Featured On Friday's: SBI GIVEAWAY WEEK #5

Hello Steemian Friends,

It's finally Friday! The weekend is upon us! Here we are with another Steem Basic Income giveaway!

We are halfway through our Steem Basic Income shares giveaway! We give away these shares to people that follow us and people that we follow. This is our way of saying 'Thank You' to the Steemit community. This will go on for the next 5 weeks, so look out for the next 5 Featured On Friday's (not including this one). It all started a few weeks' ago, when we were curious about SBIs and we gave away our first share to @waybeyondpadthai as she was producing incredible content and on a consistent basis, but we never made a post about it. We gave away 3 shares five weeks ago to three Steemians that have inspired us and their respected communities on Steemit: @world-travel-pro, @intrepidsurfer and @for91days. We want to give back more to the community!

Giving Back To A Community That Has Provide For Us

Steemit has been a real roller-coaster of a ride, but luckily for us there has been more highs than lows. When we heard that there was a chance to earn cryptocurrency from posting our posts on Steemit, we quickly signed up. Yes, it was one of the reasons that attractive us to the platform, but it wouldn't be possible without the support and community engagement from YOU! We had a challenge that we set a few months' ago about reaching 1,000 followers before a certain date (20th of June) and although we've past the deadline and haven't reached the target, our attitude changed a few weeks' ago! We realized that it's not about the numbers. Actually, we became suspicious of who is following us. About a month ago after posting a post, we instantly received 40 followers! Firstly, we thought 'Wow!', but with suspicion. Through further investigation into some of the accounts, we found out that they were either created on the 13th of March (exactly) or later. Are these made-up accounts? And why? Who knows?! And due to this finding, we have decided to STOP that challenge as we do not feel like the number of followers reflect the ACTUAL number of our legitimate followers we have. However, we want to stay true to our word of giving back. We have accumulated STEEM that we have not Power Up yet as we were going to give it away if we reached our target of 1,000 followers before the deadline. So, what to do with this STEEM now?


Steem Basic Income Giveaway

We will give away 2 SBI shares each week to ONE RANDOMLY PICKED FOLLOWER and ONE RANDOMLY PICKED FOLLOWING. How will this be done? Using a Contest Winner Picker website, we will put in all our followers and select at random and we will do the same for the people we are following. However, it is not that straight forward. In order for the sponsorship to be successful, the Steemian needs to be quite active on Steemit (posting like 5-7 times a week!). So, if we feel that a person that is not active is selected, we will re-do the draw until we find someone. It is only fair as this is all explained in @steembasicincome's report here. Also, click that link, if you do not know what Steem Basic Income is all about.

After Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4, we have 12 STEEM left saved up and we're giving away 2 shares each week, this means this giveaway will happen every Friday for another 6 weeks!

Week 5 Winners

Without further ado, the winners of the Followers category is:

The list and the winner is....

And the winners of the people we are Following category is:

The list and the winner is....

Congrats to @intrepidsurfer (again) and @michaelcabiles! Not only does @intrepidsurfer follow us, but we follow him. He is a great community developer, currently based out in Northern Peru. On Steemit, he is invested and involved in both his Steem Forest Initiative and The Steemit Sandwich Contest run by @jaybird. It's funny as Michael called us this week about a meet-up this weekend (which we cannot make unfortunately) and his name ended up being picked (strange coincidence)! Michael is heavily involved in many things on Steemit from @steemgigs to @dlive, yet he is now curating for @esteem. Very much a family man and community driven person. Both of these accounts deserve a share each. The transfer of 2 STEEM will be going to @steembasicincome to sponsor both of them.

Here is proof of the transfer to @steembasicincome:

Keep posting away! Steem On!

Until next week!

Stay Classy Steemians!

Featured on Friday’s is a post written by the @travelling-two every Friday to inform their followers and readers about anything they had in mind and would like to share with the rest of the Steemit community.

Thank you for taking the time to read our post. If you really like our content, please follow us as we post regularly with different topics from Monday to Friday (with some exceptions at the weekends). How about your followers? Would they like this post? If so, please resteem it! Finally, if you are generous, please give us an Upvote! We thank you in advance! Lots of love / @travelling-two

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