help. My stake in the rewards pool is better off being allocated elsewhere to people who are not selfish and want to make a positive change in the world and help out others. I still have some hope for you to change but I cant save you from flags or backlash from the rest of the community for what you have done to your reputation. Imagine what you could have achieved by now if you focused on something real like Steem this entire time. You would have not only still had my support and helped many people discover Steem, you would have set you and your crypto channel up for long term success. You probably would not have even needed my support at that point. This is the price you will have to pay for being short sighted and wanting quick profit. A true veteran of crypt0 would have never put a dime in Bitconnect no matter how much $ involved. I know I didn't, and if I had a YouTube channel of my own I would have told my subscribers to stay far away from it. Why? Because it was not a real blockchain project. It was another copy paste coin with no real features and a team of scammers behind it. You knew that and I think you should have made it a bit more clear to people. The writing was on the wall the entire time and you empowered the people at the top of Bitconnect by promoting it with all those hip-hop videos you and @craig-grant paid for. Its projects like these that reflect badly on the entire crypt0 world and give people something bad to talk about. I was never here for the money I truly believe this technology will change the world in ways we cant even imagine yet. Take care @trevonjb.


@thejohalfiles I am trying to spot out those people who are spamming on steemit and i need support of good people like you i have not high investment to promote my post and let people know about the scammers just help me with this post promotion

@thejohalfiles you are such a beautiful human. It is so great you want to help those victims of bitconnect. I was actually approached by bitconnect several months ago asking me to promote the platform and they would be paying me 10 k per month. I never heard of it before, so i did a lot of research and realised its scamming people, so i declined. I hope these people find peace one day, i feel so bad for them! :(

@thejohalfiles. Great post and while I am brand new here we seem to have some things in common. Like yourself I believe in helping others as much as possible. As soon as my Steem transfers from Polo I will do my very best to help those in need as I climb the minnow ladder. You're post and those like it is why after 9 months in crypto trading Im making the jump to this great community here at steemit. I applaud you sir.clapping hands.png

I thank you, @thejohalfiles, for your stance on this particular issue and for your long term life objectives. It's an honor to know you. He doesn't even understand what censorship is. This isn't censorship. We can still read everything he posted. This is removing his ability to profit from his activity here. Yes, I know that issue is a hot topic, but this particular use of flagging power is very appropriate. I applaud all of you who have stood up to protect our site's reputation!

Just left Real Estate Student a message about your offer. Hopefully, he'll see it and join us soon.

I lost over $3200 with bitconnect. They gave me back 9 bitconnect coins.

@thejohalfiles I saw this comment posted as a picture on another post and decided to come here specifically to upvote you. well said is all i can say.

im not gonna lie...I joined bitconnect too because of Trevon....but I'm not gonna blame him for my greed...I mean he might've sold the idea to me but in reality to believe I could've made a life of bcc is foolish of me...I should've known better

I'm not actually so sure what trevonjb had done which causes a sudden disdain from the crypto community.

I am not a big fan of this YouTuber--not because of his skin color nor the way he looks with his eccentric hairstyle.

I just find his videos to be somewhat deceiving for those who don't do their own diligence about the project he's talking about.

There was one time I stumbled upon one of his video clips where he's bashing on EOS--maybe because he wasn't seeing the kind of price pump he's expecting for it. While reading below at the comments section, I saw some negative reactions from the viewers saying that this guy is no longer credible because he was promoting EOS the previous day then all of a sudden his opinionated video has turned upside down the following day.

I made further research despite the negative review I found on his channel, which led me to the conclusion that EOS is the real deal.

I was very new to Steemit and all things crypto back then--and EOS was my first ICO participation worth only 2,000 PHP which roughly translates to $40 USD. Luckily, I managed to get a total of 10 pieces for the price of $1.65 each, excluding some transaction losses due to lack of proper knowledge about GAS fees.

The EOS token distribution has taught me one thing about the Ethereum blockchain.

  • That it is impossible to interact with the Smart Contract within the Ethereum network unless you have extra ETH to pay for the GAS fee.

That first-hand experience alone only strengthens my strong belief about the @eosio project and that someday EOS will become the gold standard for any blockchain architectures that involve DApps and Smart Contract.

My initial plan was to hold the tokens for the long haul for years but real life is unpredictable and can be our tough nemesis at times which resulted in me selling them all 10 coins for $14 each. That was a bitter pill to swallow but extreme necessity prompted me to do so.

Now I'm back to square one saving every single penny income from Steem in order to get some EOS once again.

Hello everyone,

I got two hilarious updates:
Trevon James shows regret (video)

I myself have no opinion on Trevon, even though I feel sorry for those who lost there funds on Bitconnect, I watched his videos for entertainment purposes only.

Thank you all for reading and do not be shy on those upvotes :),


Upcoming subjects: "Tax Law and Cryptocurrency", "ArcBlock ICO", "WePower ICO", "MedicalChain ICO" and last but not least "the Survival of Bitconnect?" (ThornCoin update)

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