How did you hear about SteemIt?

in #steem7 years ago

I'm curious how we all "heard" about SteemIt.  This post is about engagement, but also understanding what is effective in Marketing.

1. How did you hear about SteemIt?
    A.  From a friend or family member

     B.   From an end-user

     C.   From Youtube, Facebook or other social media platform

     D.   From an advertisement.

      E.  Other - Explain in the comments.

If you use the letter and then elaborate that will help when I compile the results.  If you are interested also, consider giving it a resteem.  I would love to hear as much about your experience as you are willing to share.

Where did you hear about it, how do you like it, what was it that caught your attention..  






Where did you hear about it, how do you like it, what was it that caught your attention..

Couple YouTubers kept mentioning it! @crypt0 was the MAIN ONE!

I love it!

A social media platform that is decentralized and mostly anonymous.

E. Other.

Back in April I was getting into crypto and researching different alt-coins, i was searching for ones attached to something more substantial than just a coin and came across STEEM, leading me to Steemit. I watched the site for a little over a month, learning how it worked, finding people who were building communities, etc. Then I joined and engaged in conversations with those members and found my place here.


Saw it listed on Poloniex and started to research.

I heard about steemit as I was studying coins to invest in. I searched in google and eventually got to steemit.

c - I had been watching youtube videos for years but never realized that people make money on youtube. Just as I began to take the creators seriously and began to think about creating, youtube started censoring and demonetizing my favorite channels. One night I watched two videos about steemit, Math Easy Solutions @mes and the SGT Report @stgreport and immediately signed up. I am learning so much here and the community is great.

I am glad to hear it is going well.

I think Jack Conte (if he is not here already!) would be delighted to hear about Steemit. After watching his TED talk, the two sites are so complimentary to each other.

Hi @leighlim, just watched the video. Thanks for sharing this. Very inspirational! I did a search and did not see an account for him.

E - I was searching for ways to make money..... preferably with cryptocurrency and came across steemit. Of course that was in October of 2016 and I couldn't really make it work for me then..... but in March I figured it out and now it's going quite well.

B - In a round-about way. A friend of mine began sending me stuff from The Dollar Vigilante regarding fiat money versus precious metals. In one of The Dollar Vigilante's videos, he mentioned a new social media site that pays you for your work. I was curious and came to see what this was all about and now I'm hooked. Totally addicted and ruining my eyes from too much computer time. Seriously... I just had an eye exam and the back of my eyes are starting to go lumpy!

Don't forget to stretch and walk around every 20 minutes. :) (I know it's a big it for us! Your readers! We want you to keep creating content!)

Btw...what does 'eyes going lumpy' mean? (is it sign of eye strain?)

Thanks for your concern and advice. I need to get an alarm and set it as a reminder.
The back surface of the eye where the image is processed needs to be smooth in order to get a clear and sharp image of what you see. When the eye is asked to do more than it can, it prioritizes and instead of allowing oxygen and other nutrients in and letting the waste products out, it only allows the good in but neglects to take out the trash. That waste material accumulates like lumps of dirt under the carpet. Apparently that's what is happening in my eyes. Macular degeneration.

A - My friend tried to introduce me to Steemit last October but I was just too busy with other things to have a proper look. He then mentioned it again in March and this time I became very interested, especially when he told me how much his account was worth. I was very interested and so he guided me through setting up my account and then I started posting. And then I posted some more and then....well I suppose you could say that I can't stop posting now!

Proof that repetition works! :) (Just remember to space it within a few months....hehehe)

E. I found it through a google search when I started researching crypto coins. Articles that I found kept coming from this steemit place. I decided I needed to check it out and see what the fuss was.

The rest, as they say, is history!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 60972.21
ETH 3388.11
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55