My Road to 100000 Steem Power & Self-Improvement Log Day 30

in #steem7 years ago

Road to 100000 Steem Power Day 30 Header.jpg

This is my journey towards 100000 Steem Power Day 30 with no prior investments! Meaning I started on Steem with 0 account value!). I am a very dedicated individual and I want you guys to be a part of my journey to get you motivated and to learn from my mistakes!

Besides my daily description of what I did to reach that goal today, I will also use this as a "journal" to keep track of my other personal goals.

If you have any suggestions, want to help or work together with me or just want to leave feedback then just write that into the comments.

What I did Today to Reach my Goal

Today I wrote a little rant about women titled "The Modern Woman is a Slave of Her Smartphone, Her Job and Her Tinder App" which you can read here. Besides that I wrote the 30 comments again and this post is almost finished as well.


Personal Goals

Guitar Mastery - Play 90% of the Song "Asylum" by "Disturbed" successfully by July 2018
Day 15 of practicing part 3. I practiced today but I made no fucking improvements. Like I wrote 2 days ago. I have reached a plateau and it will take a lot of days to overcome that.

Note: I am not the person in this video! Here is the song I am talking about that I am practicing in the game Rocksmith (a game to improve your guitar skills).


Training - Reach 90KG with 12% Bodyfat by July 2018
No training today. I have slept very well with the earplugs and didn't have to search them the morning after because they didn't fell out of my ears like the old ones. However, sometimes I needed to scratch the inside of my ears and I had roll the earplugs again to fit them into my ear which was kinda annoying.



Nothing much to report today. It is a Sunday and I take Phenibut every Sunday to enjoy the day a little bit more. However, I can not really feel the effect because I ate 1 hour afterwards which kinda eradicated the effect. I have to take Phenibut immediately after waking up to feel the effects.

I am not sure If I like the 30 comments per day because I will have to look for gifs, videos and pictures to use them on my comment (to give them a higher quality) and it is really distracting. Sometimes I am stuck for 10 minutes looking for the right picture for that comment and that costs a lot of time and worse, it kicks me out of my flow!

I am really a fan of the Roman, Greek and German history. Particularly Caesar's timeline, Greek mythology and wars & ethnic German mythology (Odinism) and how they lived.

I found a very good series simply called "Rome" a show about the life in Rome in the time Caesar ruled. It is not politically correct and history as accurate as possible which I really like.

Sometimes you will be like what the fuck because you could not imagine such things today. "You don't address me in that tone woman" and the no feelings selling of slaves...

I love to watch it when I have my big meals, check it out if you are a fan of old Roma. Here is the initial scene. Many of you, for example, don't know that centurions (higher ranked soldiers) used whistles to sign that the units of the front have to go back so only soldiers who are fit fight in the front.

The Romans were excellent soldiers.


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My Previous Post: Honor in the Modern Age & Applying That to Steem

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Road to 100000 Steem Power Day 30 Stats.jpg


There are so many interesting things to learn, explore and try. Yet people experience daily boredom.

Quite true.

How much do you weight now?
What is Phenibut?
I don't watch much t.v., but maybe I'll check it out. I used to watch Spartacus and was a big fan, Unfortunately the main character died in real life after the first season.

How much do you weight now: 101kg

What is Phenibut: A powder which feels like alcohol (around 3 beers) if used correctly. I use it to relax and to have a good time.


I watched Spartacus too, season 1 was good and after the main character died the replacement could just not compare so I stopped watching.

They could have shown less dicks tho. When a penis was zoomed on in game of thrones i stopped watching that too. Felt like punching my TV, the feminism and pervertedness was way too much.

I didn't watch TV for 3 years. This rome series however is realistic and I am interested in Rome anyway. The show contains some sex too but it is not overdone.

Interesting, I've never heard of this substance.

lol, and I know right? What's with all the dicks bro??!

I don't know, but outrage is a good tactic to get attention. And girls love dicks, so they will watch it for the dicks.

Pleb control.

Calling @originalworks :)
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Nice, you got a 49.0% @cryptomancer upgoat, thanks to @valorforfreedom
Want a boost? Minnowbooster's got your back!

The @OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by @valorforfreedom to be original material and upvoted(1.5%) it!

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I apologize if you think you're wasting your time with me, the truth is not like that. I really appreciate your advice and help, and sorry for wasting your time here; I am implementing them as much as possible. Really thanks; But, I'm very new here and I'm afraid to make an irreversible mistake, that's why I'm testing smoothly and in fact, I thought that I had already made all the indications of their previous recommendations, and to the tests I refer with a meteoric advance of 0.03 $ per post I had before almost 2 $ now, despite the minimal resources I manage and the terrible Internet service that I have in Venezuela, which sometimes prevents me from uploading better and more loaded (in kbytes) images. I'm sure I'll improve ... Although I do not understand well, what is it about Minnowbooster, if I have no money to use it? How I can do it? I think, wait... Thank you very much friend... I hope to grow a lot and in a short time know him and personally thank for all the help given. Honor to whom honor is due (YOU)...

Just stop with the damn excuses and fear and just get it done.
What I told you can be learned in one day!

By the way, 10 cents are enough to make a profit from Minnowbooster.

No more excuses!

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