Steem Basic Income: continuing the sponsoring chain...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steembasicincome6 years ago

UBI, Universal Basic Income or just Basic Income is something I talk to people openly about, but I had not written anything on the subject on steemit yet. And I don't think I'll do often here because there are far better and more knowledgeable people writing about it already. I am just a curious guy, and regularly read articles about the subject, mostly on, The Guardian and futurology subreddit.

I only recently discovered there is a hashtag on steemit (of course there is, I know! 🤦‍) for this: #ubi.


cool pic from a wired article on basic income

Before talking about SBI (Steem basic income), what's exactly basic income? Wikipedia has a very long and detailed entry about it, but here is the basic definition:

A basic income ... is typically described as a new kind of welfare program in which all citizens (or permanent residents) of a country receive a regular, livable and unconditional sum of money, from the government. From that follows, among other things, that there is no state requirement to work or to look for work in such a society. The payment is also, in such a pure basic income, totally independent of any other income.

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So, basic income was mentioned in an exchange between @jessicaoutside and me this week, and it reminded me of the donation (not sure if it's the right term) from @slobberchops to @steembasicincome a few weeks ago, in my name. Back then, I told myself I would try to do the same and sponsor other people whenever I have enough STEEM available.

But I am going too fast... Sponsoring? Donations? How does it work?
Everything is explained in a detailed post on steembasicincome, but the main idea is pretty simple in fact.
You cannot ask to be enrolled in the steem basic income program. You have to sponsor somebody to enroll that person and you at the same time. How do you do that? By transfering 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome, and mentioning in the memo the user you want to sponsor. It's that simple.

Now, by enrolling one person, that person and you get 1 share of SBI each. From there on, whenever you post an article (not comments) on the steem platform, you will get up-voted (typically, within a few hours) and as such, earn a small income for the post.

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So, after @slobberchops sponsored me, I wanted to continue this sponsoring chain. I cannot sponsor everybody of course, as I am still a plankton here, but I managed to be lucky with up-votes recently so I felt it was a good time. Here they are:

  • @best-trip-eva: she's consistently posting nice stories and vlogs of her travels around the world. I had a few exchanges with her and maybe convinced her of reading one of The Culture books even though she's not into SF. Fingers crossed she finds it good!

  • @buzz.lightyear: a very passionate guy who always delivers interesting posts about the blockchain and solar power, and how both could be combined. Check out his posts and feel the passion!

  • @jessicaoutside: an Australian girl posting cool stories and breathtaking pictures, currently of Canada, but USA should be next. We had great conversations about various topics ; she's cool :-)

  • @yo-yo: last but not least! She lives in "Japan, Berlin or somehere" (from her bio ☺️) and is very active in the Japanese steemit community. Some of here posts are written in English and she also posts funny stories and cool pictures of Japan. We also had interesting conversations.

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I really hope the SBI experiment proves to be successful in the long run. If it makes more people aware of UBI and talk about it, that's already great. If it goes further, maybe serve as a foundation for how UBI could be implemented for everybody in the future... we can all dream, right?

Because... Did you ever ask yourselves what you would do if you had your basic needs covered? Would you try something else than your job to get bonus income? Maybe something you had wanted to do for a long time?


Very cool! Good to see this is continuing, Ill be doing some more later today!

Cool, thanks again for introducing me to this!

Ahhh I can't believe I missed this post. I periodically check your account to make sure I'm on top of your posts and this popped up in the results. Thanks so much for sponsoring me my friend! That's incredibly kind of you. I've noticed the SBI votes on my posts. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏

Hey Jessica, no worries at all, you were on top of my list 🙌! I am pretty sure I am not the only one that gave you an sbi vote now, and you certainly deserve every one of them and more!

By the way, I love the change of scenery, the pyramids and the beautiful caves, pretty cool! You keep having fun, as we can literally feel that feeling through your words and pictures! ✌🍻

Ah shucks. You're the best. Is there any way of finding out? I'd love to say thanks if that's the case.

And I'm glad I can get those feelings across. Now to figure out how to send some of this heat to the ones who need it 😁

Oh and I just snapped this at the local gas station. It was in the window on the way in. A pretty nice welcome to the store if your name's Jala!

Haha pretty great 😝
I think there is indeed a way to find out, I will dig that out, as I seem to remember a fancy diagram. But if your sbi vote is more than 0.01 then it's oretty sure there are other people!

@jessicaoutside, I found out this spread sheet where all SBI information is stored:

Sorry to say you've got only one share! 😞 I saw your data in the SBI5 sheet.
But, by sponsoring other people you could get more shares and improve the upvoted amount slightly. Though it really is a looooong term investment !

Ok awesome - thanks so much legend! I'll look into it. Holy moly what an epic project. Lots of people to keep track of.

Thank you for nominating me @jalayn.
I'll return the kindness once I accumulated myself some STEEM.

Cool! Take your time in choosing other cool minnows to sponsor!

Hi dear @jalayn I feel sorry I haven't reply you many comments but I as I wrote in my post I forget bring my power cord for my Mac so I'll text back to you when I get power!! 😂
And well.. actually I'm really no clue about this kind of steemit system or... how I can say... program? or something like that, so I think I need time to understand what you write about here to be honest, but I think this is great gift/opportunity from you to me... I'm very proud of it! So... I'll ask some of my friend who may know about these stuff. I wish there's some information in Japanese but I don't think so...
Anyway just wanted to say always thank you very much, and I'll back to you when I go back to my home... haha. ありがとうございます😆

Hey @yo-yo! Don't worry, no problem at all! We all have a busy life, and as you see, I'm answering you two days later. Actually, I tried answering yesterday, but I couldn't finish in time, and I lost what I wrote... So here I am trying again today :-)

Basically, SBI is like a salary you can receive every day if you post at least once. You are paid with an upvote on your post by one of the bots of SBI: @sbi2, @sbi3, @sbi4, etc.
Because I enrolled you, you have 1 share of SBI. Every time you enroll somebody else, you get an additional share of SBI. The more shares you have, the bigger the SBI up-vote will be.
And that's it!

To know how to enroll/sponsor somebody, you have to read the links I provided, they give more details.

I would so much have liked to write this above in Japanese... Instead, I used Google translate, trying to use very simple words to not fool Google. To me, with my minimal Japanese grammar, it looks ok... I hope! 😅


I really hope it's ok, please don't get upset if there is something bad written in there! 😅
It seems like SBI is not yet big in the Japanese community. Maybe you can be the one that starts it up :-)

Cheers! 良い一日を過ごし!

ahhh... thank you very much @jalayn for your warm & Japanese comment to me!
Thanks of this, I finally understand what is happened to me... very sweet... thank you very much dear!!
Yes, I pay for some upvote to get attention especially for contest or something important information... and I didn't know about SBI at all, so I'll check the site well and wanna try it to someone who write great article like you do everyday...

Thank you very much for everything again, and yeah! me too never mind late reply or anything with you, just want to enjoy little chatting or sharing... to... explore our new things. Have a great evening... おやすみなさい^^あなたの日本語はperfectでした😉

ありがとう! 日本語が少し話せます 😊

Hi @Jalayn,
I hope this finds you in good health and good spirits.
I enjoyed reading your recent article about SBI.
I am considering sponsoring a few people, but I have a question.

  1. How much is the upvote from 1 SBI share worth?
  2. How many articles a day can get upvoted?
    Thank you.

Hey there!

I think the formula to know how much you would be upvoted is available in one of their posts. It depends on the number of shares but also on other things, like if you have upvoted SBI posts, with how much %, etc. It looked like a pretty complex formula... I have 6 shares of SBI and sbi upvotes are worth $0.03.

As for the number of upvotes, I think it's one per day, and only on posts, not on comments.

Thanks for reading my post!

I hope this finds you well.
I was excited the other day because I got an upvote from a quality curator called @gentlebot
I was wondering if you know anything about @gentlebot ?
I would love to figure out how to get more awards from them.

Hey there, I'm sorry but I don't know about @gentlebot. However, looking at the first post,, it seems to upvote comments that he values?
It looks like maybe a machine learning algorithm is being tested on this bot.

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