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RE: Why I Am Still Hyper-Bullish On STEEM!!!!

in #steem6 years ago

Thank you @cranium. Yes your forecast is much more modest and I think all would be very happy with your price.

I believe SMTs will really set STEEM off to a race few can comprehend. Plus I am very bullish on the crypto space in general.

We will see how things unfold in 2018.


You are absolutely right, only time will be able to put everything in its place. Thank you for sharing your optimism, he's infectious :) Good luck to you and good.

Вы абсолютно правы, только время сможет расставить все на места. Спасибо, что делитесь своим оптимизмом он заразный:) Удачи Вам и добра.

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