Could STEEM Really Be A $1,000 Token? F**k Yeah And I'll Show You How!!!!

in #steem7 years ago

I bet many of you are asking if I am for real with this question...I am.

And no, I haven't lost my mind.

STEEM is one of the hottest things going right now in the blockchain world because of utility. Unlike many other blockchains, STEEM has a purpose. We are engaged in an activity that billions are doing for free. STEEM is one of the initial tokens that is being distributed in a wide spread manner compensating people for what they did on traditional sites. It is one of the first tokens to enter what I called Cryptocurrency 2.0.

For the last few months I wrote how STEEM will be $100 by the end of 2018. I started posting these articles when STEEM was $.85. The attitude at that time was one of negativity and gloom. People thought the end was near. To me, I was astonished. I started writing up posts to counter some of the garbage people were saying.

So here we are two months later with STEEM basically moving up 10 fold before pulling back some. Therefore, as I sit here typing these words, I know $100 will take place. There is no doubt in my mind. Just like some laughed when I made these statements at $.85, they are laughing now. Fortunately, their accounts grow as my projectioins are getting closer in spite of their viewpoints.

Before going any further, I need to state that it is best if you throw all ideas of valuation and understanding of numbers out the window. This is not the stock market. In that world, a 5% pullback in a stock is a big deal. Here, it that happens when you go get a cup of coffee. When the stock market drops 20%-30%, it is a collapse. With crypto, it is just a recoiling before moving up 60%. Volatility and big moves, in either direction, are the norm.

People like to compare the value of bitcoin to different companies like that means something, It is apples and oranges. Other than the irony of bitcoin passing Dimon's JPM, the comparison means nothing. Putting those two side-by-side is like comparing a hammer to a nuclear bomb. It is absurd.

Cryptocurrency, in general, is going to create abundance for the world. People fail to realize what is taking place. The Internet has come the world of finance and it is taking over money. What is often overlooked is whatever the Internet gets a hold of, it makes abundant.

Let us get in our Delorean and pole-vault back to the 1990s. When the Internet started, information was hard to come by. It was slow while carrying an expensive price tag. Encyclopedias cost thousands of dollars. Newspapers and magazine flourished. Then along came the Internet and it crushed the pricing systems those companies used. Wikipedia was free. Information online is so plentiful one cannot even make a dent in all there is to read.

In short, information became abundant.

The same was true for communication. Pre-Internet was the era of long distance phone calls, mailing letters, and faxing. These were all either slow or expensive forms of communication. Of course, like their brethren in the newspaper and magazine industries, the world of communication was upended. Suddenly, communication was free and plentiful. Email enabled one to send out the same message to thousands of people simultaneously. A decade later, social media expanded this idea to the point where a seemingly infinite amount of people could read your posted messages.

Again, the number of ways to communicate and spread a message became abundant.

So why do people think it will be any different now that the Internet is in the money arena. Remember, the Internet is the world's biggest copy machine and it is copying money.

Of course none of this makes STEEM a $1,000 token. Yet that is something that I believe is highly possible.

Blockchain, in my view, will have a valuation at some point in the 2020s close to a quadrillion dollars. This is going to take over the Internet and pump it up like it is on steroids. The blockchain is 100 times more powerful and disruptive. World wide open source is going to send innovation skyrocketing to a level that most of us cannot even imagine. Entire industries are going to operate as DAOs engaging in commerce 24/7 without human interaction. The wealth creation is going to be outstanding (Satoshi might be the first crypto billionaire but he isn't going to be the fact, he won't be the richest).

Therefore, get past the idea that a multi-trillion dollar blockchain is impossible. It is not. In fact, we will see many of them in the next couple years. At some point, STEEM could be at that level.

To really understand how we arrive at a number so big, we have to focus upon why people sign up here. What is the main reason people start their journey on Steemit? The obvious answer is to make money. People sign up simply because they are not making money blogging or engaging in social behavior anywhere else. This makes total sense and is something I think most of us can agree upon.

Concentrating upon the proper numbers is crucial. STEEM right now has roughly 260M tokens created with about 70% of them tied up in SP. These are nice numbers yet really are not crucial to this discussion. What will be important over the next couple years is one number: 25 million.

What is 25 millions?

That is roughly the number of new tokens that are created in each of the next couple years for the reward pool. Actually, if we wanted to be picky, it is a bit smaller number since a percentage of that money goes to witnesses and SP holders to offset inflation. Be that as it may, we will use the 25M to exemplify the point.

In dollars, the annual reward pool (using $7 a token) is $175M. With 40K active daily users, this means that the average is $4,375 annually. Not a bad sum for those who are doing this part time to make a little extra money. Naturally, using averages means some will be way above with others way below.

Nevertheless, the point is clear; the reward pool is basically set in terms of the STEEM distributed. The two variables that can change are the number of users and the dollar value.

Let us look at what happens when the users increase to 400K. If the token price is the same, we see the average dropping to $437 per person. Tenfold the user base again, we get that number dropping to $43 with 4M people on STEEM. Just to give contrast, Reddit reportedly has 250M daily users.

In the next 12-18 months, there will be 4B people online. When you have an Internet pool that big, is 4M users a large amount? I do not think so. The question is are those people going to join Steem for the prospect of earning a total of $43 a year? Again, I do not think so.

If the active daily user base increases 100 fold, then the price must increase by the same multiple to maintain the same $4,375 per user average we have now. From where we stand at this moment, that is a $700+ token.

Once the token is at $700, it is not a major leap when you add in SMTs requiring bandwidth or commerce being done on the blockchain in STEEM.

In 2011, people could not see $15,000 bitcoin. Nor did anyone see close to $1,000 ETH in 2015. $380 LTC was a pipe dream a year ago. Yet all of this happened.

So why is $1,000 STEEM so unbelievable to people? My answer is because they are looking at things like this is just another financial instrument when it is not.

The Internet is a giant copy machine and these numbers show it.

We are sitting on something 100 times more powerful and disruptive than the Internet. Put 10 million users on STEEM, 40% of them active, and you will have a $1,000 token.

The reward pool simply requires it.

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There is not even one small bit I can have to argue against you, @taskmaster4450. Im in cryptos since 2011, and maybe over 2 years now since I came to one important conclusion:
The bigest obstacle in predicting crypto's future ( hence in becoming successful - is the lack and limitations of our imagination. Even the smartest experts in economy suffer from this.
You know what's comin next?
The biggest ever FOMO is yet to come.
Be wise, be brave, besuccesful.
Be warned...

Love your enthusiasm! In spite of not exactly agreeing with your global figures - one quadrillion is more than 10 times the total value of world stock markets put together, or the global economy (or even the aggregate of world broad money supply ) - or with the reasons why. Suffice it to say that I think $1,000 STEEM is possible with it just becoming what it is designed to be and occupying one of the top 5 positions in crypto with the corresponding widespread adoption and market cap such a position will command. But does it really matter how? Or is it the fact that the possibility is very real what really matters? We agree on the end result but differ on how and why we get there, but we agree on the real potential. That's what's important! A full upvote for your conviction!

I'm just a happy Steem-sailor!

100usd here we go!

This is truly an amazing place to be. As much as I wish I had purchased more, I'm just glad I bought as much as I did. It's going to be a lot more expensive down the road to buy your way into even minnow status, let alone dolphin or whale.

Do you think we really have a realistic chance of receiving air-drops from the SMTs? That would be insanely awesome!

Keep up the good work. Every time I read your posts I want to sell my house, my car, my wife....and buy Steem. lol

Thanks for all the great articles @taskmaster4450 ! I first heard of manna base in one of your other articles, and I must say it looks to be promising. I will definitely be following you, and looking forward to reading more of your awesome, informative content! $1000 is certainly possible, if not probable!

STEEM is one of the hottest things going right now in the blockchain world because of utility. Unlike many other blockchains, STEEM has a purpose

For active users? Investors? Or all involved? Meaning it being a utility and having a purpose aside from solving/mining as other blockchains are doing?

The usefulness of it...the blockchain is established to be a reward to content creators...that is what it is doing at the moment...rewarding people for doing what they intention of the blockchain was...posting, upvoting, and commenting.

I don't want to be a neigh sayer, as I believe the value of steem is currently undervaued. I have bought steem in the double digits. However, we must take into account of the 100% inflation annually. This will keep the price down... Am I wrong? But, this is a great article. Nice job.

The inflation is no longer 100% annually.

It is 9.5% and going down .25% roughly every year.

Wow, I feel silly now. I was alway under the impression it was 100% that is super sweet then. Ok, 100 for 2018 woot.

You arent the first to make that mistake. And it is how it was until they, thankfully, changed it.

It is now a more manageable sub 10% with it going down to 1% over 20 years or something like that.

The price action and user growth should more than compensate for the additional tokens.

Plus, keep in mind, each token that is put into SP is an investment in the blockchain and take that off the open market. From what I can gather, the number of token on the open market is going down in spite of the total going up.

More are powering up than are being created.

Yes, at first I was gonna put all of it into sbd cuz it paid 10%. Then I saw the light, powered it up all. Im well over 10% :) I will power down for only two weeks. That is the beauty of steem it. It protects itself from people trying to flip steem. Dan and Ned are brilliant. Thinking about getting some eos as they have proven themselves. Lets not mention bitshares hehe...

The Inflationrate is set to be 9.5% per Year and will be lowered around 0.5% every next year.

@taskmaster4450 - Any idea when HF20 (velocity) update will be released? This release should automate Steemit signup allowing many more people to join the platform.

As for speed and scaling, given the 500K user base, Steemit reaches capacity and starts behaving like bitcoin at about 500 billion users (less than that are active of course).

No I dont @zoidsoft.

I read that something was supposedly going to be implemented at the end of December...but I am not sure....the HF hasnt happened yet.

I agree the HF will make a big difference in sign ups and the communities will really help the earnings of people. I think communities will really benefit the newer people since it will be easier to get some exposure. One whale or orca in a group of interest can lift a bunch of minnows up quickly.

$100 would be nice.

I hope you are right!!
But, they also need to provide liguidity via listing the token on exchanges.

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