STEEM Is Our Reality: How Are You Behaving????

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

One of the fascinating parts of my journey into technology is the questions that arise as to what is reality.

For those who do a bit of research, it is common knowledge that we are at the edge of a technological explosion that is unmatched in mankind's history. What was science fiction just a few decades ago is now an everyday "reality". Concepts that were considered pseudo-science or mythology not long ago is accepted as truthful. Our embracing of the "unseen" is now more than ever (or is it?).

Quantum was called "spooky science" by Einstein. Newtonian physicists have denounced it as pseudo for 100 years. Yet, with the advancement of technology, experiments are proving a great many of the theories to be accurate. It literally is merging spiritual concepts with science.

We are all one.

Many spiritual traditions mention this. For most of history, this was accepted as a spiritual concept yet was denied in the "real" world. Anyone can see we are all separate. I am here, you are over there. There is nothing between us.

Today, entanglement is proving that things which appear separated are really connected. As spooky as this sounds, it has been replicated in a number of experiments.

Thoughts are things.

Ideas are invisible constructs. They are not part of the "real" world since we cannot see them. Again, if it is unseen, it does not exist. As many of you can guess, we now know this is not true. With devices that can measure activity of this nature, we know ideas have energetic properties. We know this is true for the heart also. Is this purely physical? We are starting to see research that says it is not.

Quantum tells us that there is an infinite field of possibilities all existing at the same time. Absence of observation, particles operate in an unlimited state. It is only after the observer is added to the equation does "reality" set in. Does our attention create our own reality? It certainly seems like this is the case.

I would say the chances are a billion to one we are not in a computer simulation.

This is the essence of a idea put out there by Elon Musk. Now, I think we all can agree Ole Elon is a fairly smart guy. Yet his belief is that our entire existence is nothing more than a computer simulation. Somewhere, according to this idea, is a central entity that is controlling everything (any different from the God idea espoused for centuries?). At the core of all of this is code. Hence, life is nothing more than an adherence to the coding.

Is this idea so far fetched? Not when you consider the recent advancements in coding of DNA. We now understand that biology is nothing more than understanding the coding that is present. Learn the code and one can rewrite it. This is what is behind projects such as CRISPR. It truly is the merging of computer science and biology.

To further reference this point, Microsoft, at great cost, was able to store data in organic material. In other words, instead of storing data (code) on a non-organic drive, they were able to do it on genetic material. Is this any different then something stored in your brain?

If everything around us is code, including us, is the idea of this entire mechanism we live in being a "computer simulation" so crazy? Ten years ago, most all of us would have said it is nuts. Today, not as many. Ten years from now, I hypothesize, very few of us will make that claim.

Of course, those who object believe themselves to be realists. What is ironic is they do not understand how they buy into stuff that is not real. Everyday we construct things in a manner which makes them appear real although they are not.

Here is an example: where is the company you work for? I want to see the "company".

If you think about it, it is impossible to show me the company. You can point to a building, people in it, or even a listing on an exchange. These all representations of the idea yet are no more a company than the logo is. If you really consider this long enough, you will realize how accurate this is.

Nevertheless, even though this is not real, people defend, support, and embrace the company. You hear people saying they "love this company" like it is real.

This all leads me to STEEM. We know STEEM is not real. It exists on the Internet. It is nothing more than "virtual". There is no reason to regard it as anything as such since we all can agree that this is just words on a screen; something we create in our minds.

Do you mean like a corporation exists on a piece of paper in some governmental office somewhere?

If the gap between the biological and the IT (Informational Technology) worlds are closing, how can we decipher what is "reality"? Said another way, are the virtual constructs that we give great power to in our daily "offline" lives any different than those we create online? My answer is they are the same.

Each day we interact with others. This happens in a variety of different forums. Our behavior is modeled and honed over the years based upon experience to attain the results we desire. We all are schooled in the art of conformity. It is easy to comprehend there are consequences for our actions.

In the "real" world, we model our behavior to get what we want (and to avoid what we dont want). We tolerate the abusive boss at work because we need the job. Speaking our mind will not serve us well. Making fun of the wife does not work since she would leave us. Of course, we do not openly make fun of the neighbor's wife because he might bash our heads in.

We get angry and we do our best to control it. Physically lashing out ends up with negative consequences. If we hit our spouse, we can go to jail. Hit someone else, and we either get the potential of jail or an ass kicking (or both). Many of us will scream and get verbally abusive, until we find out we are ostracized and alone.

In this realm, most of our actions have consequences.

Do you know one area that does not?

When we get online. This is a medium where there are few consequences. People suddenly behave in ways they would never dare to in the "real" world. The anonymity of this arena enables one to act out all those feelings that are within yet must be suppressed in our daily interaction. Naturally, running around calling people "trolls" in your office would get you a trip to HR at a minimum. Yet, when logging on, we can do it without any ill effects.

There is a saying just because you can does not mean you should.

This is a lesson we need to be mindful when operating in this realm. Over time we are going to see more of our online and offline worlds collide. More of the world around us is being digitized. Things that we held and used years ago are now in digital form.

The Internet seems to be a place where people want to act out. They get really tough online and make fun of others. Trolling is commonplace especially sites like Facebook. Anonymity is a wonderful thing, until it is broken. Then, we see the articles about how someone showed up at one's house and put a bullet in the person simply over trolling. Of course, the shooter is not stable but should the first person be absolved? I do not support the use of violence so I cannot defend this action. That said, I cannot support the trolling either and could make the caseyou reap what you sow.

If STEEM evolves in the manner I think it will, we are going to see this blockchain as a primary part of our lives. Many of us will work, play, shop, and communicate on here. Our companies will operate on here, the nation-state that we geographically live under will take on less importance, and more of our day to day life will rest upon this blockchain.

Many say this is unrealistic and it is not "real". I wonder if they are the same people who are saying that the company they work for is real. Look at the Fortune 1000 companies and tell me how many of them are real. To believe STEEM is any less real is not acknowledging how much we buy into social constructs we created.

At least with STEEM, it is something we choose unlike those things that are presented to us as real and we were conditioned to believe in.

And we have the nerve to laugh at this who believe in the Easter Bunny.

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True, I believe people do act different online then in person. That’s why you have to take everything here with a grain of salt, but it’s also a great platform to experiment. Thanks for the post ad the unique insight!

Yes. The more they act bad on the internet, the more they will start to reflect their activities in real life.

"an infinite field of possibilities all existing at the same time. Absence of observation, particles operate in an unlimited state"

This blows my mind about Quantum. It means today's cryptography could be defeated. However, it seems in the real world it is impossible to achieve this because of noise so Quantum supremacy may never be achieved at all. We are safe! regards Task

It means today's cryptography could be defeated.

That is true although there are many working on quantum resistant SHA....but yes, without it, all encryption is null...

Of course, if you had a quantum computer that gave you access to all that is encrypted, would you go for Bitcoin or after something the files of who killed Kennedy. 😁

Nahh, we all know Castro had Kennedy killed, old news. They would use it to get dirt on the other party candidates, what's more important than that to use all that power??

BTW, have you watched this video? It's one of my favorites and pretty good in describing how the world really works:

regards Task

Excellent video. I will have to make a post out of that.

It is so true...that is the reason why changing the political system rarely every works. Just exchanging one screwing for another.

Did you notice what is at the core of all the political systems mentioned? The control of the treasury. That is why decentralization of the money supply is so revolutionary. It is taking the treasury, or a fair portion of it, out of the hands of the rulers.

This is a point that needs to be emphasized. We will see a change when the rulers do not have full control over the money....then they will really have a larger set of keys to keep happy.

It will be interesting.

Another interesting fact, blockchain is coming for the nation-state in general. It will take decades, but there will come a day when much of the ruling comes from what is coded into the blockchain. It will be fun to see politicians operate when a lot of what they do is on the blockchain for all to see.

"Taking the treasury, or a fair portion of it, out of the hands of the rulers". That's the part they will be most pissed off about, but, even governments, have to compete for wealthy citizens to remain in their countries so they will have to embrace crypto sooner or later. The more they wait, the more irrelevant they will be in the future.

Please do make a post about it! I'd love to read about and see the discussions on the comments.

JFK tried to take power away from the powerful and died like all the rest. RIP.
I rally behind our new anonymous savior, Satoshi Nakamoto. Can't kill a ghost. Can't kill an idea.

thats why we have iota and nano right? quantum resistant.

To further reference this point, Microsoft, at great cost, was able to store data in organic material. In other words, instead of storing data (code) on a non-organic drive, they were able to do it on genetic material. Is this any different then something stored in your brain?

Owk along the line while reading this great piece I came across this and I was wowed. How come this is the first time I am seeing and knowing about this? Am I that laid back? Mehn...this is really great and if someone had told me about this few years back , I would have said it was impossible

Another project that caught my interest here was the CRISPR project trying to merg computer , science and biology. All these are really great but can never be complete without mentioning a gretlat mind like Elon Musk...dude just thinks and creates. He actually does things anyone would consider impossible but what can I say? We are in the era of massive technological advancements where anything is absolutely possible

Keyboard warriors get into fights, name calling, and sometimes make people commit suicide. People can say things on a computer, that they would never have the guts to say in person. "David's Law" was passed to help with cyber bullying. Soon we will see more legislation to control these actions. And the Easter Bunny is real Task. Buona Pasqua. 😎

Lot's of people act differently then they would in real life. They probably won't be as successful as others, though, because when you act positive everywhere, you become positive everywhere

Though you bravely equated steem with quantum theories, for layman even quantum theories appear to be foolish, but i really feel steem is something which cant be proved yet but i can be felt anfmd felt with strong essence .. it will surely become a law of life in near future

Ideas are invisible constructs. They are not part of the "real" world since we cannot see them.

I couldn't agree more, all the times, ideas at the formative stage doesn't always makes sense, it doesn't take a form and other times, it's difficult to comprehend. Steem started off like an idea, today is a reality. The more we believe in steem and its limitless possibilities, the better it gets for us.

Whao...your love and dedication to this platform is just simply amazing! The amount of time and dedication you put into your posts defintely reflect in the overall quality. It's amazing, brilliant, entertaining and edifying without being too didactic.

I know when steem blows up you'll be at the forefront reaping the benefits. I definitely hope I'm there with you!

This is a pretty cool explanation of real vs unreal.

I've always been one to say that, on some level, digital and virtual things are real, because they take up a very tiny amount of physical space. I never thought of our own thoughts being physical. I mean, I guess they are just the neurons doing their thing, but it's still interesting to talk about.

A lot of interesting points. When it comes to the computer simulation part, I think for most people thinking like this really doesn't matter because it wouldn't affect their everyday lives. They have their noses too close to the ground to really care about a bigger picture. And, besides, not much we could do about it anyways, but it does lead into some pretty interesting avenues of thought for people who do believe it. I love how 13th Floor illustrated the point of the computer simulation so clearly.

As for the blending of online and IRL, we really do have to take care in the mindset we have a we approach the newer aspect of our society. Places like Steemit could become a bastion for good, as people work to recreate a more complex and better type of society. But, to truly realize that potential will take time as we are a slowly evolving species. Hopefully we'll have enough time to realize what we are capable of and stop all the destructive things we're doing :\

Cool post :) Thanks for making me think on a Sunday!

Things like the computer simulation and/or religion are gross oversimplifications for what is actually going on with "reality". I doubt the human mind is capable of full understanding... just like your pet will never learn to talk but does understand some commands, emotions and inflection.

We basically just make shit up until it gets proved wrong. That's the foundation of the scientific method lol.

I'm going to use your "company" analogy every time someone makes a crack about cryptocurrency being something stupid and make-believe! I bet if we put our minds to it, we could come up with a list of things that we believe in that aren't the least bit tangible.

Your caution regarding behaviour is a good one as well. As a high school teacher, I watched Facebook arrive and at first it was a fairly positive experience, but it didn't take long for kids to realise that they could get away with whatever they wanted on there and use that anonymity to terrorise others. Most young kids don't realise the enormity of that power, but I'm guessing many adults here do, and I guess use it to their advantage. Such a shame.

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