Dear Steemit Rookie, Success at Steemit is Hard, Keep Calm and Steem On!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemit Rookie,

Do you feel like this surfer? Looks like he is on top of the world. Looking around at this new amazing place. You may have come from Facebook and are perplexed at what is happening here....

Your saying to yourself, "Hey, I'm a great writer, blogger, photographer, chef, artist, etc... I get hundreds of likes on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for my content." You see all these big payout posts and continue to say, "My stuff is way better than that!" You feel like your chance at greatness is only a small leap away.

Easy money right?

That is where most (including myself) get it wrong. Far as I know, there are no quick leaps to success around here. This is my 110th article written and I still feel insecurities with every single post. I think it is human nature that we want to be accepted and noticed for our efforts. I've been doing this only for a fraction compared to some other super users. Yet, this struggle that you are feeling is the same struggle that all Steemit users have had at some point, if they admit it or not.

So, now this picture can also be interpreted as being someone isolated and very lonely. It can feel that way when you first start out here. You need to know that on Steemit, you need to RUN and you need to RUN hard. Consider Steemit as a 'Social Marathon', not a one night stand sprint.

I believe that the key to success on this site is dedication, original content, participating in other blogs and making friends.

Did I mention dedication? I admit, when the Steem price hit rock bottom, I went inactive for a while. Mostly because I wasn't getting the same engagement with my posts. I also saw a lot of complaining, infighting, negativity and lack of enthusiasm. It started to feel more like work and no longer fun. So, I took a break.

I did check back when I saw that the bitcoin price jumped and found out I had a some money sitting in my account. Sure, I like the money but today the site is popping again with lots of activity and enthusiasm. Everyone is working their hardest to bring their best original content again. Plus, I am starting to see some old friends come back into the mix.

Should I have stayed and grinded it out with others? Maybe, because those dedicated others are now enjoying the rewards for their hard work and not giving up when Steemit times were down. I say well deserved. I don't complain about that because I understand how this system works. I know that I need to reestablish my connections, make new friends and crank out good content that people will engage with.

So new Steemit users, the normal social media rules don't apply here. Don't think that anyone with consistent high payouts got there easily. They gave time, blood, sweat, Steem and took the risk on a new platform. They put in their work and have been running this marathon/building this community for you!

Are you ready to lace up your shoes and run beside them? I am ready to run.

Remember, this site is still new and is constantly changing and evolving. The masses have still yet to discover it. There is time for everyone to grow as I still believe that there are many more unique niches to be discovered.

So, when I see a new user complaining and thinking about quitting only after three days. I felt like ranting on this post.

My final advice is to just have fun with. Post to share first, and worry about the earnings later. It may not seem fair now but with hard work and dedication your time for Steemit greatness eventually will come.

Just some tough love and my two cents, (literally two Steem cents worth) :)


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Looking Thank you in advance everyone!



All images © 2017 Rudy Gonzales. All rights reserved.


As old users we are, we know how strong have been the path to arrive where we're standing still right now.

Yup, there was a lot of work to get the site up to this point. People should be proud of themselves for making this community. Everyone deserves the rewards that they get.

Absolutely GREAT advice for Steemit rookies right here. Most of us won't have instant success, but persistence will pay off. I joined Steemit when it was about 3 months old and I already felt like I had missed the boat, truth is newbies joining now will still be called early adopters. I also took a break for the past few months and have just been getting back into it, re-learning the grind and taking good advice from the likes of people like you @runrudy. Keep up the good work man, you got my 100% upvote for this one and a re-steem as well :)

I agree. Anyone joining now is still an early adopter. I just told the gal that cuts my hair to go on Steemit. She was telling me that her business is struggling. I told her to get on this site for some side hustle cash. She can totally do hairstyle tutorials. I haven't seen that around. Before and after shots. Plus she is Korean and can post in dual languages. There are lots niches and tags that people have not explored yet.

nice one
but ... compared to the other social media success is easier here
you don't get just the likes
now you have words to make true ;)
I wish you good luck!

Or she could also write stories about all she's heard doing her job... I bet there must be a few blockbusters there. Don't you think?

Changed the title to 'rookie' i liked dat

I am a new user, hot to get more follower?

Hi @zerometal. Cool name. I'm no expert and I don't make much from my posts. I have just been here long enough to see this place grow. My advice is to read, really read other peoples blogs and participate in the discussion. Blog about what you love the most. That is what I do. There is such a wide community out there that someone will eventually have the same interest, find and follow you. Then you both can share together.

Thanks for your advice

Np! and welcome to Steemit! Have fun.

Post original content, engage with people via meaningful commenting, and keep working at it!

This is the encouragement I needed. I'm seeing week old accounts with hundreds of follows and wondering if there's a trick to it I haven't learned yet! Thank you for this post @runrudy

You know. I can see people just following thousands of accounts and gaining 100 followers in minutes. Now is that person actually having meaningful interactions with each of those 100 people. Probably not. I say this but my motto is to follow anyone that follows me. It's just my nature to do that. I read and comment on as much as I can. But this strategy also can backfire as it screws up my feed with too many posts to get too. Yet, I know which people comment on my posts and I reciprocate by interacting and commenting on their posts. It is what system you are comfortable with. There may be a few lucky individuals that just know someone already established here and they get a recommend or resteem on their intro post. Or those that come with an strong social media presence outside of Steemit. Those are really the only two exceptions, I think. I still say that there is no quick route to success.

I guess I'll stick with slow and steady as my 'quick' route to success!

Great post! I am glad there are some level heads writing posts like this to offset the posts about easy money. It isn't fair to new users to feel that they have been bait and switched when their first post doesn't make them $500.

I have now been hear less than two weeks and switched all of my energy from Facebook to Steem. I am much happier here.

I know how you feel exactly. It can totally be discouraging. You gotta remember, there is no other place that will pay you for your thoughts, ideas, stories, photos etc... like this site. If you really want it, you gotta work for it. Right before I took my break, I saw a new user start in December. I come back a few months later and he is one of the most popular guys on the site now. I checked his feed and the guy put in some major work! Now he is enjoying the fruits of his labor. Yet, he is not stopping. Only working harder. It doesn't happen over night but it is possible.

Totally possible. I'm mainly focused on the engagement aspect right now. The more I engage the more I see followers add and the more I know posting will be worthwhile. I'm brainstorming all sorts of ways to re-engage with people I meet on here daily.

Hey check it out, I'm following you now. Just like dat. Cheers!

Cheers @runrudy! I have reciprocated :-) I'm in the midst of checking peoples profiles and Steem Power. I'm coming to the conclusion you should move 100% SBD into Steem power at the begining.

It's your choice. I saw some people grow fast that way. I never did, I liked to have the feeling of getting a little bit back to buy gas, diapers, or bitcoin with. I think both ways work.

I just had my first introductory post and have been overwhelmed by the response. The beauty of this community is that they welcome the newcomers with open arms. I didn't find myself very exciting till today when i read a lot of people replying that they found me very interesting and different and loved my hobbies and pictures. This kind of behavior from the steemit community is itself good enough to help steem grow. My post didn't earn a lot and that is where I get to understand your "My post is better than others" comment. I am learning about steemit and in this process exploring myself as a writer as well. Here is the link of the post (just in case you feel interested)

Excellent. First I think you have lots to share and are a very good writer. I think the same of myself when writing. I feel more comfortable behind the camera. Just write honestly and you will connect with others. You did with me. I was a military brat so I was sad to read about your tragedy. I connected with that. Your images are great. Continue sharing your passions and adventures and people will love to follow you. I am now : )

Well written!

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