Seventeenth Edition of the lyric poetry contest - Prompt: Nature!

in #steembasicincome5 years ago (edited)

Dear Friends

Thank you for visiting my Blog.

The presence of nature and its elements has always been seen in poetry. In this type of poetry the central theme is written including elements such as: water, a meadow and shade of trees. In this landscape amorous scenes or dialogues are produced. Nature also represents the place where everyone who wants to lead an austere life, away from worldly things, as a way to achieve wisdom should retire.

In this new edition of the lyrical poetry contest, I invite my friends to develop their imagination considering the benefits of nature and reflect their impressions on this very significant topic.


Image cortesy of jplenio

Lyrical poetry contest - Nature

I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature. Paulo Coelho

Now in this opportunity I have to refer my friends a new call for the lyrical poetry contest, considering that each of us has a perception of what nature (naturaleza) represents.

Competition rules

Only one poetry is allowed, you must write a post using your own images or that are public domain related to your poetry

  • Reply below with your poetry. Deadine: 11:59 pm UTC, July 14, 2019.

That's it! But...

You should also resteem this post to increase the winner's prize and give yourself some free exposure! You can participate without resteeming -- I don't give preference -- but if you do resteem, it only helps you.

Also, post your entry on your own blog! Mention @felixgarciap and I'll give you an upvote and resteem your post.

And, collect a bonus point for each person you tag in your contest entry. More players, more prizes, more fun!

Languages: English /Spanish


Winner gets: 3 SBI

One free resteem from me for any post. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)

One Runner-up gets: 1 SBI

One free resteem from me for any post. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse to resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)

How I Will Select the Winner

Within 2 days after the deadline, I will read all entries and choose a winner and runner-up. While I'll take upvotes into consideration, my selection will reflect my personal preference based on the entries you submit.


I invite my friends @milinnysgg, @acostacazorla and @wonderwop to participate in a special way and also all the people who are motivated to write about what nature represents in their lives.

My contribution

Reflecting on the theme of this new call to contest I leave my contribution:

Being on the edge of the cliff,
my wild spirit remembers those moments
when you dreamed about changing the world
Your face reflected an indescribable joy.

Now time has passed
my sadness remains after losing you
with the daily struggle of loneliness
and the comfort of beautiful nature.


Image cortesy of Free-Photos

Results of the sixteenth edition

For the sixteenth Edition about joy, my friends @sacra97, @issymarie, @botefarm, @jadnven @aurodivys, @adncabrera, @salvao, @evagavilan, @johannfrare, @yohanys and @marybellrg who with their beautiful contributions have given warmth to this challenge with their poetry.

This is a participation of the winners:

Winner 3 SBI : @johannfrare

His poetry entitled Sobre el amor y la alegría. He includes some reflections on love and joy in a beautiful poetic rhyme, here I transcribe his final verses.

Se me haría tan infinito
describir los mil detalles
y quizá me faltaría
vida para terminar.
¿En dónde está la alegría?
Para mí, siempre al amar.
Eso, para culminar.

Runner UP 1 SBI : @yohanys

With the prose "Oh Sublime Alegría", Inspired by such a beautiful theme of joy gives us a sweet concept of it.

La vida es maravillosa cuando tú estás junto a mi
¡Eres mi más grande anhelo, la pasión de mi existir!
Oscilando está mi alma de ilusión y frenesí.
Musitando versos nuevos cuando estás dentro de mí…

Special recognition

My special thanks to the rest of my friends @sacra97, @issymarie, @botefarm, @jadnven @aurodivys, @adncabrera, @salvao, @evagavilan and @marybellrg For each of them I have assigned the humble amount of 0.05 steem that I hope will compensate your continued effort in giving this platform the place that will soon be recognized worldwide.

Participants of past editions

In previous contests we had the participation of friends @simonjay, @vdux, @antoniarhuiz, @marybellrg, @charjaim, @inspiracion, @doctorlibro, @rosanita, @sacra97, @oscarina, @janettyanez, @javert68justice, @aremontilla, @lanzjoseg, @javiermontilla, @delvapin, @aremontilla, @darkfemme, @josegilberto, @salvao, @zeleiracordero, @adncabrera, @hernan27 @lecumberre, @naylet, @mllg, @evagavilan, @johannfrare, @oacevedo, @isauris, @aurodivys, @maparari, @botefarm, @gaby-crb, @issymarie, @yohanys and @jadms2k18 to whom I extend this new invitation. If you prefer not to be tagged in the next call post, please let me know!

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content. Frequently Asked Questions.

Waiting for your upvotes , comments and resteem.


taza de café

Image cortesy of congerdesign and

If you like to read my stories and want to invite me to a coffee, a tip would be very helpful and appreciated.

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Image cortesy of @riosparada


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¡Estoy muy contenta por haber participado en esta maravillosa actividad y muy emocionada por el lindo reconocimiento!¡Un fuerte abrazo a todos los participantes que nos deleitaron con sus poesías! ¡Gracias @felixgarciap por propiciar actividades como éstas que nos enriquecen a todos! ¡Saludos!

Un abrazo fraterno @felixgarciap, felicitaciones por esta iniciativa y la constancia con la que la has mantenido hasta llegar a esta edición N° 17; igualmente felicito a los afortunados ganadores @johannfrare y @yohanys. Participo nuevamente con este "CANTO A LA NATURALEZA":

Muchas gracias por tu apoyo @oscarina. Saludos

Me llena de tanta alegría ganar (quizá estoy sensible pero tengo los ojitos brillosos jijiji). Me alegra mucho el reconocimiento. Ese poema me gustó. Gracias a ti felix por cada certamen; es una actividad hermosa, y un abrazo a todos los participantes que hacen vida de él.

Siempre es bueno contar con tus palabras tan edificantes. Saludos cordiales

Felicitaciones a los ganadores de esta edición. Agradecida siempre por tan hermosa iniciativa, @felixgarciap y por la recompensa. Dispuesta a participar nuevamente. Saludos.

Saludos @aurodivys gracias por tus palabras. Feliz dia

Encantada de haber llegado a tiempo y haber podido participar en esta maravillosa iniciativa, querido @felixgarciap. Felicidades a los ganadores @johannfrare y @yohanis. Desde ya preparada para la próxima edición. Un abrazo de vuelta!..

Y a ti por tu apoyo @marybellrg. Saludos

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Felicitaciones por esta constancia y hermoso trabajo @felixgarciap, excelente iniciativa y llegar a la edición N° 17, nada facil; igualmente felicito a los ganadores @johannfrare y @yohanys muy buenos post.

Muchas gracias a ti por tu apoyo a esta iniciativa. Saludos amiga @sacra97

Saludos para todos los concursantes y mis felicitaciones para los ganadores y mencionados en la edición anterior (paso tarde, pero el cariño es el mismo).
Dejo mi entrada al entrañable concurs o de @felixgarciap (¡Gracias!):

¡Suerte para todos!

Un saludo a todos, vine a participar (porque me encanta) a este bonito concurso:

Suerte a todos los participantes y felicitaciones, Félix, por mantener esta iniciativa :)

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