Are you ready for a 20% decrease in Author Rewards?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

@blocktrades has recently started developing a Worker Proposal System with the main goal of allowing users to pitch ideas for developing Steem-based projects in exchange for funding. Then through a stake-based voting system the community can decide which projects get funded and which don't.

Sounds awesome right?

Decentralizing and incentivizing anything from blockchain development, dapps, games, funding marketing campaigns, to paying for professional advertising material and anything else that is geared towards betterment of the Steem blockchain, sounds like a great idea as Stinc is grossly incompetent to provide anything other than empty promises while delivering nothing or the bare minimum, for years on end.


Where will the money come from?

Goal is to take 1% of the current inflation and to not, by any circumstance create additional inflation. At least that's the current general consensus.

Now this is where the plot thickens. Stinc will most likely provide a substantial donation to kickstart the Worker Proposals. A part of the funding will come from user donations but that's not going to be nearly enough for long term sustainability and viability of the WPS. Nor will it be enough to fund any serious work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to undermine Steemians generosity, I'm just trying to be rational here. Development, especially of blockchain projects costs a lot.

So, where will we get the money from?

Our plan is to reduce the amount of inflation paid to author rewards from ~52% down to ~41% and redirect this amount to the worker proposal funding account -@blocktrades

52% is how much % of the entire inflation is directed towards our rewards. So, in fact that 52% is 100% of our rewards. Meaning, that if this goes through, all author rewards will decrease by a whooping 20%!

giphy (2).gif

That was my exact reaction when I first read about it and it's probably how most of you are feeling about it now.

Taking such a huge cut out of everyone's payouts could wreak havoc amongst the community members, drive content creators away and overall reduce the quality of content that's being put out on the block. The only benefit I see from this way of funding is that bidbots would quite possibly die. If not completely, then partially for sure as most users wouldn't bother wasting their hard earned STEEM to lose at least 20% if not more, of their initial investment on promotion.

@blocktrades is currently doing stake-based voting to decide how to fund the Worker Proposals. Be sure to cast your vote on the comment which you think offers the best solution.

What's interesting about this is that most of the top 20 witnesses voted for the option that takes 20% from authors which is concerning as it shows how they approve that most of the burden falls on the shoulders of content creators.

Of course they support this way of raising funds as most of them have already accumulated a shit-ton of Steem and they don't post very often. They would, by no circumstance want to take a cut in their paycheck, nor do they want other high-stake users to take a hit, but they do want everyone else to pay.

All while they are earning insane amounts of Steem for their position as a consensus witness. I propose that we cut their earnings by at least 20%! If they don't like that, there will always be other witnesses willing to take their position. It's as simple as that.

It seems that Steem world is NOT much different than the real world where the 0.1% elite, in our case witnesses, want to preserve their wealth and amount even more on the expense of the 99.9% which are in our case content creators.

Yellow are the current consensus witnesses all of whom I'll remove my vote from and will award it to deserving low ranking witnesses. If you know any, feel free to make a suggestion in the comments down below!

Alternative solutions

#1. Take a little bit (proportional to their % of inflation) from every aspect - curation, witnesses (only top 20 as they already earn too much), authors and interest
#2. Declined payouts - normally get burned but can be used to fund the Woerker Proposals instead
#3. Funnel a portion of the current inflation to the Worker Proposals in form of upvotes - weekly post which the entire community upvotes
#4. Highly incentivized donation process (donation leaderboard) = rewards for top donators?
#5 Stinc monthly donation - after the initial seed funding is spent, they should provide a baseline of support in form of monthly donations
#6 Stinc delegation - at least 2 million Steem Power to fund projects and ideas that will work for upvotes

#7. "NUCLEAR OPTION": Add new inflation!

#2, #3 , #4 , and #5 alone can't amount to the goal of 1% of the inflation and will only be viable if combined with #1.

My point is that we shouldn't resort to taking such a massive slice of the pie from authors as it could potentially destroy this place, but rather take a little bit from everyone and combine that with one or multiple other alternative means of collecting funds.

This will result in much happier authors and will probably even amount to more than the targeted 1% of the inflation.

As for the NUCLEAR OPTION which everyone is dreading

Let me just say that your concerns about it are completely unjustified and that it may just be the best possible source of funding which won't affect Steemians as much as decrease in payouts, interest and witness rewards will.

Think about it.

Even with 5% additional inflation, do you really think that we can't make Steem worth 5% more in a year? With a budget of 15 million STEEM + whatever Stinc donates, which is speculated to be around 5 million liquid STEEM, if we can't make STEEM worth 5% more in a year then fuck it, we may as well do nothing about it and let the current inflation eat up our stake.

But of course, don't take my word for it. I'm just a random guy on Steem.

Let me know what you think and let's discuss this in the comments!


You know, if you want to create drama, kindly start with real facts.

@blocktrades has made a proposal to Steemit Inc about a Worker Proposal System -- that is a fact

Steemit Inc has reached a handshake agreement with @blocktrades to implement this WPS and to fund it via a reduction in the Author Rewards rate -- That is a fact

Not bad, you got two details correct. Then you go downhill from there.

the @steemalliance is NOT a foundation. The Working Group volunteering their time within the @steemalliance has been tasked with creating a system to receive proposals from the community for how a future foundation would look and operate.

@blocktrades is in no way involved with the Steem Alliance work.

the Steem Alliance is then tasked to create a voting system through which the community will be able to choose the proposal they feel best represents the needs of the community

A future foundation is likely to receive seed funding from Steemit Inc. What a future foundations focus and actions will consist of will be directed by the proposal that gains support from the community.

You may well have a valid argument on how the WPS is going to be funded but you really kill your credibility when you can't get the basic facts correct.

I was by no means trying to create drama but rather voice my concerns and see what the community thinks about it.

I'm sure I'm not the only one here with the same misconception about the poorly explained SteemAlliance which is referenced to as either a foundation or a future foundation in every post I read about it.

While it may not be a foundation right now, is it wrong to assume it will be one in the future? If so, is everyone who stated that SA is a foundation/future foundation delusional or what?

Yesterday @Ned put out a call for nominations to form a community foundation to help with the funding and development of The Steem Blockchain. @steemalliance

Not only does your average Steemian have no clue about what SA is about but the more concerning aspect is that very few of them were involved in the voting process, which makes no freakin' sense whatsoever. We could have had a stake-weighted poll in form of a trending post or something but no, we had to take it to discord....

the Steem Alliance is then tasked to create a voting system through which the community will be able to choose the proposal they feel best represents the needs of the community

That's exactly what WP is supposed to do.

How does this not make SteemAlliance's task to create a voting system completely redundant?

Or am I missing out on something again?

you are missing out on all the update posts since this first one you reference.
Clear updates are on the Steem Alliance's account and are pinned to the top of people's FEED on steemit, by Steemit.
there is plenty of notice on voting, on meetings, on the process. In fact, I noticed you missed again another meeting where more information was discussed. Follow Steemitalliance and read more.
almost all of what you are writing is flat out wrong information.

You are losing me here @bluefinstudios. The only reason I cited that post was the simple fact it referred to SA as a foundation. There are plenty other posts referring to SA as a foundation out there but this was the first one that came up in my search.

You said it's going to be a foundation in the future, which is ok. I care not if it's one now or if it will become one in two months or a year. Not a single fuck was given by myself here.

The only thing I care about is the simple question both of you failed to answer which I will kindly (because you weren't rude) ask again.

Why do SA elected members have to create a voting system that is supposed to solve the same exact problem the WPS solves? Is stake-based voting not a good enough option or what?

we are done talking. Once you became an ass in how you spoke to other members of Steemit Commmunity, you lost the ability to be treated as an equal.

After you apologize for being a misogynist, we can talk over facts.

You're missing out on plenty since it appears your sum total of understanding is the original post that was put out without bothering to follow the posts the group has taken a lot of time and effort to prepare in an effort to improve communication on something that is literally being constructed from the ground up.

Good thing you aren't wanting to create drama through spreading FUD..

I've never seen anything delivered fully formed. Especially something new and never done before.

At NO point was there ever a post put out connecting the proposed Worker Proposal System to the Steem Alliance and a NO point has there been any posts connecting @blocktrades with the Steem Alliance but you managed to attempt to connect both for dramatic effect.

So, once again, let me be very very clear

-- The Worker Proposal System DOES NOT have anything to do with the Steem Alliance.
-- The Steem Alliance IS NOT being funded by anything coming from the rewards pool.
-- @blocktrades IS NOT part of the Working Group

Clear enough explanation for you?

Dear @shadowspub, the question I asked is not the one you answered in such an unnecessarily rude manner which makes me think about at what point of your menstrual cycle or menopause are you currently.

Would you please calm your tits? Thank you!

So, I'll ask again. Why do SA elected members have to create a voting system that is supposed to solve the same exact problem the WPS solves? Is stake-based voting not a good enough option or what?

A worker proposal system allows Steem users to publicly propose work that they are willing to do in exchange for pay. Steem users can then vote on these proposals in almost the same way they vote for witnesses (stake weighted votes, but voters can vote for as many proposals as they want). The proposals that get a sufficient amount of vote weight get funded from a special Steem account controlled by the blockchain.

the Steem Alliance is then tasked to create a voting system through which the community will be able to choose the proposal they feel best represents the needs of the community

Once again, not to be perceived incorrectly again, I'm not saying they have anything to do with each other but I'm rather asking you: "How does WPS not make what SA elected members are trying to do redundant?

Is that clear enough for you or should I hire a lawyer to put it to words in a more easily understandable fashion and mail you a letter?

well well... it seems that this little outburst of yours has laid bare the problem here.

seems your genetics have you developmentally trapped in the neanderthal era resulting in an intellectual capacity which renders you incapable of distinguishing between the truth and the FUD you create to seek attention.

My condolences for too much being expected of you.

Damn, I would have responded with a "FO and go back to your cave" type of response if I was in your place.

But I wouldn't dare say that in public anywhere, people could think that I am too direct for my own good.

You did well.



Dear @shadowspub, the question I asked is not the one you answered in such an unnecessarily rude manner which makes me think about at what point of your menstrual cycle or menopause are you currently.

Would you please calm your tits? Thank you!



This is how you chose to argue your point?

Your behavior is very unbecoming and says a lot about your character.

Everyone is entitled to express their opinion.

You might want to read up on how to express yours in a civil way so your words will be taken seriously.

As of right now you have lost all my respect. Not that it really matters in the end. You had your say and showed your true colors. You are the one that has to live with that.

"Calm your tits?"

Okay--so why don't you buy some tightie whities that actually fit, because evidently the ones you're wearing have your nuts in a bind. I've heard that can lead to all kinds of problems, like infertility and impotence. Oh wait...I think now we have some insight into your problem....

If you could stop wanking long enough for some blood to reach your brain and maybe read blocktrades posts about his project and then read the posts from the SteemAlliance workgroup... Many of your questions will be answered.

What an interesting thread to wake up to.

Jeeeez, now this escalated quickly! From trying to voice my mind about what might be causing @shadowspub lack of clear judgment necessary to answer a couple simple questions in a meaningful way rather than resorting to a passive-aggressive tantrum, to being called sexist and now having a full fleet of Voldemort women punching out all sorts of highly creative insults on m expense. Wow! I'm impressed.

Talk about double standards.... Or maybe we shouldn't tap into that, not to be considered sexist, oh boy!

This is more than entertaining, carry on!

Wait, what? Did I just become a troll? Because I find these comments of yours quite amusing. Hmmm.... Expressing valid concerns vs hollow, rage-fuelled insults on an expense of someone they have no clue about. Ah, it seems that I'm not the troll here after all. Sheesh!

It's funny how pointing out the simple fact that such cycles which greatly affect a women's hormonal balance, short or long term, could quite possibly be detrimental to their reasoning and could easily explain for @shadowspub lack of ability to answer a couple very simple and blunt questions in response to her explanation of the SA, is considered sexist.

But what's even funnier about this situation, is how a hoard of hyenas ganged up and jumped on the thread to try to insult me with their well thought of strings of letters, without a single one of them or anyone else for that matter, answering the questions asked.

Nevertheless, I sincerely apologize if my point of view about my conception of basic biology came out as sexist and even more sorry if I hurt your feelings @shadowspub. Hope you can find it in your heart to forgive my poor choice of words.

Now to give everyone a personal reply so they don't feel left out:
@snook you are right, it really does not matter.
@rhondak your comment made me chuckle, sincerely. Very creative, one up!
@jackmiller I have addressed your concerns about sexism somewhere above. Nothing else to say to you other than you too could have answered my q about redundancy.
@whatsup another highly creative hyena, could argue that your comment is even funnier than @rhondak but they both come in pretty close - claps slowly - congratz!
@guiltyparties you are the only person who I truly have respect for in this thread and you are right, I'm not like that and would never talk like that to a lady. I had no cool left to allow @shadowspub to push me around while not answering my questions (the most frustrating part being the arrogant ending of her rage-fueled frenzy) and only trying to portray me as the Evil Drama Queen with the single intention of creating FUD while in fact I was just trying to have a discussion with the community about a possible reduction in author rewards.

Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.

Valid concerns are always appreciated, but one must actually attempt to inform themselves of the facts before attacking others for "not explaining it well enough."

How did it become sexist? The fact that you even ask that makes me wonder if you are even capable of comprehending clear facts even if they were presented to you.. but since I am a glutton for punishment and the current chair of the Steem Alliance group.. I will try my best to explain.. even though it seems many have already tried.

  • The blocktrades worker proposal system has absolutely no ties to the Steem Alliance foundation, which could be seen by simply reading about each but I understand the confusion.

  • The Steem Alliance is a group attempting to help oversee a community built foundation system with the goal of it to be the combined “face of the chain”, working alongside additional groups (like the blocktrades worker proposal) as well as Steemit Inc. to better the Steem platform as a whole. The main goal is to help push Steem into the mainstream arena with focus on marketing, upkeep of Steemit,com, development of steemd, outreach and Steem events. Funding would need to be fundraising/profit based but also with large seed from Steemit Inc. itself.

  • The actual structure of the foundation hasn't been decided yet, as it's up to the community. We are still working on the process of how to gather proposals for this. Once proposals (for the structure of how the foundation will be set up) are gathered, an election will be put on (by the working group) to get a community consensus on how they want the foundation to work.

  • Next step would be to then start building the foundation itself.

How is Blocktrades Worker Proposal going to work? No idea, as I am not a part of it.

How with the foundation be funded? - "through donations, fundraising and possibly a profit based model." Which structure that is chosen by the community might change this up a bit, but we will have to wait and see on that.

How will the worker proposal system and the foundation the Steem alliance is helping to build work together? - No idea as we don't have a foundation yet, or a worker proposal system.

So it seems most of your questions are really directed at the worker proposal system but I wanted to try to clear up any lingering confusion about the Steem Alliance and the community foundation it is trying to help build.

If you have any specifically about the foundation, I will do my best to answer.. but when you act like an ass and state "facts" while not actually even attempting to look for actual facts.. its a bit hard to have an adult conversation, but I am not entirely sure you wanted to have one in the first place.

So I guess this comment is more for users who come across this blog and are concerned as there are no facts in sight. Hopefully the above will help with that.

As far as worrying or minding about what you think is all a thing about mind over matter.

I no longer mind, because you no longer matter.



If you can please read up on what all is happening, prior to jumping to conclusions and making accusations, it would help.

I would also recommend that you speak to people with a little more respect and not resort to outright sexist comments.

Furthermore to end what I have to say here, the thread so far although not in the chirpiest of tones was not rude in any way until you wrote:

which makes me think about at what point of your menstrual cycle or menopause are you currently.

If people disagree with you and state facts that contradict what you initially thought was the case, that is not "rude" it is simply telling it as it is.


That's not how you talk to a lady. Come on man, you're a good guy, you know better.

Na hrvatski cu opet i malo falivat gramatku da je teze prevest jer znam dosta ljudi iz te grupe tako da ih ne uvridin.
Taj alliance ti je ka neka "community" grupa di se glasalo za ljude koji ce donosit neke odluke o necemu. 1 account/1glas ..
O cemu ce se donosit odluke nezna se. Ali o "necemu."
Ja sam prica sa ljudima koji su to zapoceli i moj je stav bio da je to glupost i trosenje vrimena ali eto Ned se pojavio pa se to pokrenilo nekako.
Uvik se ponavlja ista blesava mantra: "The community needs to come together,"
(Ako si gledao GITAK: "Volim te riči šta lipo zvuče, a ništa ne znače")
Sad je izabrana ta neka radna skupina i ta njihova okupljanja izgledaju, majke mi, ko sjednica vlade.
Stvar je u tome sta u toj grupi ima par kvalitetnih ljudi i cini mi se da je cili taj steem alliance napravljen, i Ned im obecao par tisuca dolara, da se ta ekipa, pardon my French, skine Nedu i whejlovima sa kurca.
Sad su oni u toj grupici i rade replike jedni drugima, fino vode raspravice, imaju fini poslovnik, vode zapisnik.. itd.
Izabrali su cak i Jandrokovica. haha. (ozbiljno)
Stvar je u tome sta bez stake holdera nemos nikakvu znacajnu odluku donit i alliance ce izgubit vaznost vjerovatno kroz mjesec dva jer malog covika zaboli za neke blockchain politicare ako oni sami nemogu nesto zaradit.
Oni ocekuju da cemo se mi vrtit oko njih dok oni skupljaju poene i osjecaju se vazno. Pokusa sam bit "prijatelj" sa tim ljudima ali to ti je sve naklapanje o nicemu oko nicega cili jebeni dan. Dobri su jedino za stvaranje grupa i pricanju o stvaranju novih.
Ali eto.. Zele dobro i benigni su vecinom.
Ovo sto Blocktrades radi nema stvarno nikakve veze sa tim.

Zvuci sumljivo u najmanju ruku ali ako ista naprave bolji su od neda koji sa stincom, 50 miliona dolara kesa i 14 ljudi iza sebe nije napravio apsolutno nista. Odnosno napravio je nesto sto bi utopian devovi napravili besplatno u roku od par mjeseci.

Bas me zanima sta ce to tocno raditi i kako/koliko novaca ce prikupiti.

Pardon my French... hahhahah urlam

Another alternative solution is to use the portion of early upvotes that is being returned into the reward pool and forwarding it into the fund instead.

Yes! I keep forgetting about that over and over again. However big or small that amount is, it would be a more than welcome addition.

Mmmm, crypto people, people who are inventing everything - from scratch!

How "regulars" do?

  • they have an idea for the product that generates money *(not crypto, money)
  • they are seeking for an investor
  • the end

Crypto people:

  • let's print money
  • we can use enthusiasts with no background
  • money is evil
  • let's fix hunger in Africa
  • hunger in Africa, from 1950' !!!
  • what about the product? who mentioned products?
  • what about products?
  • let's fix gender gaps!
  • print more money!
  • Maybe we could make more bots and create perpetuum mobile
  • Nah... Who cares, if BTC becomes 1.000.000 $ worth, Steem will follow

If you want to save Steem(it)...

  • turn it into something fun and interesting to the majority people
  • the end

Don't know how I missed this nugget of gold!

The money printing issue you outlined wouldn't be an issue if Stinc actually did something useful with their ninja-mined stake. Or if we actually curated good content and propperly rewarded those that deserve to be rewarded (@curie on steroids).

Steem will be good in the next couple of years when we get a wide range of different dapps for the mainstream to use and actually have some fun while earning a couple of bucks for doing so.

'It seems that Steem world is NOT much different than the real world where the 0.1% elite, in our case witnesses, want to preserve their wealth and amount even more on the expense of the 99.9% which are in our case content creators.'

Before I got to reading this part I already had a similar kind of comment as yours in mind. So my answer to the question in the headtitle is a big NO.

Me neither! Too bad our votes aren't worth enough to vote out that option. Also, the way it's presented in makes it so that most users don't even realize the magnitude this change would bring.

Dude, I get what you're saying, but @shadowspub outlined most of your answer concerning @blocktrades. The reason they have to create a different voting system, is because many people have multiple accounts, so it wouldn't strike as fair as per say - a cell phone number verification system to ensure one person one vote - more democratic. Fact is, the system is flawed and people abuse it. People always will.

Let's talk about abuse for a second. I think you were out of line in some of your comments and should offer up an apology to save face here. People can't take you seriously on such a vital topic if you resort to teenage behavior. Passion is one thing, blatant offensive remarks intended to insult and incite are another. So, take heed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for the explanation @enginewitty! That's all I wanted to know which should have been apparent from my first reply to her comment but no, she had to repeat what was already cemented in her first response (in an unnecessarily arrogant manner), while not answering any of my questions.

is because many people have multiple accounts, so it wouldn't strike as fair as per say

Will it still be stake-weighted?

You are right. I was more than out of line in my response. I'm allergic to being pushed around by individuals with an over-inflated ego and an over-exaggerated sense of self-importance so I completely lost it there. Now that the dust has settled I can see how my comment was a bit over the top, but what can I do about it now, it's my quick temper and inability to deal with passive-aggressive anons that got the best of me in this situation.

I'll definitely offer an apology to @shadowspub in a DM when I get back on the PC later on in the evening hours, even though I already know what kind of response I'll get...

I take back what I said...choice of words is always an option!

No, insulting in public and replying in private combined with his... "I know what she will say.." Is just doubling down.

I agree, I was referring to the admit to go to far was right and to apologize for bad behavior, but after hearing the "apologie* it wasn't the one you give to someone you insulted and crossed the line.... My mistake with that comment, changed it ... Not acceptable!

@whatsup you are delusional. I didn't say that "I know what she will say" but rather " Although for some reason I suspect " and it was only because I considered my insult to be so severe that it made me think that she may take the opportunity to throw another couple of jabs my way and NOT because I knew that she will.

And the only reason I mentioned it was to let her know that if she did, I would be ok with that! Practically letting her know that she can do so to vent a little bit more if she felt the need.

If you can't take it for what it is, then don't try to make it into something it isn't.

apology accepted

Well said 👍 agree 100%

Posted using Partiko Android

The Worker Proposal System and the future FOUNDATION have nothing to do with each other.

@blocktrades WPS is completely independent of anything the Steem Alliance is working on.
The Steem Alliance is tasked with setting up some sort of voting system to elect members of a Foundation and the Basic Skeleton setup of the Foundation. From there, the FOUNDATION hopes to receive an initial seed donation from StINC, to get off the ground. In order to be sustainable, it will need to find investors to fund ongoing operations and future proposals.

Making this post without having facts, is completely senseless
All you need to do is ask either Blocktrades, the Steem Alliance, or almost anyone involved with the processes

Programmers want to get paid to write code. Authors want to get paid to write words. I see both as demographics neither of which are more important than the other.

More code in my opinion isn't going to help improve Steem. The problem is the current code that the programming class has written is simply unprofitable. I asked when they made the proposal, how will it generate revenue? I asked them if they will add prediction market capability for example so people can bet on which improvements will get implemented and bet on the time etc.

Generally if there is no revenue then no amount of borrowing (that is what they want) is going to fix it. In addition, the programmers want to make this change in the percentages yet they wont make the change to actually fix the economy so authors can make $. It's not just a matter of percentages but of a broken economy in general.

Revenue is what matters. When a programmer offers to write code the community should demand that these programmers have a business plan. Not simply let programmers ask for money to write "code" which has no way of generating any kind or profit for the platform.

If the proposal is not burning Steem, if it's not generating revenue to sustain development of new code, then it's a loan from authors. In other words programmers want to eat at the expense of the authors even though the authors are driving more revenue at this time.

What revenue are programmers driving? Well we can say Steemit Inc is at least driving cost reduction. Cost reduction improves the business so this is good. The proposal system is very expensive and is this 20% decrease permanent or temporary? In my opinion it should not be permanent if implemented at all and in general it should be seen by authors as a sort of loan to programmers to pay for development in a time where money cannot be produced from any other means.

But in exchange the authors need to get something. If there is a fee to propose new projects then the fee should be burned for example. The fee should also be high enough to discourage scams and worthless proposals. There should also be a cultural norm in the community to ask how the proposal is going to generate revenue. Examples:

  • Locking up Steem tokens (supply sinks).
  • Burning Steem tokens.
  • Attracting advertisement revenue for Steem.
  • Monetization of the data on Steem.

If they can't come up with ways to generate sustainable revenue streams then why fund it?

I completely agree with you. If there is no real ROI they can bring to the table then I don't see why we should fund development of such projects. I like your thoughts on the prediction market. What did they say about it?

The proposal system is very expensive and is this 20% decrease permanent or temporary?

Yes, it's very expensive indeed and it makes me think why there wasn't some sort of an auction to let other devs compete with @blocktrades and offer the same solution at a lower price. I fear that if implemented, this change would be permanent unless some sort of a major revolt happens.

Personally if I were going to write the code for such a proposal system I would use a TCR (token curated registry) design pattern. I would say it probably shouldn't cost that much money to write this kind of code as it's not as complex as people make it sound.

In fact I would say because it's so simple there should be competing models and multiple fundraising infrastructure code being written. Blocktrades can write theirs and I can support funding it if it's cheap enough, but I do not think Blocktrades version should get exclusive rights to blockchain funding. BAD IDEA.

Let multiple attempts be made to do it. Let multiple different proposal systems compete for funding from the blockchain if we are going to let the blockchain fund any of them. Let the most efficient proposal system be the most used. I'm not convinced that using dilution/inflation is how to fund it. I understand when SMTs don't exist it seems like a desperation method of funding but it's inferior to using SMTs and just doing ICOs or token offerings or regular old fundraisers.

You forgot how centralized this place is and from my knowledge blocktrades are insiders from day one so it doesn't come as a surprise that they are the only ones in charge of developing the worker proposal and that no public auction was made before hand. And yes, it shouldn't be that expensive. It's ridiculous. Wish I knew more devs or had money to prove it.

Last year, @jerrybanfield implemented a smart system for the development of Steem:

I had no idea, but it just goes to show that if that dipshit was able to make something like that, it surely isn't worth 100k in development costs. One up for @blocktrades.

What appears to be the best solution to raise the money for the budget is to reduce the passive rewards paid out in Steem power interest and to divert 50% of the top 20 witness block production rewards to fund the budget proposals. This will make about 200,000 Steem available every 28 days to anyone paying 10 Steem to submit a proposal without having to increase inflation.

At least he was on the right track with taking a % from top 20 witnesses.

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