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RE: My Road to 100000 Steem Power & Self-Improvement Log Day 30

in #steem7 years ago

I apologize if you think you're wasting your time with me, the truth is not like that. I really appreciate your advice and help, and sorry for wasting your time here; I am implementing them as much as possible. Really thanks; But, I'm very new here and I'm afraid to make an irreversible mistake, that's why I'm testing smoothly and in fact, I thought that I had already made all the indications of their previous recommendations, and to the tests I refer with a meteoric advance of 0.03 $ per post I had before almost 2 $ now, despite the minimal resources I manage and the terrible Internet service that I have in Venezuela, which sometimes prevents me from uploading better and more loaded (in kbytes) images. I'm sure I'll improve ... Although I do not understand well, what is it about Minnowbooster, if I have no money to use it? How I can do it? I think, wait... Thank you very much friend... I hope to grow a lot and in a short time know him and personally thank for all the help given. Honor to whom honor is due (YOU)...


Just stop with the damn excuses and fear and just get it done.
What I told you can be learned in one day!

By the way, 10 cents are enough to make a profit from Minnowbooster.

No more excuses!

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