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RE: I'm selling

in #steem7 years ago

I'm thinking about doing that too.

but I'm wanting to see if STEEM gets added to the Chinese exchange first. If it does, that should push the price up for a bit.

Or we cold miss out and the price tanks.


I hope it works out for you ;-) (and me too hehe)


oh it works...
I can't lose.
the only question is how MUCH can I win.
I don't have a penny invested in Steem...only my time.
If I hadn't been spending my time here...I'd have been on FaceBook...for free.

yeah me too ;-) (except for the part about being on Facebook. I can't stand that site!)

I have a plan for the money I make on Steemit, I'm hoping to get enough STEEM, SBD, Bitcoin, whatever together to pay for me to do an ultra marathon next year.

So the more I can earn, the better the trip will be ;-)

good luck. I'm hoping to get enough to pay for the rent.

I hear that! :-)

I haven't had to power down to do that yet, but it's been close.

Why waste time on Facebook, and make Zuckerberg rick? Steemit is the place to be.👌

This blockchain model will eventually destroy the big names of social media.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the @zappl launch!🤗

A twitter alternative that rewards content aggregators is just what I'm looking for.👌

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 60855.42
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50