Steem 0.16.0 Status Update

in #steem8 years ago

On Friday we made a preview release of Steem 0.16.0 with the complete implementation of all protocol changes. The witnesses have been reviewing this code to verify that it should behave as intended.

The hardfork has been scheduled for December 6th (2 weeks from today) so that everyone has ample time to review and prepare. No official release has been published at this time, but should be published at least 7 days prior to the hardfork.

Issues Delaying Official Steem 0.16.0 Release

It has recently come to our attention that the shared memory implementation is suffering from some crippling performance issues on Linux. We have identified the cause as a poor default configuration of the Linux operating system's virtual memory system. Our developers have identified a simple change to our code that seems to mitigate the issue under the default configuration and we are currently testing various settings that should optimize OS virtual memory subsystem.

Once we finalize recommended OS configuration settings we will publish the final release.


How is the change to 13-week withdrawal implemented? I.E., will the first power-down payments immediately after the hard fork be 8x larger? Or will we need to re-schedule our power-downs after the hard fork to take advantage of the increased withdrawal rate?

The change to 13 week power down will make Steem even more concentrated amongst whales, making it entirely non-viable going forward.

The drop in the inflation rate by charging it to everyone, is great, but the consumerate drop to 13 weeks is simply a power grab.

So when are you going to build your Steem-killing competitor to take advantage of these new devastating weaknesses?

Bitcointalk is full of foul-mouthed goobers and disgruntled attackers. A few days spent reading posts there was enough for me.

bitcointalk reminds me of my grandma watching soap operas all day

A most excellent comparison @craig-grant! Ooops! Granny has just pee'd herself again! GRRRRR!

I assume you would not throw out your baby with the bath water? If you don't understand those technical points, then maybe that will indicate to you that perhaps you don't understand the importance of Bitcointalk. I've been banned from Bitcointalk once or twice already, so it is not as if I am in love with the concept of a centralized, top-down controlled forum.

I see you live in Surigao. I've been there many times.

I read you have invested more than $700 in Steem recently. I hope that is a not a large amount of your savings. I hope you understand the risk of speculating on altcoins. Given you resteemed this blog, I presume you are speculating based on advice similar to that. Well I also commented recently that an early collapse is normal for a technology adoption investment curve, but that doesn't mean that every such collapse is indicative of a technology adoption curve. Many others simply die.

I'm doing fine without Bitcointalk ... I'm new to Crypto as of this year. It's been an interesting journey so far. :)

The point is that there can't be objective information in a circle-jerk echo chamber like Steem where everyone says what everyone wants to hear/read. Rancor is a necessary part of diversified information. Even academics have heated arguments. Have you see Freeman Dyson total dismantle the pompous Richard Dawkins (author the Selfish Gene)?

For you to learn about crypto-currencies objectively, you can't do that only from Steem. The news sites also tend to lag behind the level of deep inspection that you get from someone like myself at Bitcointalk 1 - 2 years in advance.

I'm doing fine without Bitcointalk, and I'll continue to be fine without it, thank you. $700 is a drop in the bucket for me. I've been in online marketing for 12 years, live in a two-story house, and want for nothing. $700 was what I had in Bitcoin, plus I tossed another $110 in here from another wallet. I'm new to Crypto as of this year. It's been an interesting journey so far. :) No babies.

Point taken. I'll check out some of your posts over there. Thanks! :)

Out of respect for what Steem has done for me personally and also for the crypto/blockchain ecosystem in general by leading the way, I prefer not to discuss that on Steem(it). Bitcoin is really the main target. We are all competing trying to provide the ecosystem that we can all rally around and go create 100s of our own profitable projects within such an ecosystem. The billions in the world are the goal, not destroying each other. I'm competitive person, but this really isn't like a sport. It is more about building a way for inclusion instead of exclusion.

When you initiate a power down it is encoded on the blockchain as a rate of VESTS/week (equal to 1/104 of your VESTS balance at the time you initiate the power down). Each week that fixed number of VESTS is converted to STEEM at the current exchange rate and added to your account balance. That rate of VESTS/week will not change for existing power downs. New power downs will use a rate 8x higher.

So we won't start seeing increased liquid supply until 1 week after the hard fork.

I believe that is correct. It is certainly correct with regard to power down requests. I'm only qualifying it because there are other changes in the hard fork and without thinking about it more carefully i can't be 100% none of them affect liquid supply in some non-obvious way.

Off the top of my head I think liquid supply will actually decrease during the first week after the hard fork, because posting rewards will be smaller. There may be other effects though.

EDIT: One way it might not be true is that buyers or others who receive STEEM might be less inclined to power it up quickly (since the difference between liquid STEEM inflation and SP effective inflation is vastly lower). So supply that becomes liquid for whatever reason might be more likely to stay liquid, even during that first week.

Yeah, all of that makes sense.

If 90% of STEEM interest is going to rewards instead of approx 6% to rewards.. wouldn't they payouts go up?

No because the total amount of interest is decreasing dramatically. After factoring in the drop in total interest/inflation as well as the increased share going to rewards, the net result is approximately a 40% drop in rewards. That assumes an unchanged STEEM price, which in reality could be higher or lower.

the net result is approximately a 40% drop in rewards. That assumes an unchanged STEEM price


I have repeatedly and consistently urged doing this with a transition curve, economically equivalent to what was already happening with a fixed size reward pool coupled with high inflation. Rewards (both content and witness rewards) would be unchanged immediately when the fork occurs, but would drop to the eventual target over 1-2 years. This would avoid a huge, and I argue unnecessary, disruption of payout to authors as well as the disruption of witness-funded projects, while still ending up with the same long-run inflation of <10% within a year or two (and then declining eventually to <1%). The team and at least some community members have never bought into this idea however, and seem set on some sort of pitchfork-driven "Cut Rewards Now!" push.

I was thinking exactly the same.

That's right! Powering up and pumping up. Let's get ready to shake up the World, Steemians! :)

It makes sense to hold off if their are issues and also to allow further discussion. Thanks for the update.

Thank you for the concise update. :)

Onward! Upward! 0.16.0 Here we come! Steem on!

Thanks for the update. I'm just going to keep watching my SP grow and grow. Trying to get to Dolphin status and the delay will help.

: ,, so that everyone has ample time to review and prepare''. I hope that I'd get this one right.

Steem_Land tweeted @ 22 Nov 2016 - 18:39 UTC

Steem 0.16.0 Status Update — Steemit… /

@SteemUps @SteemitPosts @steemit @steemiobot

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Thank you for the update, I hope the changes work. Steem On! And keep improving the system thank you!

Thanks for keeping us posted! :)

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