Sharing Is Caring: Why I Need More Steem Power: A Non-Bankster View!!!

in #steem6 years ago

8351 SP.

That is what is presently in my account.

I know that is sufficient to make me a millionaire. Even today, that is still a lot of money in the United Stated. With my price forecast of $100, I will be there in a little over a year (for you math majors, I realize 8K x $100 isn't a million; you do not think I believe STEEM will stop at $100, do you?).

Blockchain is revolutionary. It is that simple.

Here is what is going on with Bitshares and the banking industry:

The combined strengths of a conventional bank + decentralized bank + decentralized exchange + smart coin factory + gold depository + enterprise integrator makes the first full service alternative financial system to offer honest money and a level the playing field for all mankind.

This is not an idea for 5 years down the road. Instead, it from an article in the Huffington Post on Friday (12/14/17) covering an announcement that was made that day.

In the social media realm, the steem blockchain is laying the foundation to have a similar impact. I stated in my convergence series all the reasons why this blockchain is about to explode. We are already seeing the price of STEEM shoot up, 28% since Thursday.

Therefore, I NEED more Steem Power. I do not have nearly enough. Once we start down this path, it gets to the point where we want more.

That said, I am not a banker. I just pointed out that STEEM will get me to a level of financial comfort I never thought of (that does not include my holding in BTS). So why do I say I need more SP. Is it greed?

No, it is because sharing is caring and Steem Power is Voting Power.

Let me tell you what happened.

The other night I still had some of my daily VP left. I decided to help someone new out, so I went and gave a 100% upvote to someone who made about 3 posts. This newer person was not in the US and the response I got back was OMG OMG OMG. The vote was worth like $2. Perhaps two dollars in that country is a lot of money or maybe it was just how quickly STEEM can be accumulated, but this person was excited.

And you know what, I was very excited. I believe STEEM, along with the other project I am involved in Manna, is going to change the lives of tens of millions of people.

That is why I need more Steem Power. I like the excitement that comes for doing that. One upvote can change someone's life.

Steem Power is Voting Power.

Sharing is caring tells me that I have the ability to impact the lives of hundreds of people on here. We are still in the early stages of this blockchain. The currency is going a lot higher. People who are amassing some STEEM now are going to be well rewarded for keeping it in SP instead of powering down. The growth of the token price will turn a few hundred into thousands. Of course, the only way this will happen for most is upvotes from someone like me.

Yet I am nothing more than a lowly dolphin. My goal is to keep expanding my account and growing fat until I get to Orca and then Whale level. The magic is gaining the ability to change the life of an individual with a few clicks of a mouse. I just read that in the Phillipines 3 upvotes from a Whale and a ten fold increase in the price of STEEM will send someone to college for a year. How is that for impact? Do you realize the power in that?

We are all fortunate that we found cryptocurrencies when we did. Unlike the banker run world of greed, crypto relies on the Network Effect for success. This means that more people need to be holding the tokens in their wallets. When it is all in the hands of a few, the technology collapses. Three people with fax machines is useful for them but it is not a multi-billion dollar industry until millions are involved.

I did a post last night about the ending of world poverty. For those who missed it, this is a cryptocurrency designed to provide a basic income to anyone who signs up on a weekly basis. The payouts went for a year+ through the trial phase and now will resume in January. Imagine being involved in something that gives people money for just signing up and helping to ease the financial burden on them.....

Here is that article:

STEEM is doing a similar thing, albeit on a slightly different level. While Manna is given away, STEEM needs to be "earned". In other words, people have to do something which is get involved. STEEM is based upon the idea that those who give to the blockchain get back. I am going to phrase that a bit differently:


And that is why I need more SP.

SP is VP and upvotes are truly the currency on steem. That is all I really have to give another. Yet when I increase my SP, I am giving more to others. This is my role here.

Trust me, together, we are changing the world.....not in the future but at this very moment.

It is an exciting time.

If you found this informative, please help my Voting Power by giving me an upvote and a resteem.

Pictures by Google Images.


Hey @taskmaster4450,

I don't know much about you, I have not looked into your past, but in most places I go to looking for Steem articles I can support, hunting down talents and trying to find the little gem I can encourage, challenge, or sometimes re-direct, I eventually find someone who connects back to you and to your ideas.

It's been 24hours and here I am back at one of your post for the 3rd time.

You have an uncanny way of getting into the readers mind. You have an optimism and flair for the altruistic, but I'm a insane person who thinks I'm a realist, so what do I know.

I've fully upvoted to give you 100% of my dwindling Steam Power to get you to full Dolphin Orca status (10K100MV) and I hope you will continue to keep to your word when you are a whale to find that 1 or 2 new promising future Steemian hardworker to inspire on a regular basis.

I try to chat with at least 2 or 3 new people everytime I am on Steem (which seems to be daily these days). I know I'm not here just for the 10,000x Steem appreciation. I'm here for connection, for quality change in our little revolution, and in a minnow way make a difference in the little blue ball we all call home.

Someday I hope we can connect and partner up. Until then, Steem on my dear Steemian buddy. Sending you my love and prayers for a better future for all.

Watch this new marketing video for a new branch blockchain for Social Networking, it could be the biggest scam in the world or a flop for all I know, but I like the message, I hope this is at least where 50% of where Steem will be headed toward....helping those who can't help themselves get a leg up, until they too can also help another.

Kindest Regards,

Thank you for the kind words @dj123. I love your mindset and believe you have what it takes to help make steemit, and thus STEEM, a huge success. We need more people like you.

I appreciate the support and I gave this a 100% upvote to show my support.

I see you have over 3,000 SP in your account. If you read through my other posts you will realize I believe you will do very well. My line is 1000 SP...I want to get as many to that point as we can since I believe that will be into the hundreds of thousands of dollars for people. That is life changing money.

I want you to do two appear to be an altruistic spirit.

First I would like you to go to and sign up for is a cryptocurrency designed to be given as a basic income to people all over the world. We seek to end poverty.

Here is the link:

Then sign up your friends and family. under your referral code. The only way we will make the weekly distribution full of impact is to get the network effect going.

The second thing I want you to do is to find someone with under 1000 SP who does quality posting and give them a 100% upvote twice a day. The only requirement is they have to post at least twice daily AND cannot take the money out. We need to increase the VP and the only way to do that is to power up.

If you do that, it was well worth a 100% upvote from me to benefit humanity.

I think I already do that that latter, easily I average 15-20 (probably more recently) new people a week, and I also upvote every (non-stupid) reply on their post (5-25%) to really drive the point home that they are really welcome and to spur them on to write and increase their skill sets.

Most of those that I select are from African countries, South East Asian (developing countries), and a few random ones from Europe and South America, sometimes I use google translate to write back to them in their native language, so I'm sure they must think my language skills is like the shits.

As for Manna, I'll have todo my own research to be compelled to participate. I do like the concept, and you don't have to ask me twice to hijack my relatives privacy and account todo things I feel is for their own good...bwahaha! But really, I need to know for myself first and I need to believe before I can share with others my viewpoint; my research is just the basic stuff like see who are the participants, the organization partners, the tech, but especially the people behind it is most important to they have integrity, that's what I'm looking for people with principles and that they will hold to some level of higher human esteem and definately not to just attract the wrong types that ruins it all for the many (you know the ones I mean).

Do you have a post on manna that can help summarize it for me?

Additional note: I'm not sure if we can force someone to keep all of their 1st 1000sp powered up, we don't know what kind of situation they are in and sometime an emergency may set them back and they may need to use a big chuck of what they gain because their family depends on them. Also I find that giving them 100% can be done creatively, example: I tell them to recruit...if they do that I give them 50% and their new recruit 50%, they find 4 people that's 200%, the possibilities are endless, there are just so many way to kill the cryptokitties.

There are long term every other day mentors, and there are check-in from time 2 time mentors (weekly, biweekly, monthly), I'm excited about meeting new people and giving them a leg up. But sometimes, it's not the new ones who need to most encouragement, its the ones who feel they are stuck, the low 40reps that are not going anywhere, or maybe the low 50 reps that are still at 100Steem because they messed up somewhere and don't have the correct foundations when they started.

Still I try to learn and find solutions for people, it's following our heart to take action, that's the key for me. I hope I'm not discouraging you in anyway, I love what you are doing, I think it's replicable, love it if you can give it a name and a broader inclusive conditions.

Also I think we need to support a balance of gender, I see alot more men here than women, I think we need to support the women coming in here, on the other hand, they do seem to outlast the guys, but still they do need the support.

ok...brain fart dump done :)

Upvotes send to encourage everyone (right now: @ervinneb, @deepak0018, @sameer62, @gatorlynne, @salahchiva, @chesatochi, @ishotz, @kartiksingh, @holm, & @dobartim) who came here to uplift @taskmaster4450 today in this post:

Upvote for you, and you, and you, and you, and you,...

.....Upvotes for everyone!

Steemit: Where anyone can spread some love Opera Style

I know the feeling, i brought most of my Steem at 1 dollar and I am happy for that seeing it going above 2 dollars. But still i'm craving for more, there's something satisfying in seeing someones post going up almost 1 dollar. I always 100% vote on your posts. they are excellent, thought provoking and encouraging. You deserve it but i wish i had more to support you even more!

I appreciate that @holm.

All the support that I get, I try to turn around and help the blockchain/STEEM pricing.

I promise you I can do all I can to make that STEEM you bought for $1 be worth $10 then $100.

I want to make you wealthy.

Up-vote for you! Thanks for being an encouragement :)

I am brand new to Steem but a pretty old hand at writing. I am an old fogie, over fifty. This platform can be somewhat intimidating to my generation. So, I have been reading for days hoping to understand how this platform works, and you just explained it perfectly in a post. Thank you. I think this is a very interesting concept, especially with regard to the change it can affect. Now, I look forward to posting my own content soon. From this old fogie to you, thanks. Blessings

Welcome to steemit...we are glad you are here.

Take it can be overwhelming. You are doing the right thing. Starting your journey by commenting will enable you to get involved while figuring things it. It takes time to delve through all the ins and outs.

We are seeing a change before our eyes. This is the early stages but if a couple hundred thousand of us adopt the mindset I am referring to, that of helping others, we will see magical things from the steem blockchain.

Absolutely! It all starts with one. I did write my first blog this morning about my start on block chain as an old, over 50, fogie. Your post was one of the ones that motivated me to give Steemit a try so I quoted you and linked to the post. I hope it helps others to find you and see this platform as a means for good. Thank you again. Following! Blessings!

Up-vote for you!

This so true!
Do you know my account @welcoming? Basicly it's about rewarding good intro posts and sharing them. But it also gives me a very powerful tool to help poor people.
I want to state that I am not upvoting based on the wealth of the person, only on how good the post is and how well I think they will be able to contribute!
However: If I for example upvote an introduction from Nigeria, it gives the user over ten US dollars. That may be more than he would have earned in one week otherwise. Awesome, isn't it :)

Nigeria, Indonesia...there are many places that an upvote of that magnitude can have a huge impact. Of course, I say that we never know...even in the western cultures, plenty of people struggling. Therefore, upvotes to anyone can have a significant impact.

Even if the person isnt in the lurches of how to pay immediate bills, a 10 ten fold increase in the price of STEEM on a $10 vote could be a $100 impact down the road in their account. Do that a two a day over the next month and you are having a huge impact.

True :) Especially with the current SBD price, the effect is massive :)

Up-vote for you!

Thanks for sharing about the Manna project. Blockchain + UBI seems like a natural pairing, and I'll be excited to see where the project goes.

After reading a bit about Grantcoin, I'm still a bit fuzzy on how the overall vision fits together. Can you recommend any resources on Manna that describe how UBI will make for a successful cryptocoin?

I dont have any readings that I can point you to...only my own observations from interacting with those who started it and the TCO.

Their vision is simply to create the network effect by getting enough wallets out there. They are doing a crowdfunding at some point this year to raise money to buy property so that the foundation will be backed by some hard assets.

Overall, the answers the how do we pay for it question that is part of every UBI discussion.

I see the growth on STEEM and people earn that token....I can only imagine the growth once work gets it is freely given.

They had 1000 people sign up last week alone (had only 3000 people before that).

Using crowdfunding to buy up some land is a very cool idea. Something like a land trust, I guess, but attached to a cryptocoin.

I see a great opportunity for Manna to be the "giving" coin, where people are inspired to buy in for the positive social effects rather than the expectation of greatest returns for themselves.

IMO, the best proposal for funding UBI is to conceive of it as a social dividend. That is, entities which extract resources or produce pollution are required to pay into a fund that is distributed to those who share a stake in the affected commons. Oil payouts in Alaska are a perfect example of how this is already working.

Steemit maybe isn't so different, just reversed. In this case, the collection of content here is the commons, and users are rewarded for contributing to it, rather than penalized for taking from it. If Manna is able to buy property, earn some rent on it, and inject that value into the coin, it could form the basis of a decentralized social dividend.

Up-vote for you!

Much appreciated! :D

I totally agree ! I really like people who are insanely bullish on certain cryptos. It often sounds crazy valuation, but if you consider the transactions on STEEM and other great projects that are being developed on it, it doesnt sound that crazy anymore. I will jack up my account also !

I agree. The crazy valuations only apply when you look at it through the common eyes of the financial arena. This is unlike anything we have seen. Total industries are being upended. The social networking arena is worth trillions of dollars....steem is in the middle of the disruption process. We are seeing the apps developed that is going to enable people to do all they can in the traditional realm, do it on here. Yet they can get paid, not be censored and enjoy freedom.

Up-vote for you!

I have to say I really appreciate your thought process on this idea of empowering new users. I may not have much SP to throw around but I’ve been trying to bring in new users and it’s been very intimidating to be a minnow in a big sea. The biggest hurdle is to get people to post about what they love and not what is popular to get money. That will broaden Steemit base more than anything. People like you make that happen thank you.

Thanks for your comment @rantar.

A couple things. Use 20% of your Voting Power daily. Even though it is not worth a lot right now, you want your part of the reward pool claimed by those you follow. Also, it helps them to grow. If all minnows used 20% of their voting power, the reward pool would be favored to them. The problem is that minnows are not voting their fair share. Most come on here and do nothing.

Posting is wonderful....however, the best thing for someone new is to start valid worthwhile comments that capture the interest of the author and other commenters.

That is how one starts to get attention.

I am starting to learn that is 100% true. Took me about a month to figure it out. I can be slow sometimes ;)

Up-vote for you! Thanks for being an encouragement :)

Thanks. I think @taskmaster4450 has some really good ideas and comes armed with logical rationale, which resonates with my logical brain.

Agreed, you're doing great here @rantar ...go check out my ideas below and see if resonates with you and is also worthy of your support!

Why Steem IS Still Going To Do Great and How We Can All Help Make It Happen

Hope it helps solidify your resolve to grow and invest into your Steem account :)

"The magic is gaining the ability to change the life of an individual with a few clicks of a mouse"
This line got to me and i am motivated by your zeal to make lives better

I am glad it resonated with you. Hopefully other are touched in the same way and start to work for the benefit of others. It is through that where we will see the growth on here.

Up-vote for you!

I wanna growup my account also. and hope steem dollar will increase its power because of its block chain. But sometime i am confused about other social media. Will they die because of @steemit.

Adapt or die....

We are in a technological revolution. Blockbuster was wiped out by Netflix. Kodak was wiped out by the digital camera followed by the smart phone.

Will Reddit, Facebook and YouTube adapt..time will tell.

For the moment, they do not need to do anything...steem is still very 12-18 months, that might not be the case.

Up-vote for you! Thanks for being an encouragement :)

I started to read in disbelieve and with negstive attitude, thinking how could somebody write that. However there was something revolting in those words. And you have changed my way of thinking and my opinion. Good post. I must say I like your way of writing.

Fighting poverty with redirecting world wealth is time changing concept. We are living in interesting times. ☺
Btw please when someone become delphine?

Roughly 5000 Steem Power is a dolphin.

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