
My favourite Christmas song is O Holy Night. I really love this song because of the great words in the song. I love the tempo and everything about the song.

In fact, when ever I hear this song my whole system becomes calm. Even when am in the worst mood this song really brings my soul down.

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I think this is the most popular Christmas Song.. 😊

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My favorite Christmas song would have to be twelve days of Christmas

Why? Because I never got to learn the lyrics and I think it would sound funny if I sing it (don't make sing)

Favorite part:

five golden rings!!!!!

It has a nice ring to it. And that's the only part i know

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I loooooove that song too! I think we have tagalog version of it here in my country.. ❤

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Progressive Christmas Carols

Oh, you'd better not judge, you'd better not hate
You better not bully or discriminate
Progressive Santa's coming to town

because we have to modernize this festivity with a less traditional sound

Love these lyrics @road2horizon Id love to imagine a world where everyone took this powerful message to heart.

I still belive there're people who open their heart to the idea of a better world and you are one of them, I wish you a merry and progressive Xmas

What a hoot! I love their voices and the message is a delight!

yeah and it's amazing how a single guy can perform as 4 lol

That is so cool!

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thanks glad you enjoyed it

You are most welcome..

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Despite her long life, this song still retains a sense of celebration. This song is known since 1984. It was written by George Michael, at the time he was part of the pop Duo Wham! The song was sung by many artists over the years. And even now this melody is recognized literally from the first notes and gives joy and good mood .

Dear friends! The holidays are coming! All you good mood :)

Oh we are all in a good mood! December feels! Christmas is always looking forward to..happy holidays!

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The best holiday of the year! Hurray!

Oh yeah! Cheers to that!

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absolutely this one!

Exactly :)

My favorite is Emmanuel but don't think my voice will be appealing to ears.
I love it because of the praises embedded in the lyrics.

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It never hurts to give it a try.. 😊

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I like the classic "Silent Night" because it conveys the awe and reverence of the spirit of Christmas. I can't sing though, that would be a great injustice to the song! lol.

Lovely pick Cowboy Jon. I bet you can sing ..just open your mouth and let it rip. 😊

Howdy tonight redheadpei! Thank you but no way, lol..for the good of humanity I'll let others do the singing!

Hahahahaha i could already hear your Silent Night version the cowboy way sir @janton! 🤣😂🎶🎵

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Howdy maquemali! good to hear from would love to hear a country artist sing it that way but not me!

Hi back sir @janton!

Im doing great and ecstatic for the holidays..

Hahahahaha its you that we want to hear sing it.. come on! You can do it!

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I think you should sing it. I can tell you have a wonderful voice! Is your Christmas going to be a big family gathering?

No singing for me either.. Just let me dance instead! Hahahaha

Oh yes! It is always a big family gathering on both sides. But in the 24th its gonna be the hubs side firat then the 25th my side.. we are big families! Hehehe.. how about you? What are your plans for the Christmas?

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hey maquemali did you hear about mattifer's contest about dancing? lol.. you'd be perfect!
No Christmas for us this year. Mrs. J is working straight through on third shift including the day before and the day after Christmas and we have no family in Texas, nearest family is 8 hours away in Kansas. It's fine though, next year will probably be different! But I'm glad that yours is going to be wonderful!

Are you going to be in the top ten in the League this week? I've been off this week, our internet provider kept going offline for upgrading so I stepped back to spend more time working outside.

Hello back at yeah sir @janton!!

Noooo! I havent heard if that yet.. what is Mattifer's dance contest about?? I have no idea hehehe.. please enligthene me..

Oohhh.. what a tough work to be working in the holidays! And did just say 8 houra away?! Oh my that is too far and it eats up half a day of your time. I guess Mrs J can make it up some other time and whip up something great for lunch or dinner for just the two of you! And i still wish you a Merry Merry Merry Christmas! ❤

Last week I got in the top 20! Its been my 1st week back in the game. I have somehow lost touch a few months for I was busy with life and all..yes! I kinda saw you backing out on the prizes though but still you are unbeatable! You are still #01.

Hmmmm.. but i still bet you will still be in the top 10 despite the lousy connectiom you are having! 😉

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I’ve always loved Elvis Presley singing ‘Blue Christmas.’ I think the song is self-explanatory about missing ones we don’t see at Christmas.
I’d sing it for you but Elvis, with the later addition of Martina, do a much better job. 😆 U&R

You gotta love Elvis any time of the year!

His ‘White Christmas’ is a nice one too. But it’s already white here on the ground.
A lot of the Christmas songs I like, such as ‘Siver Bell’ because of the was a song I skated to at an outside rink as a teeenager. 🎄

It is not white here and is actually the temperature is going up to. 7.8C here today. They are saying we may have freezing fog tonight. So maybe the song we will be singing is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and talking about a foggy Christmas Eve!

Haha Melinda, that’s a good one. We are at plus 3 C this morning. It sure makes a difference when the temperature goes above freezing. The snow is starting to melt off the roofs.

This song makes me sad but I still want to keep listening to it..

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Yes, it does make one feel sad but I love listening to it too.
Elvis Presley recorded it in 1957 for his Elvis' Christmas Album. It wasn't released as a single until 1964. Marina McBride was added into this recording digitally. She was about 2 yrs. old when Elvis recorded it.

My favorite song is Hippopatomus For Christmas because the singer of the original Gayla Peevy was from Oklahoma and it was created to help raise money for a hippo for the local zoo! I was in so many children's concerts that we all sang this song all the time.

Um, sure, I'd sing it for you all.

I did not know the history of that song! It is such a fun one.

I did not know the
History of that song! It
Is such a fun one.

                 - melinda010100

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I think the song was actually for one of the hippos up north, but since she was from here they take ownership of it. You know how that goes.

I think that is the sweetest thing to do.. all for the live of hippo!

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'Mary Did You Know' is one of my favourite Christmas songs. I'd love to sing it for you and I'd do it mainly because of the powerful lyrics based on the birth of Jesus and all this entails to those who believe but after listening to this version I think I'd prefer to let Pentatonix bring this Christmas message in their own, sensational way. No one could do it better, imo.

That is such a beautiful song, and you've got to love Pentatonic!

It really is Melinda and I absoloutley love Pentatonic. They are wonderful singers.

My son went to see them when they were in Chicago and said it was a great show.

It is a beautiful song, Trudee.

Thanks very much Jo. I really love it. They are such great singers.

Hmmmmm.. im not familiar with it and I googled and currently playing it now.. lovely!

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Glad you enjoyed it too @maquemali Have a great day!

have a blessed Sunday to you too madam @trudeehunter! 😉

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Thanks very much @maquemali (:

My favorite is: "All I Want For Christmas Is You" – Mariah Carey

When I hear this song on radio, I always wanna sing especially in the car :)
This song really cheers me up!
And finally the lyrics are so true... In this materialistic Christmas mess we often forgetting the most important is the time we spend with the loved ones!

This is what we always dance during parties!! Recently i used this one uo and remix with other danceable songs..❤

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