💖 How to get full curation rewards from my posts - Set and forget income

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

While initially I was against using bots, I changed my mind and as you may have noticed I have started using a few bots to up the income and visibility of my posts.

To get curation rewards from the posts it is best to upvote them within the first 30 minutes, and at least before I send any bots on them. I wait at least an hour on each post, but sometimes I have to wait for more sbd in my account to activate the bots.

Here is how you can set automatic upvotes on new posts, and be sure to get your curation rewards on max every time.
This is pretty straight forward.

Go to https://steemauto.com/ and create an account. Connect it with SteemConnect to your Steemit account is easy.

You need to use your Steemit POSTING key at SteemAuto, wich you find under your Steemit WALLET/PERMISSIONS tab.

Note you are seing the public key, and need to hit the Show private key button at the right.

  • You need to transfer 0.001 SBD to steemauto in the registering process. If you don't have it in your account let me know and I'll happily help you out.

Logged in to SteemAuto you'll see this

Hit the Fanbase button and you'll find this

Enter @thedolphin into the box and hit the Follow button.
Now you are setup with basic settings, upvoting each of my posts as they come.

You can change the settings, I prefer 20-30 minute delay on my curation.

If you have high voting power you can set WEIGHT lower, but for new accounts use 100% weight.

That's it, you'll now start getting maximum curation rewards automatic on all my posts, and all the BOTS votes.

Now if you want to support me even more, you can upvote comments. Not so high curation rewards on most of my comments, but many 0.001's do add up over time so it is profitable to fulfill this step too.

Hit the UPVOTE COMMENTS button at the left

And fill in the form as this, then click SUBMIT button

FINISHED! You'll now start getting curation rewards on all my posts and up to two comments a day, without needing to think about it.
Supporting me, you'll also build up your wallet worth.

Nifty or what?

Comments are highly appreciated, and please
upvote, resteem and follow me if you profit or otherwise enjoy my posts !

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So far 7 is signed on to my SteemAuto follower list:

I thought a couple would do, and am a bit overwhelmed!
Thank you all!

I have set up a STEEM trade at Binance to be able to pay the SBI shares for you next week.

@thedolphin Why set 29 minutes. It is better to set 30 to get 100% upvote.

Gotta give a little too I think, not only reap full. Many play around 15 minutes, 50/50 split of the pot then.
I want to encourage the people behind the blogs I upvote to produce more quality content too so we keep building a great platform at Steemit.

Fantastic idea @thedolphin! I'll be signing up soon as I have some SBD. Hopefully some rewards will start coming in soon.

привет, Дельфин!) Я тоже подписался, прими в стаю!)

Добро пожаловать в snake7711! Давайте сделаем это! Мне нужно купить больше STEEM для оплаты всех этих акций SBI.
Я бы предпочел английский в комментариях, поэтому мне не нужно использовать переводчика :)

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Curious? Read @resteembot's introduction post
Check out the great posts I already resteemed.

ResteemBot's Maker is Looking for Work

Thanks! Hope many get to read and fulfill the How to get full curation rewards from my posts - Set and forget income

I'm autoupvoting you commenting too now @thedolphin

Thanks, that is awesome!
You'll start geting your curate rewards in a weeks time :)

Yes I set at 22 minutes so you will get an upvote soon.
I go to work now over weekend but Steemit keep working for me, supporting you.
Thanks again for all the fish, @thedolphin

I'll keep feeding you fish @cryptli :)

Hi, I put you on auto-upvote, thanks for doing this!

Hi thank you first of all!
You should go in and set your vote to happen 20-30 minutes after the post, as now you vote immediately after publishing.

That is fine by me, as I get all the curation rewards. Setting it later and your % go up, 30 minutes and you get max % of your vote.

Fixed, not sure why zero minutes is the default, thanks for the heads up! :-)

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