Honor in the Modern Age & How Honor Helps You on Steem

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Honor in the modern age honor medal.jpg

What does honor mean in this modern age and how can honor benefit you on Steemit?

In this modern age, people have forgotten what honor means. Honor means to be real and not fake, honor means to hold your words and do what you say you will do. Honor means the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right (not universal morals but your own morals).

If for example couldn't care less about political correctness, tolerance, being friendly & respectful towards all people & not cheating.

The 9 Noble Virtues Are My Moral Compass

Honor in the modern age 9 noble virtues.png

That means that I will not tolerate Islamic terrorists for example like people in Germany do. That means that I will say what I think and transgenders are mentally ill in my opinion. That means that I am friendly as long as people are friendly towards me. That means that people have to earn my respect it is not a given.

If you live after societies morals then you simply have no honor. A society that allows prostitution & terrorists in their country lacks honor.

You need new morals. Pick what you like and believe in. You can also use the Bushido code as your moral compass for example if you love the ancient Asian culture.

Honor in the modern age bushido.jpg

Without honor your words are meaningless and you are not trustworthy. Without honor, you are an empty body walking in this empire of nothing. A zombie without a soul.


How to Apply Honor to Steemit

Depending on your morals you want to apply them to Steem. In my case, that means standing by my word, doing what I say I will do, and being completely authentic. It means so much more to me that it would make this post 100000 words long.

Applying honor according to the 9 noble virtues on Steemit means:

1. If you say that you will post 1-2x per day till you reach your goal then you have to post even if you lay half-dead at the fucking hospital. Write posts beforehand with Haroopad and schedule them with SteemAuto

2. Be authentic, stop pretending like you care about everyone, nobody does that. Stop kissing ass for upvotes, resteems or whatever. Stop asking that in posts in general. If you really want a resteem then you ask somebody you know to do that for you (resteem one of their posts in return).

3. Don't change your opinion or believes because people pressure you into that. Stand by your words, even if that means a triggered whale will downvote your whole blog.

And this is how you apply honor to Steemit.

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My Previous Post: The Road to 100000 Steem Power Day 27

My Website: Manosphorium.com

Honor in the modern age stats.jpg


Honor and respect go hand in hand.
I can have honor, and I can respect your version of it also.
You have opinions as do I.
Standing by yours is as important as me standing by mine.

The problem comes when we are not aware or learned in something.
The world is not always the way we see it, for we only see it through our own eyes.

Since perception is 90% of reality, it doesn't take a whole lot to change perception just a little, which means our reality has changed.

The bottom line is for honor to work as you describe I think we need to be very careful about our perception of reality.

We may have been mis-led somewhere along our lifes journey and missed something that could have or might have changed where we stand if only we had known.

What you say makes sense. People can not have honor when they don't know what it means and what they are really doing.

However, people don't want to learn nowadays. The west is full of hedonists that don't value knowledge.

They love: Drugs, sex, television, smartphones, video games, pornography, fast food, working 9-5 for someone else & being lazy.

And when they are 20-30 they get depressed and suicidal because society ain't fair towards men.

Hell, even women get depressed here even tho they get special treatment all the time.

That is because they all live hedonist lives. Women prefer career over family and then they live with cats when they are 40ty while nobody gives a real shit about them in their 9-5 job.


Hedonism, a lack of hardship and ruined families (western society is responsible for that) are the cause why people lack honor.

So you see, you are right, people don't know whats happening and it ain't their fault. However, the information is there.

You are correct - unfortunately.
But as I always say, "I don't know what I don't know".
Until someone opens the door to knowledge ie opens my eyes then I have no idea.

You are correct. Sadly people are different and it is almost impossible to unite hundred thousand people on the street to throw some stones into the windows of the elites.

The elites don't need to do that. They have millions in the bank and the ability to influence powerful people.

This is why I came to the conclusion that I don't care about people I don't know (this excludes people who support me in my goals).

But in terms of Steemit I wish more people would do that. Everyone here is kissing ass for a dollar, worse than homeless people.

I have read that post and nothing surprises me. I however stay away from all the outrage, from the left or the right, it is just distracting me from my goals and does not help me in any way.

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What does honor mean to you?

The knowledge of the meaning of the word "honor" does not necessarily imply that you have it or your acts are guided by the "honor"; Likewise, not knowing the meaning of the word does not mean that you live with "dishonor". Honor is associated with the attitude towards life (your actions), the aptitude (your natural ability and preparation) and the values ​​inculcated to guide your life and know what you are really doing, moral and lights ?. And the guilt of "hedonism" (not so "something" so bad, by the way) is associated with exaggerated materialism and supine ignorance. The well dosed is not bad as a whole, the exaggerated is the bad, for example the vices. Honor is something very relative and here in Steemit, it is terribly relative.

People have a lot of ideas about honor. According to Wikipedia honor means:

1. High respect; great esteem.
2. The quality of knowing and doing what is morally right.


So according to the definition, you will have to act according to the 9 noble virtues and through constantly improving earn the respect of your people. That is honor in Odinism.

FANTASTIC, I hadn't heard of the 7 virtues of the Bushido before, so thanks for sharing.

Posts like these, just make me want to be a better man all around.

That is the goal of my posts, to help people become better people.
We only have this one life.

Living it in hedonism will make sure you will hate the 2nd half of your life.
So we better improve!

Guy I worked out with today is 50 years old. Full hair, buff and yelling around while lifting like he is fucking 3 chicks at the same time. I always thought he is 35-40.

But that guy is 50 (he could almost be my grandpa lol).

The purpose of hardship (self-improvement) is to become stronger, healthier, richer, more attractive etc!

Men must be hard and polished like diamonds.

definitely inspiring!

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