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RE: Happy to talk to community

in #steem4 years ago

Hi Justin. I have been a backup witness here for over 3 years. For me, STEEM is a place of transparency and freedom - we all need a decentralised place with minimal control in order to express ourselves and be free. Some of the issues you are highlighting are subtle and have nuances that aren't obvious at first. It is a challenge for me to reply to you here without writing many pages of text, but I will do my best. I actually run a STEEM powered social network that is specifically aimed to help humanity become heart centred - I am very much in tune with the balancing function of the human and spiritual heart.

Are you willing to believe the sanctity of private property or do you just want to take innocent people’s hard earned money under toxic “consensus”?

In direct answer to your question here - yes, I respect private property. However, holding something in your hand does not mean that you yourself are respecting the sanctity of private property in that you may be encroaching on others yourself. A strong heart seeks balance without overpowering others or self. I have desire to feel that neither you, nor anyone here is being overpowered.

As has been pointed out countless times already, the consensus of long standing, community voted witnesses had no intention of taking or stealing the tokens owned by you or Steemit inc. - The intention was to set a boundary with you as a new, large stakeholder who the people in the community do not know in a personal way as a friend. The more you are willing to engage with people as friends, the more you will find others are too.

A great strength of blockchain technology is the ability for groups to create forks and to drive their own blockchain if they disagree with the governance of the one they are on. We don't want to do this and I don't think we really need to do this - but we all know that in the face of a single entity moving to take control of the consensus, most people will be more motivated to support a fork towards decentralisation. Fear of one entity dominating the main witness spots is the main fear that people have had here since the beginning. In a way, it is good that you have done this because it allows the community to process the fear and generate catharsis. The ninja mined tokens have always been a major point of contention here and more subtlety is needed from all of us here, including you yourself, to find the needed balance.

Are you willing to shorten the SP power-down period to 3-7 days from the current period?

Such a radical shift will greatly disturb many people and the way the blockchain operates. If a detailed analysis and projection is presented that can be checked independently that shows why such a change would benefit the STEEM blockchain then I would surely read it and consider it. As a system engineer who has worked for international investment banks, I know that no serious professional would make such a decision without a thorough due diligence process and I am no different.

Are you willing to remove the down-voting policy of STEEM blockchain?

When I first came to STEEM I did not like downvoting at all. I was very much against it. However, we have had BIG problems here with people filling the blockchain with garbage posts in order to upvote themselves to try to get a return on their STEEM. We also had an even bigger problem with people running vote bots and trading votes which resulted in the entire 'proof of brain' mechanism that is thoroughly explained in the STEEM white/blue papers being destroyed. 'Proof of brain' is THE main unique selling point of the STEEM blockchain and needs to be protected just as much as private property rights. As it turned out, when downvotes were made available for free to all STEEM users, the bid bot process stopped and the quality of posting went up in response. Proof of brain is an essential part of growing STEEM and attracting new users. Some users don't like downvoting, I get that, but far more users do not like a blockchain that is full of garbage, which is what we find STEEM turns into when downvoting is removed or made more difficult.

In answer to your question, I am open to looking at alternative ways of mitigating bid bots and spam on the network that allow for the removal of downvoting. Without a detailed plan of how we will solve these problems without downvoting, I cannot agree to removing downvoting. Again, this is a matter of subtle balance.

Are you willing to introduce smart contracts into the STEEM block chain?

Yes, absolutely, that is very important. Anything you can do to help make that a reality will be greatly appreciated.

Are you willing to keep a good relationship with prestigious exchanges and increase our STEEM token value or do you just want to fuck them?

I have no desire to overpower the free will of anyone else. I seek real balance. A good relationship with exchanges is important and I am happy to consider their needs. However, there is no benefit to witnesses or to the exchanges who seek to make money via STEEM users if we make decisions that go against the will of the STEEM community. STEEM is NOT just a numbers game, STEEM is a community of living people, many of whom make a living on the blockchain. If the community loses faith in the sanctity of the blockchain's own integrity, then the exchanges and everyone else loses out. I am certainly happy to work alongside exchange representatives to help them understand how to best profit from STEEM while also ensuring the community are happy too.

Are you willing to protect the rights of the community members or do you just want to hurt and destroy those you disagree with?

My entire life is directed towards seeking balance in life and preventing the denial of free will. In other words, I help the world evolve towards true freedom, health and balance. I have no intention to harm or destroy anyone simply because I disagree with them. The only time I will ever use any kind of force is in self defence and under an existential threat. In all of my time on STEEM I have never done anything to harm anyone else and I likely never will.

Protecting the rights of a large number of people is not as simple as just agreeing to what any particular one of them may demand. Rights, like people, are interactive and relative to the other people involved. Rights are simply 'what is right' - yet are therefore, also, to some extent subjective. It is right to me that everyone has a space to freely express themselves and that people are as free to trade as possible. However, it is also right that those who have bought into a system like STEEM (on the basis that it uses an established and well documented set of rules) are respected and that their investment is not trampled over unexpectedly.

In answer to your question, yes, I want to protect the community's rights. I feel that the community is wanting you to consider that you yourself appear to some of them to be trying to hurt those who you disagree with. What is your answer to your own question here?

Are you willing to support Steemit, Inc. in accomplishing their job to increase our token value or do you just want to stab them in the back for your own interest?

I have no interest in stabbing anyone in the back. I'm not 100% sure what you are implying here. Is there some kind of agreement that you perceive Steemit inc. to have made with witnesses, which they are failing to keep to?

Are you willing to increase STEEM token value that benefits the whole community or do you only care about your own interest and don’t give a fuck about the real community?

Yes, increasing the STEEM token's value is a win-win for me and everyone else - that fact is part of why I am here and part of what makes STEEM exciting for me.

Are you willing to welcome new investors in the future and include everyone into our community or do you just want to fuck those new investors, freeze their investment and kick them out?

I am very happy to welcome new investors to STEEM. I personally have no desire to kick you out of STEEM or any other hypothetical investor, provided that they/you act responsibly and in a way that upholds many of the values you are highlighting in this list - including recognising existing agreements, doing what can be done to honour them and seeking to communicate honestly and openly in a way that feels good to those involved. I have space for people who are out of balance too and have no wish to eject people just because they cause me to feel uncomfortable. Only an existential threat will trigger me (or most people) into feeling a need to take strong action.

Are you willing to always stick to the truth or will you just spread rumors to generate misunderstandings in the community and poison our community culture?

Absolutely, yes. Digging in to the truth is part of my DNA. I always aim to stay as neutral as possible. Sometimes I might become emotional in a way that might introduce bias or I might hold a misunderstanding that does the same - however, I know this and am cautious to not do so and to remain open to new information and understandings.

Do you like Justin Sun or you just want to fuck him?

Well, we haven't even been on a first date yet. :)
I have watched some of your interviews, such as the one where you said you lived in Wuhan previously and I feel that when you aren't stressed and when you are happy you seem to be a good guy - like most of us. I wish you well and I also wish the people of China, Wuhan and the world strength and health at this challenging time.

Thanks for taking the time to read my words.
I wish you well,

(You are a soul)


...but far more users do not like a blockchain that is full of garbage, which is what we find STEEM turns into when downvoting is removed or made more difficult.

There's also a MUTE button that everyone seems to forget about.

It seems like it would be a relatively uncontroversial matter to setup a "mute blacklist" (kind of like the nsfw opt-in/opt-out that already exists) so that people could voluntarily opt-into so they wouldn't have to mute every single user individually if they wish.

That mute button doesn't really work for me, as I consume mostly on, which doesn't seem to respect the mute. I can't even find where to mute someone on there.

If you can find the "nsfw" toggle, that's what I'm proposing.

Basically another button next to the "nsfw" toggle that would mute low rep or blacklisted accounts.

That way, people who want to see "everything" could simply toggle to their personal preference.

I don't like the idea that groups of self-appointed vigilantes get to decide what I can view and what I can't view (by default).

I would certainly appreciate an "opt-in" option instead of being forced (by default) to delegate my individual "post quality" viewing preferences to some un-elected hypocritical "libertarian" yahoos who I often disagree with (have you seen some of their personally endorsed "high-quality-original-content"?)

Usually it's right next to the "follow" button when you view their main page.

Yes, I have made a few posts on that topic before.

"What is your answer to your own question here?"

And, there lies the crux of the issue. 'Rules for thee, and not for me.' seems to be the heart of @justinsunsteemit's actions on Steem so far.

Thanks for being measured in response, and for standing on principle.

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