Day 10 - Steem Advent Calendar 2016, Win prize everyday ๐ŸŽ

in #steemadvent โ€ข 8 years ago (edited)
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More upvotes from whales and dolphins ! Woot! woot !๐Ÿ‘
But seriously ! I would love to see 2 seperate columns in my blog , 1 for the stuff that I post and 1 for the stuff I resteem or reblog ! It would make things so much easier when im looking for people to follow ! I want to see what they blog about not what they resteem ! Thanks and steem on ! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’™

@timcliff has spend some money to find someone who will implement this feature and as far as I know its done for steemit :)

@bitcoiner implemented this and working on PR with both steem and steemit.

Agreed, I have seen his updates. Good to post that. Thanks

OMG ! Thats awesome ! And the sooner the better ! I have heard this from many people ! And alot of times I just wont follow someone because theres too many resteems ! I cant wait , thanks for the heads up ! And way to go @timcliff ! What an awesome you are doing for the community! Steem on ! ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘

Agreed on all counts KM. I am sure the blog/reblog issue is coming. I discussed it also here today in my post, there are a lot of people talking about this. And for the same reasons you do also. Good post

Ok thats awesome ! Thanks ! โœŒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ

Notifications for when someone pings your name in a comment or a post!!!###

yes, that would be great addition for steemit as well... eSteem already has notifications for mentions, try it out and let me know how it works.. ;)

Thank You for my recent winnings on the last post contest! I really appreciate it!!!!

1/ One of many ideas we all have for tweaks/improvements :

2/ And right beside this area, is the word BLOG -- so like many have said for a long time, - perfect place to add REBLOGS/SHARED/RESTEEMED secondary tab right beside it or some way of sorting the Blog Posts and Re-Steemed Posts

3/ - How to use STEEM is one of the other ideas to post on today --- As much as I dislike all the clear lies and corruption in Gov't and #BigGovernment and much of it needs to be done away with --- the Blockchain should be implemented into all elections immediately.

I know many people have thoughts on gov't in general - but the blockchain would solve some of the voting issues pretty quickly everywhere. Voting/not voting is not the issue here -- just a way for Gov'ts to be held more accountable.

Thanks for reading and supporting me everyone! I appreciate it!

Good ideas indeed ๐Ÿ’ก ๐Ÿ‘


I would like to be able to catagorise and easily find posts again. Let's say Papa-pepper does an interesting survival tips post, i'd like to mark the post as survival, my own tag and make collections of posts i may want to read again.

You mean like Bookmarks/Favorite ? That we have on eSteem, though it can be improved... thanks for input!

I would like to follow topics not only users -This feature allows me to never miss a cool post and also to find some new people that are generating good content

That's good one which would allow more engagement! Thanks, your voice matters! I am working on improving backend of eSteem which can support that, so you get notifications when you subscribe to specific category. Stay tuned!

The ability to edit past posts. Sometimes, I want to edit something that has been updated but is still a great post.

Yes that's something which I'm sure being discussed... it would allow long term contributions and posts would be easily referred back with updates. Right now instead of updating post, people rather creating new post with link to older post. I would be very interested to see this

I would like to see my voting power status (percentage) in esteem. doesn't give me clear data on a mobile device. It always requires a cumputer to get a stats.. esteem can make things easy for me to see if my voting power is good or bad for voting.

That's already available on eSteem! Voting power as percentage shown on side menu...๐Ÿ˜‰

Search, definitely a better way to search.

Right now you can search for tags and users, and steemit using google search for now. But I think there is some work behind the scene on this, feature...thanks!

You are the only other person I have seen say this also. Good post.

Seperated MainBlog and Resteemm- Section :-) Happy 3 advent to all :-)

it seem that's most wanted feature :))

A way to identify "new followers" easily and a way to send them a quick acknowledgment like a "welcome to my blog, thanks for reading and following note" :)

Good ideas. I was thinking of doing a short series of 1-2 visual graphics per post showing ideas. Many of us have similar thoughts on several things, so I am sure many of them are coming. I am posting mine in a minute.

Yes. I feel somewhat embarrassed about contributing ideas like this particular one because I question if they are too basic and should be something that I should know about already, but have just missed somehow.

handling followers can certainly be improved, you are right. eSteem notifies you when someone follows or unfollows you, so you can basically reach them out personally. eSteem also allows you to search your followers list and there is a lot room for more improvements... And steemit could also use some of the improvements

Thanks @good-karma! I've never used esteem and wasn't even aware of it. I will check it out. :)

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