Human Curation or Bot Curation , Consistency or Raffle ? Some thoughts about 3rd Party Apps

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Today I want to write about a topic that has been in my mind for a long time. The platform is evolving everyday and things are changing rapidly with the help of the 3rd party applications with ned's delegation like Utopian , Dsound , Dtube and Dlive . Well Steem is a more welcoming platform now for minnows with certain set of skills and these platforms cover some of the visibility issues which steem condenser is facing and it helps for a fairer wealth distribution in the platform. However each of these platforms using different curation methods for their content creators. Therefore I really want to think what content creators thinking about these methods and which is better for them ?

Curation and How it should be ?

These are the things I have been thinking lately because since these platforms created with Ned sp there should be strict and consistent guidelines in voting so users can monetize their work through these platforms and help the platform become more decentralized by increasing their stakes.

As a content creator I prefer consistent votes from these platforms everyday instead of getting one 100 dollar vote once in a while. from these platforms , therefore utopian has the best curation system and their swarm of supervisors and moderators didn't exclude human factor from the platform and eventhough it was abusable in the beggining it is nearly impossible. I think automated curation with human factor is the best way to curate and Utopian voting guidelines are pretty strict and understandable.

I really wonder what all the content creators are thinking when they are creating a content for these platforms ? this is my first question.

Proof of Work and Abuse

Every platform above having problems with curation and abuse issues since most of them needs to curate to get back some development costs back with the curation , therefore some votes go to some fake accounts.

Utopian-io was having a lot of problems in the translation section before because it was impossible to prevent fake accounts coming to translate and some people even started work with freelancers to get their abuse in to next level. Because they are voting with bot and anyone that follows their guideline should take a vote, however I really find current state of the utopian as rock solid.

Dlive is fairly new platform and I really think their voting is not fair they have some guidelines but the curation is complete chaos in there if you check their most earners they are mostly their moderators and proof of work is a still issue in Dlive. I really think they should stop voting people without webcam , because I can always open a 8 hour gameplay from Youtube and stream that and go to sleep untill I get a vote. However their voting become more stable in the last week.

Dsound is having a lot of problem in curation and it is music and you can find underground music in anywhere so I think it is hard to curate music and find people to curate because it is hard to know whether is that guy is real dj or not. Therefore I think to prevent abuse the guidelines should be changed I have been seeing real musicians not getting curated in Dsound. I can put a lot of underground music and there is no way to find whether it is original or stolen content because the amount of underground music you can find on the internet is Insane.

Dtube is probably most used platform with the utopian and there are people joining from youtube and the monetization method in Steem is different right now and it is limited with 1 week so unlike other platforms when you create a Dtube exclusive content your efforts will be for nothing because if it doesn't get curated that video will provide 0 value after a week.

Final Thoughts

I started this platform 8 months ago and there were nothing to get a vote for your work , you just need to be get noticed and climb your way up , therefore I find these platforms quite usefull for the platform , however since it is Ned's sp and it is dwarfing other investors sp at the moment I really think it should be certain guidelines in curation and how to prevent abuse and nepotism in these platforms.

As a former content creator for some of these platforms I really want to hear what people think about these curation method and these platforms , I would really like to hear your opinion and if you have any thoughts to improve anything about these platforms I would like to hear.

Thanks for Reading & Hasta La Vista


hi @steeminator3000

First of all, thanks for this article (no no don't worry it'll be not a shit comment) You are right on most of points on this article. Platforms are really helpful for minnows, we see the best specific example on Utopian-io about abusing this lovely system. All of us saw that 25 reputation accounts were translating tribal languages. Of course now it's impossible to abuse utopian-io i'm glad that. Also their voting system is the best one i have seen so far. Moderators are working really well, and they get paid as STEEM by utopian-io. I hope their system will be much better in the future. Let me talk about myself, mostly I use DLive between these platforms. Because I was also streaming on twitchtv before DLive. So after I heard about DLive I excited so much. On their system they got still some bugs, but I'm sure they will handle with it soon. DLive's curation system is a bit problemic, you are right on this point. I just noticed that the moderators and other people who are in the management team are the ones who got upvoted much. Probably they do this to pay their salary or something else. While people are only streaming once in a day sometimes I see they stream more than 2 and each of their streams get rewarded. So this means they pay the salaries of mods with ned's SP Delegation. Idk, imo this is suspicious. At the beggining of comment as I mentioned utopian-io does their work perfectly. You can even see mod's salary on the homepage and they get paid not that much. Or a mod doesn't get rewarded with more % for his/her translation. Everyone is equal on that platform. I hope DLive will be like that. Another point that I should talk about a bit is, curation system of DLive, it should be manual because Live streaming is not like a translation or something like that. Mods should watch the stream for like 5-10 minutes and after they should analysis the lack side of the stream and then comment it to help streamer to increase quality of stream.

I really think they should stop voting people without webcam , because I can always open a 8 hour gameplay from Youtube and stream that and go to sleep untill I get a vote.

This is so accurate, webcam + microphone are the most necessary stuffs for streaming. This is also a kind of verification.

I'd say same things about Dsound as well, they just lost their 1M SP delegation. Probably it happened because people were abusing the system too much with their 25 reputation accounts. So they failed the management of delegation. I was also using dsound because I'm former dj as I mentioned like 7-8 months ago on my introduceyourself post. So people should verify their DJ or singer identity after getting curate on this platform imo.

My last sentence will be for all platforms + (dMania). Don't curate people who is just new like 10 days steemit account. They directly start as using these platforms. And I think %50 of them are fake. Especially this happened on the translation section of Utopian-io and now I see on dMania - DSound. Thanks for the discussion.

Well I don't have more to add to this comment , The platform is evolving in a rapid speed and management of sp and voting is important with the technology behind it too lets see what will happen

                As contributor in utopian especially in translation. Everything has changed for the better. They strictly check all the contributions and you must follow the rules strictly if you want to get rewarded. The moderators also as well as their supervisors are really approachable, they really explain to you why your contribution was rejected and sometimes they give you just to perform some changes to meet the standards. With Dmania and DSound .. hmmm i still dont have any involvement to these platforms. i tried Dlive but my Internet speed was one heck of a kind . Imagine you have an upload speed of 0.5 mbps ?? And my mom was watching cooking videos in the living room. Any ways , this platforms really promote growth among minnows :)

Hey @steeminator3000,

I appreciate this article, and the thoughts you raise! I've been dabbling in as many of these various apps as possible in the last 40+ days I've been running on Steem.

My thought is that each of these apps has different strengths. There is no doubt that Utopian is outstanding and stellar. Work is rewarded, ideas are upvoted, and it's a brilliant place that will change the landscape for good.

@DTube is really interesting, and is growing extremely quickly. The way that DTube votes has been changing, and it's clear that they are trying to reward good content creators for joining the platform. What I wonder is whether the DTube format and efforts bring the content consumers as well as the creators. I am seeing them reward loyal DTube creators, as well, so that's great. @DLive is actually my favorite app, and I can't wait to see where they go next. Their community is their best trait, and they are changing and innovating day by day / I think they will be more and more valuable in the near term.

All of that written, I agree re: big upvotes vs. organic. Because, we are here because of the decentralized nature of this. However, I guess there's also the issue of whales vs. non-whales. These big upvotes speed up the learning curve, and adoption of the platform.

Great questions, and these are just a few of my late night ideas! :)

Thanks for your detailed feedback drkent I have been thinking about these for a long time and I guess I'm watching your content since you begin the steem it is good to get support from these platforms as a minnow it is definetely beneficial , I really wonder what will be in the future with this speeding up

It's so true, @steeminator3000. I'm very interested to see what happens when the 100,000 entrepreneurs use SMTs, or whatever the prediction is, by @ned. Fascinating. I am learning quickly! And I'm curious to see how platforms rise and fall. I saw that DSound went from 2million SP delegation to 1m within a day. Any insight into why that happened? This place is a mystery to me :)

No idea probably lack of content creators to curate or they couldn't find a way to spend 2m sp in an efficient way.

I think so. I see that as a serious issue re: your article above. DSound has such amazing potential, but an issue discovering all of the great content, and trying to "battle" away the knockoffs and plagiarism. Well, but it's still a really cool platform, so let's see. Cheers! Thanks for the discussion :)

Cheers to you too man stay awesome !

you're right but nobody seems to see it :/

Oh man eventually they will

bu platformlarla ilgili merak ettiğim her şeyi anlatmışsın. harika bir konuya değinmişsin. gelecek yorumları ve konu üstüne tartışmaları takip edeceğim. teşekkürler :)

Görürlerse tartışırız ama platformun genel sorunu bu kimsenin içeriğinin görünmemesi :D , bakalım neler olacak be artizm bu arada ünlü oldun mu ?

sayfama gelirsen gorursun :d anca uzaktan soruyorsun. insan bi şu ünsüzü tavsiye eder.. yetenekse yetenek :p

Bol bol kendi resmini at her yere ünlü olursun ün ordan geçiyo elindede bol @artizm yazan kağıtlar tut patladın gittin !

:/ ama benim bir sanatçı ruhum var. yakışmaz öylesi


I dont know about dsound and utopian but in dlive and dtube i dont think the curation is that good. Really big votes for some people and nothing for others. I understand that some people perform better then others but if 2 different people both spend 3 hours on a video in my opinion it should never be so that one gets 150 dollar and the other 15 cent. If they divided that 150 dollarvote maybe 125 - 25 then both probably would be happy. Encourage all, not create an elite.

I agree to be honest there are some problems in consistency in curation in most of the platforms my idea is everyone that follows guidelines and created a content should get rewarded instead of 1 video getting mega upvote and other videos of the creator got 15 cents like you said

That's so true @sv1rby! It's true. The large apps operate like extreme fiefdoms or something... There should be a bit more of a socialized approach, somehow!

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