Transfer fail, Poloniex fail

in #steem7 years ago

"Being Processed since 69 days 3 hours"

Just out of curiosity, how long is too long for a support ticket to be attended to?

69 Days and 3 Hours and probably 20 minutes ago a transfer of 320 Steem failed. I don't know why, maybe it was my fault, maybe the crypto gods thought it would be funny but, it happened. I immediately opened up a ticket request to investigate and I am still waiting. I am still yet to get any response at all from their oh so speedy support desk other than the automated receipt. I have opened another ticket also on the 15th of December with the same result.

At the time, 320 Steem was about 300 Dollars worth, now it is almost 2000 dollars worth. This is either the best savings scheme or a hard kick in the proverbials. I have a pretty good feeling I know which it is going to be so I am going to have to find my box.

It is insane that a simple request (two in this case) cannot be seen in 69 days. I could train my 16 month old to answer helpdesk requests in that time, how can a large exchange handling hundreds of millions not be able to hire a few extra hands to process these? Especially considering how lucrative the industry is getting with so many people coming in to buy. I do understand that the infrastructure may not be able to handle the influx of users but the infrastructure and the helpdesk staff must be different departments, right?

Do other businesses operate with this level of efficiency? What if they did? How many customers would they have? It really does suck that Steem is on so few exchanges because it means that when it comes to competition and the benefits for the customer, Steem users are really held over the barrel. Now, with Bittrex not taking new signups, what options are there for a new user?

It is more than a little annoying to write-off 320 Steem but what is worse is having to send new Steemit users to the people who can't get to a ticket in 69 days. Are there anymore exchanges in the pipeline?

In the future, the exchanges and service providers are likely going to have to up their games as the bigger players and the banks rush in as they are going to do their best to streamline processes and take as many customers as possible. That also means they will have an increasing sphere of control over the customers themselves, much like today in the banking industry. Hopefully, that doesn't happen.

Has anyone had any good luck with Poloniex support?

And @poloniex you have 15,474,665.690 STEEM in your account. Remember that 321.57570588 of that is mine. You can always just transfer it now internally also, after all, that way there are no fees.

[ a Steemit original ]


It really does suck that Steem is on so few exchanges because it means that when it comes to competition and the benefits for the customer, Steem users are really held over the barrel. Now, with Bittrex not taking new signups, what options are there for a new user?

That's the only disadvantage we having right now when it comes to exchanges, changelly also did the same, no steem.
They have there valid reasons but it's hindering us alot. The few i have been using charge quite alot.
And congs, from 300usd to 2000usd. U pulled it off like a god.

How much do you think the value of the steem and SBD will reach in the coming months?

My hope is a steady 15-20 by summer but I am no expert in this area. That will make this 320 even worse to lose :D

Poloniex has been known to have shitty customer service since the beginning... I really wouldn't want to deal with them in any way, because so many people lost their cryptos or at least had them on hold for months. Bittrex is a much better option, but I didn't even know it doesn't accept new accounts anymore... That's quite bad :O Well, hopefully you'll get your steem back, because that is a lot of money to simply lose for nothing :/

Yeah, I started at Polo and then moved to Bittrex because Polo was having so many issues. I only made this trade because I had eth and they had cheap Steem. not so cheap after all :D

Haha, indeed it's quite costly when you put it that way :D

I feel your pain and frustration and would be climbing the wall if I were you.

What may not seem alot to some is a small fortune to others.

I only have about $800 to play with on the exchange so this would be a major blow for me.

Hope they sort it out for you but, sadly, reckon you are wise to dust off your box!


Actually many people are complaining about different things. I also heared that the costumer service is very bad. I am still thinking if I should register there or not, but dont find any other choice :(

yeah, the lack of choice is terrible but there aren't many options. You can of course transfer through @blocktrades but it adds extra steps and some fees.

Yes till now thats the only option. I registered in Binance and send a request about Steem. It has been days now and no reply :(

Perhaps of enough request it.

I wonder if this is why my friends tell me that New York does not allow Poloniex Customers.. or Poloniex cannot accept New York customers...?

I think it is because even New Yorkers are shocked by the lack of caring :D

New Yorkers have a reputation for not caring.. but that's not true. They care enough to leave you the hell alone and expect the same in return :)

I'm realy sad for you. I hope you get your money as soon as possible. The problem is that you will get 300 dollars or 2000 dollars :)

I want Steem.

Good luck my friend.

Poloniex will freeze your account for complaining and opening support tickets. I learned to just accept the few mistakes with the poloniex system that cost me profits. Two weeks ago a system error cost me $3900. I was holding $3900 worth xrp before the huge price jump and all of a sudden I was holding fct instead. I checked my trade history and the transaction from xrp to fct did not exist. If I were to open a support ticket they would never respond or maybe freeze my account. As a trader I recovered the loss of the error with a few winning trades.

I am not a trader myself per se, a dabbler would be closer to the word. Obviously mistakes happen from time to time but with the growing interest in cryptos, they better get their game face on before their heads get ripped off.

I completely agree 👍

Hi sir, i'm here and I see your post, it's really awesome post

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