My Road to 100000 Steem Power & Self-Improvement Log Day 76

in #steem7 years ago

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This is my journey towards 100000 Steem Power Day 76 with no prior investments! Meaning I started on Steem with 0 account value!). I am a very dedicated individual and I want you guys to be a part of my journey to get you motivated and to learn from my mistakes!

Besides my daily description of what I did to reach that goal today, I will also use this as a "journal" to keep track of my other personal goals.

If you have any suggestions, want to help or work together with me or just want to leave feedback then just write that in the comments.
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What I did Today to Reach my Goal

@Dtube lacks a play button on the thumbnails so I decided to write and record a thorough tutorial about it. You can read and watch that post & video HERE or watch the video only version below.

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Personal Goals

Guitar Mastery - Play 90% of the Song "Asylum" by "Disturbed" successfully by July 2018
Day 22 of practicing part 8. I am using my smartphone as background light and it is a little bit blinding, however, the quality improves a lot as you can see in the DTube video above. The thumbnail today is my guitar.

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Training - Reach 90KG with 12% Bodyfat by July 2018
Back day, increased the weight on the biceps machine, on the pulldown machine & on the rowing machine. Total back annihilation.

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Today @eonwarped and I talked about the congestion of the Bitcoin network. Everyone that did transactions with Bitcoins lately can wait a long time till they get them. Look at this link to realize it:

I exchanged 40SBD for Shitcoins yesterday, our conclusion was that Litecoin is much better if there were exchange websites where you can exchange Litecoin to EUR, lower fees and no waiting time.

Besides that, we also came to the conclusion that websites that hold your Bitcoin are third parties. In other words, you don't hold your money, someone else does that, you just have full access to it. Decentralization my fucking ass. These exchange pages are just virtual banks!
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Workout was tough as fuck, learned more about Cryptocurrency in general and shared that with the Team as usual. Besides that, I have nothing else to report for today. Have a nice day savages.

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Get More Upvotes & Followers: Steemfollower

My Previous Post: Add a Play Button to Your DTube Thumbnail

My Website: Youtube Channel

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Hey Philip, Merry Christmas. I hope you had a good one like I did.

I came to ask you about steemfollower. I just joined and see you are in there. Are you voting 35 times a day? What strategies are you using there and do you like it? I'm thinking its a good place to support new people and I noticed a few bigger ones in there too. Just picking your brain :)

I wrote a post about it Sharon:

The answer would be too long. So either you read that post or you join my discord where the Berserkers reside to talk about it.

I'm not in discord - but going to your post :)

Hey @valorforfreedom. I used your information from the recent video about buying points on the Steemfollower market, as it looks like EVERY OTHER way of liquidating SBD right now has been shut off. I bought ~ 61 points for $3.65 SBD - great value - and it is the ONLY option I can see right now for selling SBD for profit. in fact, selling it for points are SF earns us MORE profit, so it is a great option, WITHOUT the rapacious fees of the standard exchange services. I will be continuing to do this, especially with all of the capital controls preventing the ability to liquidate SBD. Thank God for SF. have a great f*cking day, you savage...

Enjoy the profits!

I continue to observe how you achieve your goals, it is very motivating and I am sure that you will be able to improve your body even earlier than planned.
This is an interesting conclusion that the sites on which our bitcoins are stored are just "hidden" structures more reminiscent of banks. Not everything as it seems to us at first glance.
thank you, it was interesting

Thank you Franklin, I fully agree with what you wrote.

I was just saying yesterday that cryptos really aren't decentralized that the exchanges are nothing more than virtual banks. Decentralization maybe the goal but as long as you have to buy,sell, and trade on an exchange for cryptos its not decentralized and all the taxman has to do is put a withdrawl tax on an exchange wallet its paid automatically upon withdrawl....makes me sick thinking about it.

100% Kingbum. This shit is far from decentralized, makes you think it is just one giant elite bankers scheme.

Exchanges are certainly not decentralized, as you say. As many people say, don't leave your funds on an exchange.

Cryptos are though. Having control of your private keys is one of the first things everyone needs to do if they hold significant funds. The taxman is going to get us anyway regardless, by the way, and that won't have anything to do with decentralization or not, because you are legally bound to report property values. Whether or not it is enforceable in certain circumstances is up for debate though...

Curations trails are useless for bloggers.

What? Are you against money? Maybe I'm not sure what you mean. I'm happy when certain peole vote because then I get more. What's wrong with that?

You waste all your vote power aka you won't have enough to upvote the comments on your posts and to upvote other special people.

Oh I was not thinking of joining one - I'm just glad when they find me :)

Excellent information on how to avoid congestion of the BTC network, I have 2 transactions din confirmations for 2 days, I have already seen this happen months ago, then everything returns to normal.

Congratulations my friend for all you have achieved so far, the best of success for you!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 64535.04
ETH 3462.08
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49