STEEM is a ticking time-bomb ready to EXPLODE!!! 100$ per STEEM soon?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

If you have been following Steemit's progress and growth you already know this, but for those who don't you should prepare for a surprise as Steem is showing signs of rapid growth, not only in trade volumes/price but in all of the projects that are built on top of the Steem blockchain.

Great success is imminent and just around the corner, stack some STEEM ASAP so you are ready when it happens

Steem and blockchain in general is a revolution like no other. Shifting the power always from big corporations and giving it to those who deserve it. Empowering content creators and consumers. This is just a beginning of a great story we will write on Steemit and you are lucky enough to be one of 50 000 active users currently on this amazing platform.

The Steem blockchain is not only insanely fast but it's frictionless 3s transactions with 0 fees are providing a great platform for many projects. Sounds too good to be true? It isn't. That's the power of the Steem blockchain :) And that's why it will get increasingly popular in the future with developers that are looking to make apps working efficiently on a blockchain. is just a front-end for the steem blockchain and there are many more exciting projects that are utilizing the power of the Steem blockchain. And for each one you need a Steemit account to function and receive rewards.

Most notable of whom are:

A crowdfunded project by @elear that is a platform based on steem where you can contribute to many different open source projects and get rewarded in steem/sbd. Utopian has a official bot that is crowdfunded to a cool 3,703,679.235 delegated Steem Power from many different steemians that votes on every post that is approved by a moderator. Every post must be approved to ensure content quality and eliminate abusers.

Check Utopian Rules and see if you can make a contribution. There are many projects to work on for developers, translations, graphic design, analysis, suggestions etc..

To make a contribution register with your steem account at Utopian

Read more here
Utopian: My Contribution to the Open Source World.

Is a project by a genius known as @heimindanger that is a big slap in the face for Youtube that has been censoring it's users through demonetization of their videos. Dtube provides a perfect replacement for Youtubes opression as it is decentralized and on a blockchain meaning, you will never be censored as every publication will stay on the blockchain forever.

Dtube also support's it's contributors with massive upvotes so if you have quality content to offer think about making a submission. It could be anything but it must provide value to the community. Again, don't think about abusing because you will get nowhere.

Read more here
Introducing DTube: a decentralized video platform using STEEM and IPFS

Is a decentralized video sharing platform for livestreamers based on the Steem blockchain similar to twich but you can earn steem/SBD for livestreaming.

Read more here
Announcing DLive Beta

Is for all the musicians out there. Made by @prc, Dsound is the first decentralized application on the steem blockchain that allows it's users to get paid for their music.

Read more here
Introducing DSound: a decentralized sound platform using STEEM and IPFS

If you can make dank memes Dmania is just the right thing for you. Also based on the steem blockchain Dmania is a place to share your dank memes and get rewarded for it. But please don't repost other's memes. Only use for your fresh original memes :).
Dmania also has it's own bot that supports users with 15$ upvotes. I'm not sure how they chose which meme's are worth the vote because not all get upvoted.

Read more here on how to contribute:
Share your dMania Posts on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Pinterest
To post register with your steem account here Dmania

If you look into this projects you will quickly realize that when any of them hit the mainstream, and it could happen any day. Making millions of users joining and launching Steem price to the moon. Start contributing to any of above mentioned projects to push them further and make some cash for yourself while helping them grow!

Is a decentralized micro-blogging platform built on the Steem blockchain that claims to be "The Twitter of Steemit". It works just like Steemit, but in a much smaller format with a cap on amount of words you can write per post. All Zapps are also posted on your steemit profile, and logging to log into Zappl you will need a Steemit account first and go through Steemconnect.

If that wasn't enough we got SMT's :)

SMT or Smart Media Tokens will allow any website that has a comunity or wants to build one to addapt Steemit's monetary system and issue their own token.

Read more in the announcment post by @ned himself Announcing: Smart Media Tokens (SMTs)

Every single token that they hand out has to go through Steem first and which will greatly increase STEEM value as everyone addapting SMTs will need a large amount of tokens to function properly on the Steem blockchain.

One of the most notable projects that will be amongst the first ones to addapt SMT's and issue their own coins is APPICS

It's basically a much better version of instagram with a Steem-like monetary system allowing users to earn monetary rewards in form of cryptocurrency while doing what they would usually do for free on Instagram.


What's currently preventing us from going mainstream, 100$ STEEM and how fixed it with the upcoming (patch/update) hard for 20 - Velocity

HF 20 is an update announced 7 months ago and since I first saw what it is supposed to do I have been eager to see it applied as it will fix Steemit's major issues that are preventing us from going mainstream and that is account creation.

The problem with new accounts is that Steem is bandwidth for the steem blockchain and without it you can't function. No comments, posts, or upvotes. Nothing. So in order for an account to work Steemit needs to delegate them some SP.

Taking in consideration that millions of new accounts will be created that makes it allmost impossible for Steemit to cover all those expenses and thus the problem of creating accounts. And the proccess taking so long.

I myself waited 3 months to get one account while my friends that made them got them in a couple of days/weeks. But that's still a real issue. We can't have a working product if we don't have the ability to create new account's. It's impossible to ensure any growth when account creation is such a problem.

So how will they fix it?

By burning steem for account creation

To solve this problem, we propose a new method of burning STEEM (i.e. destroying the tokens and removing them from the token supply) on each account creation and crediting the account with permanent minimum bandwidth instead of providing Steem Power to the new account.

Not only will this prevent future abuse of making multiple accounts for malware benefits with users only wanting to get free STEEM but will drastically decrease the number of total STEEM in available in circulation thus pushing the price to the roof! Imagine millions of new accounts created and tens of millions of STEEM vanishing and what it will do to the prices :)

To further decrease the load of account creation on Steemit discounted account creation through mining will be added

These accounts can be paid for with a combination of STEEM, bandwidth, and mining. Yes, mining. We believe that the ability to mine an account into creation was a fantastic feature of our hybrid proof of work system that was lost when we removed proof of work. Mining will use Litecoin's script algorithm as it is battle tested. This will only be used for creating accounts through the discount system and not for block production.

As I understand it, if you have the equipment needed you can bring down the price of an account by offering some of your processing power to the network. Sounds amazing!

With account creation fixed and amazing projects evolving there will be nothing stopping us of taking over the online space from the hands of facebook, and other bullshit social media websites that leech on your time spent on the site only to make profits for themselves all while spying on your every keystroke and listening to your every phonecall (if you are an android user, not sure but IOS but they might also do it) only to give you more personalized adds that in end they can charge more.

As soon as HF20 launches (should be in a month or two max) prepare for complete and utter madness as millions of new users join Steemit and push prices sky high! Take my advice and, convert all SBD you have to STEEM, buy more STEEM with fiat and POWER UP!! 100$ per STEEM will come sooner than you think :)

Read more about hardfork 20 - Velocity here

Remeber that this is just a start of a revolution like you never seen before. We will change the course of history with what we are doing here today. So do your best to contribute to the community as much as you can. Tell your friends about Steemit and share the word around, write good blogs that will bring traffic from outside of Steemit, contribute to projects building on top of the Steem blockchain because not only will you make a profit by doing so but you will help the projects evolve faster and further.


Steemit is like a beehive and every user is whether they know it or not, is contributing to it's growth so start today and do whatever you can to help our community grow and succeed! What are you doing to contribute to Steemit's growth and what you plan on doing in the future? Leave a comment as I will revard best, most hardworking bees in our hive with a sweet upvote :)


fingers crossed :) but what about SBDs... if Steem is going to 100$, is it going to follow the same trend? i'm still struggling to understand the relationship between both tokens.

The only relationship that I understand is that when SBD goes up, Steem follows. Think it goes both ways though.

SBD will also go sky high IMO as we will have many users that wan't to pay for upvotes or other services.

When I read the white paper it said sbd is supposed to be pegged to the dollar?? Do you know why it keeps going up and up? Don't get me wrong, i love it, i just think if it ever goes back down to the pegged dollar that lots of people will quit steemit. Its was way harder to make money with sbd that way!

That's exactly what I thought but it must be a misunderstanding from our side as I watched an interview with Dan where he clearly stated that SBD isn't pegged to USD but rather offers a guarantee that it will never fall below 1 USD as you will always be able to convert 1SBD to 1$ worth of STEEM.

oh, well that is really great news to hear! Ive been sitting here wondering when it was going to crash back down to a dollar. Although after this most recent correction when it didn't fall any further down I kind of figured we were at its lowest. Thanks for the update. :)

Yep, supply and demand is bringing us up as Korea is pumping insane amount of cash into SBD in the past couple of days. Wouldn't be surprised to see steem above 10$ again.

Stack some as it will probably go up :)

Im a long term holder when it comes to steem.. i actually joined steemit because i read the whitepaper and thought it was amazing. The fact that i could collect steem for blogging made me realize the value here. I havemt used any of my own money but i have also never spent a single dollar i have earned. I think ill wait till it goes to the moon before i start taking payments., for now its save save save.. 😉

Thank you very much for this article. I did not know the details of upcoming hardfork 20. Do you know if that will be the start of the SMTs as well? I am personally convinced that the SMT will be the ones that kick us to the moon. I myself have an Ethereum based token project which I am eager waiting to move to the steem blockchain.

I think that many will love to use steem for ICOs - but most of the steam available not liquid but powered up - so liquidity is quite small. Any inflow of money from ICO investors might thus catapult us to 100 USD or above.

I think so. There is not much information about the updates and it's really frustrating from time to time. Hope they implement it soon.

What kind of project are you working on?

Glad to hear you will switch to Steem :)

We are trying to revive the good old German Mark as a crypto currency. The project homepage is here:

Part of the project are some smart contract based business models, which are supposed to generate an increasing value for coin holders over time - I am not so sure from what I have read if it will be able to do this based on steem. But let's see.

100$ per STEEM looks unrealistic for this steem market cap has to be almost 20billion $ but we can not un rule this completely may be in log run this is very possible

Considering Steem is one of the most successful block-chains to date. 100$ seems reasonable. Not Next week of course. But in a few years, this platform could definitely be a game changer.

Yep, I don't understand how we are so under the radar still. Not many people get it that Steem is the best performing blockchain out there.

Not if you take in consideration all the SMTs and projects evolving on top of the Steem blockchain. + we are just 50k users now, imagine the market cap when we will have 10's of millions of users :)

if you want to see a great video explaining many reasons why steemit is so undervalued check out @raised2b, he put out a great video about 6 days ago :)

yup but steemit already reached 500k users i think a new wave of users will come to join platform after new rise in value of steem and sbd

500k is the number of accounts, active users are only 50 or 60k

yup exactly :)

you aren't taking into consideration that most steem is locked up in the steemit platform. that makes the numbers way different than what you think they are (kind of how ripple can be worth so much even tho they have so many coins).. check out the video by @raised2b about why steem is so undervalued and he will do a great job of explaining why $100 a token should be easily doable this year.

Yep, exciting times to be a steemian and stacking steem :) But still we must hurry before it explodes.

When? 😱

Couple of months - a year. No one knows but the longer it takes the better as we get a chance to stack more Steem :)

The impatient one wouldn't have that time to store steem for a month especially some nigerians mentality who see steem as just making money by selling selling and selling..your post is extremely educative......i will begin to store some steem.....

you forgot to mention zapple, its up and running. i always say steem is the most versatile blockchain existing right now, and like a volcano its about to erupt soon. there are so many good apps on the blockchain and it takes just one to be very successful to drag steem up to the moon

Thanks for bringing that up, completely forgot about it and I'm sure there are many more that I'm not yet aware of. Updated :)

@runicar I really like this POST and the price of STEEM will grow immensely and I agree with you that it could be Sooner than most people think...............

Excellent your analysis.

I just wrote an article 6 days ago about steem/steemit more for newbies to understand, not so technical like this post (which is way better than mine lol). In that article I also said that steem would go to $100 this year, and honestly i thought I was low balling that ;) not many people realize the true capabilities of the steem network. thanks for leaving such a great article to help explain things more to people. knowledge is power!

yes its going to be $100 claim it already. Trust the system, I believe it is happening And waiting for it.

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